Of course, the most striking symptom of pregnancy is the absence, or rather, the delay of menstruation, but it is also necessary to take into account various physiological and gynecological features, since a large number of girls have an irregular menstrual cycle, and there are times when women find out about their position already late dates. As a result of this, I would like to talk about how pregnancy can be determined without a test.
So, how to determine pregnancy without a test? After a few days of delay, you begin to worry about a possible situation, then read the main signs that will help either confirm your fears or get rid of them. But at the same time, I would like to note right away that all the signs listed below are a bit indirect and they cannot always give a 100 percent answer.
The first sign. Delay. Although in rare cases, menstruation can occur during pregnancy somewhere on every 32-39 days. They are some kind of bloody discharge, but if bleeding begins, this can only indicate a miscarriage. Therefore, through how much pregnancy can be determined at home, it is very difficult to say. Let's look at the following signs that may help us do this.
The second sign. This is vomiting and terrible unpleasant nausea, it is these inconveniences that are the most striking evidence of pregnancy, although not every girl has it.
The third sign, how to determine pregnancy without a test, is the presence of pain in the mammary glands. Of course, this is typical for those who have never encountered mastopathy. There are cases that it is simply impossible to touch the breast, by the way, while during pregnancy, the female breast increases by two sizes. But the nipples become overly sensitive, and also begin to pigment. Sometimes colostrum can stand out from the chest at a very early stage with a fairly light pressure. Dear women, be careful if only one breast begins to hurt, and even in a specific place, then this is just an excuse to consult a mammologist, as there is a possibility of a breast pathology.
The fourth sign, how to determine pregnancy without a test, is pain in the uterus or ovaries. By the way, this feeling is very similar to the pain that most girls experience during the first days of menstruation. This symptom can also indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.
The fifth sign is an increase in the number of secretions, which are very similar in nature to the secretions during ovulation. In no case should they be odorless and transparent. But if they represent a more curdled mass or have a whitish tint, then there is a big suspicion of thrush, which arises in a large number of expectant mothers, and it certainly needs to be treated immediately.
Sixth sign. This is a change in the emotional state, a woman becomes quite irritable, whiny, sentimental.
The seventh sign is how to determine pregnancy without a test. This can be done by measuring basal temperature. To do this, you need in the morning, without getting out of bed, take a conventional medical thermometer and enter into the rectum somewhere by 2 centimeters. Keep him in this state for about 7 minutes. If the temperature of the thermometer shows above 37 degrees, this may indicate a possible pregnancy.
Can a gynecologist determine pregnancy in the first stages? Of course, but only it can be diagnosed only 15-21 days after the delay due to the fact that during this period the woman’s uterus increases, which is why certain conclusions are easily drawn.