Perhaps this is the most wonderful headdress. The turban was preferred by such bright and famous women as Sophia Loren, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Lopez and Barbara Streisand. So maybe follow the taste of beautiful fashionistas and try on this amazing accessory?
Hide your head from the sun, disguise an unsuccessful hairdo or add a twist to your image - all this will help make a turban. How to tie it correctly, this article will tell.
Fashionistas from different countries borrowed this accessory from the inhabitants of the East. Even representatives of those countries where the climate is quite moderate wear it with pleasure. Now you can buy a ready-made turban. How to tie it, few know. Having bought such an accessory, just put it on your head. But those who want to save money can act as a stylist and build a stunning turban from a simple scarf.
How to tie it yourself?
One of the options for how to tie a turban on your head is the following: you need to take a square scarf and fold it in half so that you get a triangle. Then they need to wrap their heads so that all ends are in front. If the shawl is made of silk, then it can slide off straight hair, it should be fixed with invisibility. The two ends must be tied on the forehead, lower or higher, depending on whether it will be open or closed. Both of these ends must be twisted into a bundle. The third is free at this time. Next, the twisted ends should be tied into a knot, fix the resulting bunch and hide the idle ends. To complete the turban, you need to twist the third corner of the scarf into a cocoon, and hide its end.
Another way to tie a turban beautifully is this: you need to wrap a scarf around your head, as in the first version. However, the ends do not need to twist, in this case they should be tied into a volume knot, cover the back of the head and the upper part of the head with both ends, and carefully twist the remaining ponytails.
Fashionistas who do not want to cover their heads can use a different turban. How to tie a bandage? Everything is simple here. You need to take a short and short scarf, wrap it around the head from the back of the head to the forehead, twist the ends at the base of the hair growth twice and rewind the head, knotting the tails on the back of the head.
Instead of a scarf, you can use any fabric. Its dimensions should be 130x40 cm. It is advisable to choose the right material depending on its characteristics and season. For the summer,
silk fabric, preferably with a bright pattern, is suitable, and for autumn - half-woolen. It is possible to use such a turban in another way. How to tie it differently? Taking the same scarf or scarf, folded several times, you need to tie it over the head, starting with the crown. The ends should be crossed at the back of the head and again wrapped the head on the sides, directing to the crown of the head. Tie up a neat little knot at the top. The tails of the scarf need to be spread and beautifully laid or tucked under the turban.
Perhaps the first time the turban will not work or it will be bad to stick on your head. No need to be upset. After several workouts, fixing an exquisite accessory is not difficult.