Antihistamines for cats are prescribed for allergies. If animals show a reaction of the skin or respiratory system to any irritant, then veterinarians most often prescribe the same medications as for humans. Only the dosage of the drug differs, pets need to be given a much smaller amount of funds. Drugs that suppress the production of histamine act on the animal’s body as well as on humans. They quickly stop all signs of allergies. However, the use of antihistamines for cats has its own characteristics that should be considered.
What can cause allergies in cats
Veterinarians quite often face allergies in cats. The body of the animal can give a negative reaction in contact with some substances. The following types of allergens can be distinguished:
- pollen of flowering plants;
- grasses and trees;
- insect venom released by a bite (fleas, dust mites, bees and others);
- some types of cat food and prepared food;
- tray filler;
- tissue;
- dust in the house;
- washing and cleaning products;
- veterinary drugs;
- tobacco smoke;
- toys made of rubber and plastic;
- perfumery.
Allergies develop with the same frequency in cats of all ages and breeds. Much depends on the lifestyle of the pet. Animals that take a walk outside are more likely to suffer from reactions to grass, trees, and pollen. Cats that are constantly at home are allergic to dust and tobacco smoke. The consequences of insect bites can be very severe. In such cases, the animal suffers from prolonged itching. Antihistamines for cats will help your pet get rid of these symptoms.
Allergies often occur in kittens and in overweight adult animals. Over time, an obese pet may develop bronchial asthma.
The mechanism and signs of an allergic reaction
When an allergen enters the cat's body, the immune system recognizes it as an extraneous and dangerous substance. At the same time, histamine enters the bloodstream. This substance interacts with cell receptors and causes allergy symptoms. Antihistamines for cats relieve these symptoms.
How to understand that an animal has started a negative reaction to an irritating substance? You can determine this by the following criteria:
- The skin turns red under the hair, you can see a rash in the form of spots.
- The skin is peeling on the pads of the legs, and sores appear on the areas between the fingers.
- The animal constantly itches, bald patches are noticeable.
- Dyspeptic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are observed.
- It becomes difficult for the cat to breathe.
- Transparent discharge comes out of the nasal openings, as in a cold.
Signs of an allergy depend on the type of substance that caused the negative reaction. For example, with food intolerance, dyspeptic symptoms are more common, and with insect bites, the animal is worried about itching and manifestations of dermatitis. Symptoms can occur immediately after contact with an allergen, or after some time. Because of this, an allergic reaction is sometimes difficult to detect.
List of drugs
The list of antihistamines for allergies to cats is quite extensive. It includes both old proven funds and new generation medicines. Their principle of action is based on the blocking of histamine-sensitive receptors. In veterinary medicine, the same medicines are used that treat an allergic reaction in people. However, there are some differences in therapy. When asked what antihistamines can be given to cats, veterinarians say that animals should not use H2-receptor blockers. These drugs help people well, but for cats their use is pointless, they are ineffective. Pets should only be given H1 blockers.
A brief overview of antihistamines for cats usually includes three generations of drugs. These funds differ in their effect on the body and in the presence of side effects. 1st generation drugs last a short time, so a high dosage is required. The disadvantages of these drugs include their effect on the central nervous system. The animal develops lethargy and drowsiness. These medicines include:
- "Suprastin";
- Diphenhydramine;
- "Diazolin";
- Tavegil
- Pipolfen.
2nd generation drugs do not cause severe sedation, but have a negative effect on the heart. This group of drugs includes the following funds:
- Fenistil;
- Loratadine;
- Kestin.
Medicines of the 3rd generation are devoid of many disadvantages that are characteristic of older remedies. They act over a long period, which allows you to prescribe a lower dosage, and do not affect the nervous system. Of the drugs of 3 generations in veterinary medicine, two medicines are used:
- Cetirizine (Zirtek);
- Fexofenadine.
When choosing the right drug for your pet, you should consult your veterinarian. Only a specialist can correctly prescribe the medicine, it is impossible to cure the animal of allergies on its own.
The following will give a more detailed overview of antihistamines for cats.
First generation drugs
These funds are valid for about 5-6 hours. Because of this, they must be given to the animal at least 2-3 times a day. The dosage of antihistamines for cats is determined by the veterinarian. The amount of drug depends on the weight of the pet.
As mentioned above, 1st generation drugs have sleeping pills and sedatives. For this reason, some cat owners give these products to their pets with excessive nervous excitability in order to calm the animal. Instructions for the use of antihistamines for cats prohibit such use of drugs. Sedation is a side effect of these medications, increased nervousness of the animal is not an indication for use. As a sedative, you can use drops of "Cat Bayun", but not antihistamines of the 1st generation.
Often, veterinarians prescribe the drug "Diphenhydramine" for allergies. It is especially effective for insect bites. This medicine can not be mixed with food, eating reduces its therapeutic effect. And also together with "Diphenhydramine" it is impossible to give an animal antipyretic drugs and cold remedies. The medicine has a strong hypnotic effect. It is necessary to carefully observe the recommended dosage, if the permissible amount is exceeded, a disturbance of consciousness is possible. This remedy is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats. Available in the form of tablets or a drug for injections.
"Tavegil" helps a lot with respiratory irritation associated with allergies. It lasts longer than other 1st generation drugs. Tablets should not be combined with other means, since this medicine can enhance the effect of other medicines. Side effects are possible: drowsiness, lethargy, diarrhea, thirst, lethargy.
"Suprastin" is effective for allergies to food, prepared foods and medicines. In no case should you exceed the dose of this antihistamine for cats. Instructions "Suprastin" warns that if the animal paws fail after taking the tablets, then this is a sign of drug poisoning. A slight lethargy and drowsiness should not alarm, this is a consequence of the effect of the drug on the central nervous system.
Diazolin is an effective antihistamine for cats. It quickly eliminates skin itching. However, not all cats tolerate this medicine well. Often in animals there is increased salivation, the release of foam from the mouth. In small kittens, symptoms may appear resembling manifestations of panleukopenia (plague). It is very difficult to calculate the required dose of this medicine. Sometimes after taking even a small amount of Diazolin, cats had undesirable effects. Therefore, for the treatment of a pet, it is better to choose a more gentle drug.
Pipolfen is prescribed to animals not only for allergies, but also for infectious as well as parasitic diseases accompanied by itching. This antihistamine drug for cats has a pronounced hypnotic effect, so tablets are not given to pets along with sedatives. Other side effects of the drug were not noted.
Second generation drugs
These antihistamines for cats against allergies do not affect the central nervous system and do not cause drowsiness or apathy. However, they can adversely affect the heart, liver, and stomach. Such funds are strictly forbidden to use in conjunction with antifungal drugs, as this leads to cardiac arrest.
It must be remembered that not all drugs from this group can be used to treat animals. People often take Gismanal tablets for allergies. But this drug is not suitable for treating cats, as it is an H2 receptor blocker.
People are well aware of the drug "Fenistil", which quickly eliminates itching after insect bites. It can be used to treat cats in the form of drops for internal use, and as a gel for application to the skin. It is better to give the child a children's "Fenistil". However, one must not forget that when applied topically, this product dries the skin, so you should not abuse it.
The drug "Loratadine" is often used in veterinary practice. It is less cardiotoxic than other drugs in this group and less likely to cause side effects. Pets usually tolerate this remedy well. Many pet owners consider Loratadine one of the best antihistamines for cats. Photos of the packaging with pills can be seen below.
"Kestin" is indicated both for skin manifestations of allergies in animals and for mucus from the nose. The medicine helps one hour after administration and is valid for two days. Side effects are observed infrequently. Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are possible.
Third generation drugs
These drugs do not affect the central nervous system and heart function. They are convenient to use, since they do not interact with other medicines and can be used in complex treatment. These medicines have minimal side effects. If we list third-generation medicines, the list of antihistamines for cats for allergies is small. These include only two drugs - Fexofenadine and Cetirizine (Zirtek).
Both of these drugs are well tolerated by animals. The tablets do not have a bitter taste and are conveniently swallowed. In addition, they quickly remove the main symptoms of allergies.
Often owners ask what kind of antihistamines cats can give during pregnancy. All medicines of the first and second generation are strictly prohibited when carrying kittens. These remedies can seriously harm cubs. As for the 3rd generation drugs, they are prescribed for pregnant cats in extreme cases. This is not to say that their use is completely safe, but they are less harmful than old medicines.
When does a cat need medicine?
How to determine that a pet needs to be treated with antihistamines for cats? Only a veterinarian can solve this problem. With minor manifestations of the disease, sometimes it is enough to remove the allergen from the house or change the type of feed. However, if the animal has a severe rash, itching, runny nose, respiratory or digestive disorders, it is necessary to consult a specialist. In severe cases, the cat may develop anaphylaxis, and then the pet will need emergency help.
The owner of the animal can not always independently determine the allergy in a cat. Manifestations of a negative reaction to various substances may be similar to signs of infection. To accurately identify the disease, sometimes laboratory tests are required. In severe cases, treatment with antihistamines for cats for allergies is not enough, and steroid hormone therapy is required.
How to give medicine to an animal
Allergy medications are not recommended for mixing with food. It is better to give pills in between meals. The interval between the use of the drug should be about 8-12 hours. The dosage of antihistamines for cats is determined individually, it is prescribed by the veterinarian. The amount of medication depends on the type of drug.
If the animal suffers from seasonal allergic reactions to flowering plants, then a course of treatment can be carried out in advance. Taking drugs in such cases is necessary even in the absence of signs of the disease.
Basically, allergy medications are prescribed in the form of tablets, but some drugs are available as injectable solutions. Injections are usually used for acute and severe allergies. In such cases, the course of treatment is short - about 3-4 days.
Preventative measures
It must be remembered that it is impossible to cure allergies with the use of drugs alone. Drugs will only help temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease. In order to avoid relapse, it is necessary to exclude contact of the animal with the allergen.
If the allergy is caused by flea bites, then at the same time as taking antihistamines, it is necessary to carry out antiparasitic treatment of the animal’s hair. When reacting to food or food, it is important to review the cat's diet. It is useful to transfer your pet to a special hypoallergenic ready-made meal.
It is necessary to take care of the hygiene of the room in which the cat is located. Dust should be removed and wet cleaned. And also you need to change the filler in the cat's toilet as often as possible. It is important to exclude contact of the pet with detergents, cosmetics, rubber and plastic objects. Toys for cats should be cleaned of dust and washed as often as possible.
Drug Reviews
You can find many positive reviews about the drugs "Loratidine" and "Fenistil." These products are well tolerated by cats. A cardiotoxic effect is rare if drugs are not combined with other drugs. Usually, pet owners use Fenistil in the form of drops, as animals can lick the gel from the coat.
First-generation drugs received far fewer positive reviews. They have a bitter and unpleasant taste, and cats often spit up pills. However, the owners of cats note the effectiveness of these funds in severe allergies. The preparations "Suprastin" and "Tavegil" have helped many animals in response to drugs.
"Diazolin", judging by the reviews, is often addictive in cats. To achieve a therapeutic effect over time, increasing doses of the drug are required, and more modern drugs have to be used.
"Diphenhydramine" is usually administered by veterinarians in a clinical setting for acute allergies in cats. Web users report that this remedy quickly removes all symptoms, but does not last long. After the injection of the drug, the cat usually falls asleep.
Many positive reviews can be found about the medicine "Zodak". Its active ingredient is a 3rd generation antihistamine - cetirizine. After applying this remedy, the wounds from scratching dry out in animals and the itching decreases. Often this medicine is more effective than local ointments and gels. It has a neutral taste, and cats swallow it easily.
As for the drug Fexofenadine, in rare cases it can cause overexcitation in the animal. Owners of cats write about phenomena such as increased motor activity and aggressiveness of the pet after taking the medicine. However, the instruction of the drug does not report a similar side effect. Perhaps this is a consequence of exceeding the allowable dose of the drug. Usually, such a behavioral reaction to taking the drug quickly disappears, and the cat's well-being returns to normal.