In the past, parents raised and raised their children, putting unimaginable efforts on this. Now, young mummies and daddies can be envied, because for them various assistants were invented, such as, for example, backpacks for carrying children, reviews of which there are only positive ones. These items combine convenience, compactness, as well as psychological comfort not only for parents, but also for their children.
Backpacks for carrying children reviews managed to pick up pretty quickly. Surprising is the fact that all the positive opinions of the parents boil down to the fact that it was precisely such assistants that were not enough before, and negative reviews are completely absent. Carriers of this type appeared on sale not so long ago, but their popularity has already grown quite well.
Backpacks for carrying children (reviews of popular models are given below) are available to customers in various variations. Each of them is good and functional in its own way, but each parent must independently choose exactly the option that will be convenient for him and the child.
Now it's time to find out what functions this or that carrying backpack performs . Types :
- Sling. The special carrying scarf is a rather unusual design, which is attached around the back and chest of the parent using specially designed rings or knots. Sling resembles the method of transporting children that existed several years ago, but modern technology has improved it and made it more comfortable. Such carriers are created exclusively from natural fabrics and always look beautiful. Most often they are used by women, although for men they are perfectly suitable.
- Kangaroo. The most common variation, also convenient for men and women. It is attached to the waist and shoulders with special straps. The kid is placed in a pocket in a sitting or lying position. Tiny arms and legs remain free, so they can do anything without disturbing the parent. The kangaroo does not do much harm, but it is not recommended to carry the baby in it for too long.
- Ergo backpack. An absolutely safe mix of sling and kangaroo is the best option. The child is in it in the correct position: the butt hangs down, the knees are at a level higher than the butt, there is no pressure on the pelvis. A flexible backrest allows you to fix the entire spine of the child, the belt supports the lower back of the parent, and wide straps are able to evenly distribute the load, which prevents mom or dad from getting tired when carrying her child for a long time.
Backpacks for carrying children reviews are gaining positive because of certain advantages. Among them:
- Compactness and convenience. Unlike a stroller with a backpack, you can overcome impassable roads, ride in vehicles and go down the subway.
- Proximity to the parent. When a child is in a natural position next to mom or dad, he feels their heartbeat and knows that he is absolutely in no danger.
- Freedom for moms and dads. Without worrying about the integrity and safety of the baby, parents can do their own thing with their free hands, without feeling discomfort.
- Knowledge of the world. While in the stroller, the baby can only observe the sky and people who are suitable for him. But from the backpack he will be able to independently turn his head wherever he wants, and carefully examine the world around him.
- Pleasure. In the presence of a special backpack for carrying the child instantly there is no need for a stroller, which causes a lot of inconvenience when walking.
- Multifunctionality. Many models can be worn both front and rear, so you can easily go cycling with your baby or overcome some peaks on foot.
- Comfort for travelers. A tourist backpack for carrying children is very popular. Reviews about it are left by those parents who themselves love to travel and want the same preferences to instill in their child.
- Benefit for health. The backpacks are made of environmentally friendly materials, so in no case can they harm the health of the child. In addition, they help to quickly develop the spine and hip joints.
Kids age
As a rule, a carrying backpack for children from 0 (reviews and popular models are described below) can be safely used. Most models have a design thanks to which the baby assumes a natural pose. Although there are backpacks that are suitable for children who already know how to sit on their own (about 5-6 months).
Leading Models
In the world there are a huge number of backpack models, among which it is sometimes very difficult to choose the most suitable option. All of them are quite similar in appearance, but their functions can radically differ. Therefore, parents should try several models on themselves, choosing the most convenient and profitable option that will last a long time. Below are the popular backpacks of famous brands, as well as real reviews about them.
Baby Carrier Infant Comfort Backpack Sling Wrap Harness
Such a backpack for carrying a child will definitely come in handy for mothers of naughty babies who constantly require attention and ask for their hands. Ergo backpack was recognized as the best type of device for carrying children. In it, the baby comfortably sits in a frog pose, legs wide apart, which is also useful for his physiological development in the future. In addition, the weight of the child is evenly distributed on the knees and hips, while the coccyx is minimized.
This model is made of cotton, it perfectly withstands weight up to 20 kilograms and is suitable for children from 3 months to two years. And the main advantages and distinctive features include:
- The color scheme is suitable for both girls and boys.
- You can carry the child behind his back or in front of him.
- A wide belt allows you to adjust the length quickly, even if the baby is already in the backpack.
- Breathable fabric creates optimum temperature.
The ergonomic backpack for carrying children reviews is extremely positive. According to customers, this model is really an indispensable thing that you can use not only for your first-born, but also for his future brothers and sisters. After all, high-quality fabric and good work of the craftsmen ensure the durability of this backpack.
BabyBjorn Original Baby Carry Backpack
An equally interesting model, also enjoying considerable popularity, is intended for curious children who are very attached to their parents and are ready to learn the world only with them. The backpack tightly presses the child to the parent's chest, without causing him any inconvenience. Thanks to the convenient design, the baby will feel comfortable with both mom and dad.
The model is designed for children from one week and has a beneficial effect on their physiological development.
Reviews of a backpack for carrying children can not be bad. Indeed, thanks to him, parents can go about their business and at the same time be close to their child. The enthusiastic emotions of mothers and daddies were caused by special straps for fixing the head, which once again confirms the convenient location of the child.
Some fathers do not want to carry their own child in a backpack intended for this, but this model won even their hearts. The magnificent appearance and comfortable fixtures simply make daddy not part with the children and enjoy it.
The baby carrier has an American design. Thanks to high-quality materials and successfully passed testing, orthopedists from different countries approved this model. A hood is necessarily included in the kit, conveniently designed straps guaranteeing no load for parents.
Customer reviews
The main factors of the parents attributed the following factors:
- soft tissue;
- universal colors;
- high enough quality.
In addition, buyers claim that the cost is fully consistent with the functionality and quality of this backpack. Many children simply do not want to go beyond it, because they are attracted to softness and convenience. Also, people note that the hood works especially well in rainy weather, when only one umbrella to protect the baby is not enough.
Distinctive features of the model are wide straps, the correct M-position, as well as a back that diverges in breadth. The backpack is ideal not only for transporting infants aged 2-3 months, but also for older children two to three years old.
Another incomparable advantage is the use of natural hypoallergenic tissues. In combination with a grid located on the back, they allow the child to feel comfortable all the time.
What parents say
Reasonable cost and excellent head support - these are the main features, according to customers. The kid is always in the right position in it and can freely get acquainted with the environment. High-quality goods are available to absolutely all people. Get it for your first-born, he will not fail when used in a few years.