Pelvic Exercises

The position of the child can be found already at the first ultrasound, but during pregnancy it can change, and more than once. Pelvic presentation meant complications at the time of delivery, doctors often resorted to cesarean section. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the antenatal change in the position of the child. In this case, special therapeutic exercises will come to the rescue. There are many different types and techniques, we will consider the most relevant and effective exercises for pelvic presentation.

What is pelvic presentation?

Pelvic presentation of the child

This arrangement of the fetus is longitudinal when the legs or buttocks of the baby are facing the entrance to the small pelvis. In this case, pregnancy is under the special control of doctors, because there are threats of gestosis, fetal hypoxia, termination of pregnancy and birth injury. Diagnosis of this phenomenon is carried out using CTG, ultrasound, external examination of the vagina. This makes it possible to detect presentation during the pregnancy process, which means there is still a chance to correct the situation. To this end, various exercises are used. With pelvic presentation, doctors recommend starting from the 29th week of pregnancy to do gymnastics. There are many complexes, each of which we will consider.

Causes of the baby's wrong position

Pelvic presentation of the child is a deviation from the norm and this is due to the following reasons:

  1. Polyhydramnios.
  2. Multiple pregnancy.
  3. Pathology in the development of the child.
  4. Re-birth.
  5. Low or incorrect location of the placenta.
  6. Anomalies in the development of the uterus.

Many experts indicate that the child is in the wrong position due to the vestibular apparatus of the baby. Therefore, such a deviation is detected in the early stages of pregnancy and does not change until childbirth.

The possibility of a baby overturn during pregnancy

Until about 25-27 weeks, the position of the child does not matter much, because he will surely still roll over. Starting from the 29th week of pregnancy, the baby can also change its position, but this is already less likely, because it begins to gain weight, movements become more and more stiff, it becomes difficult to roll over. There are several options for the development of events with pelvic presentation:

  1. Some experts prefer to send a woman to a cesarean section.
  2. Others perform the procedure - an external coup, which is characterized by pain and risk. Moreover, the result is achieved only in 20% of cases.
  3. A baby’s coup is possible at the moment when mom takes a bath, bathes in a pool or in open water.
  4. Practice shows that other means also help. For example, you can put a bag of frozen food, ice on your stomach, and the child, fleeing from the cold, will roll over. The flashlight works according to the same principle, which needs to be illuminated below the abdomen or headphones with music that should be driven below the abdomen. These methods have a direct effect on the baby, which forces him to change position.

All of these methods can not be compared with exercises with pelvic presentation. Gymnastics, developed by experts, has shown its effectiveness and benefit not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

Dikan complex I.F.

You can begin to do such exercises from the pelvic presentation of the fetus from the 30th week of pregnancy. The bottom line is that mom lays down on the bed (couch) and begins to turn on one side, then on the other. On each side you need to lie for about 10 minutes. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times. The complex is held daily 3 times a day before meals.

After the correct position of the child has been achieved, the pregnant woman must wear a bandage. It helps to reduce the size of the uterus in the transverse size and increase the length of the longitudinal size. This is the prevention of a child’s reverse coup. You need to lie and sleep on your side in a position that corresponds to the back of the child.

The efficiency of the Dikan method

Pregnant examination

The rotation of the child through exercises with pelvic presentation of Dikan is due primarily to the mechanical factor. Due to the fact that mom constantly changes her location, the child begins to move more actively. Fluctuations in the amniotic fluid also increase. In addition to the mechanical factor, a change in the tone of the uterus is important. This is due to the fact that the position of the mother is constantly changing, and this provokes an increased reaction of the uterus receptors.

This method is absolutely harmless and is shown even to those women who have a complicated pregnancy. The simplicity of movements is not able to lead to the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetus.

Therapeutic gymnastics Fomicheva V.V.

No less common, but more complicated are exercises from the pelvic presentation of the fetus at 32 weeks of gestation, developed by V. Fomicheva. At this time, the baby’s position will probably not change. Classes last about 20-25 minutes 2 times a day. Best done in the morning and afternoon, but not late in the evening. Each complex should be done approximately 1.5 hours after a meal.

The pace should be as slow as possible, while much attention is paid to breathing. The complex should begin with simple exercises and gradually move to more complex ones. Pay attention to clothing; it should be as comfortable and light as possible.

To perform exercises with pelvic presentation of the fetus, you will additionally need a chair with a back and a rug.

Complex exercises Fomicheva

Gymnastics for the pregnant

Before moving on to the main part of the gymnastics, you need to stretch for 5 minutes. At this time, you need to be like on toes, then on the heels, on the outside of the foot. Finally, take turns raising the knees to the side of the abdomen. This is the end of the warm-up, go to the exercises for the fetal upheaval with pelvic presentation:

  1. The starting position is in the stance - the legs are shoulder-width apart, and the arms are lowered on the sides (at the seams). First we make a slow slope to the right, exhale. Then go to the starting position by inhaling. Remember, breathing matters a lot. Then also repeat left. On each side you need to do 5-6 times.
  2. We stand, as in the previous exercise, only our hands are not on the sides, but on the belt. Taking a deep breath, slowly lean back, then lean forward to exhale air. You should feel a sag in the lower back. The number of repetitions is also 5-6.
  3. The starting position is exactly the same as in the previous exercise. We slowly spread our arms to the sides, take a breath, and then with a turn of the body to the right we bring our hands together in front of us, exhale the air. On each side we do 3-4 repetitions.
  4. We stand facing the back of the chair, with outstretched arms, hold on to it. First, we raise the right leg, bent at the hip and knee joints. You need to raise the side of the abdomen, while touching the knee of the hand and taking a breath. As you exhale, lower your leg, arching in the lower back. Each leg has 4-5 repetitions.
  5. We stand with one foot on the floor, and with the other knee we lean on the chair seat, with our hands on the waist. We spread our arms in different directions while breathing in, turn the body and lower ourselves slowly so that the hands are in front of the face. In each direction we bend 2-3 times.
  6. Kneeling, support is on the elbows. In turn, we raise the right and then the left leg back and up. On each leg 4-5 times.
  7. We lie down on the right side, bend the left leg on the side of the abdomen and take a breath. On exhalation, we return the leg back. We do 4-5 times.
  8. Lie down on your right side and raise your leg about 40 degrees from the floor. We make small circular movements with the left foot in each direction. Repeat 3-4 times.
  9. We stand on all fours, then we lower our head down, the back is round, we take a breath. On exhalation, we return to normal position, arching the lower back. Repeat 10 times slowly.
  10. Starting position, as in the previous exercise. We straighten our legs with support on the forefoot, and the heels just come off the floor. Raise the pelvis in this position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  11. We lie down on your back, resting on the feet and back of the head. On inhalation we raise as high as possible, and on exhalation we lower. Repeat 3-4 times.

Recall that the effectiveness of exercises for overturning the fetus with pelvic presentation is dependent on the technique of execution, and not on speed, so everything needs to be done slowly.

On this, the complex of the main part ends. For 5 minutes, sit still, restore breathing. It is necessary to take deep breaths in and out gradually, without sudden movements. Exercises for pregnant women with pelvic presentation are usually shown by a specialist trainer who conducts therapeutic exercises for the group. If this is not possible, conduct classes at home in the presence of someone. If you experience discomfort, stop exercising immediately.

The effect of the complex Fomicheva V.V.

Breathing exercises

Exercises with pelvic presentation of the fetus, developed by Fomicheva, provoke rhythmic contractions of not only the spinal muscles, but also the oblique, transverse muscles of the press. The fibers of these types of muscles are part of the ligaments of the uterus. That is why the exercises bring into shape not only skeletal muscles, but also the uterus, leading to its increased tone.

Some exercises, in which there are torso and bending of the legs, knees, reduce the length of the uterus. In addition, they mechanically affect the baby, as a result of which the head begins to move in the direction that is more optimal for childbirth.

Gymnastics from Brukhina E.V.

If a woman has a pelvic presentation, at 32 weeks of gestation, the exercises developed by Brukhina will do just fine. The technique is the most optimal from 32-34 weeks to 37-38 weeks. As in the previous complex, classes should be carried out daily 2 times a day about 1.5 hours after a meal.

The basis of gymnastics is the gradual relaxation of the abdominal muscles. The starting position is either a stand on the knees and elbows, or on the knees and hands.

Pelvic Exercise

Exercises from gymnastics Bryukhina E.V.

Before the main complex you need to carry out a warm-up, it is exactly the same as in gymnastics according to Fomicheva, described earlier. After comes the main part. Here are examples of exercises included in the complex:

  1. A woman kneels, leans on her elbows. Makes a smooth breath, as deep as possible, and then exhales. So you need to repeat about 5-6 times.
  2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. We bend the body down, touch the chin of the hands, gradually exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.
  3. Without changing the starting position, slowly raise the right leg up, without bending it at the same time. Take the raised leg to the side, touch the floor with your toe and return to the starting position. On both sides we perform 3-4 times. Breathing is free here.
  4. We stand on all fours, resting on the hands. We lower the head down, the back is round, exhale, then gradually bend the lower back and raise the head while taking a deep breath. So repeat 8-10 times.

The conclusion of the gymnastics complex

The final part of the exercises for the pelvic presentation of the child consists of strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. The best option is Kegel exercise. We offer this option: we strain all the muscles of the vagina and anus, pulling them into ourselves, count to 10 and slowly relax. Then we repeat, but we count to 8, then to 6, 4 and 2.

The set of exercises mentioned above, and the final part lead to a positive dynamic state of the cervix. This is due to the fact that the circulation of the pelvic organs improves.

What method to choose?

Help in doing the exercise

Having discovered pelvic presentation during pregnancy, exercises are not chosen independently. A doctor’s consultation is required, which will note all the features of the woman’s body and the type, form of pelvic presentation. In order not to harm the expectant mother and baby, the doctor selects the most optimal complex.

An important factor in choosing a technique is uterine tone. In the event that it is elevated, Dikan gymnastics will help. Normal and decreased tone is an indication for Fomicheva's exercises. If the tone is uneven, then the most suitable option is the Bryukhina method. A gynecologist conducting a pregnancy will determine the tone and give advice, choosing an individual complex.

In 76%, pelvic presentation exercises for a baby’s coup turned out to be effective. The deviation was eliminated and the child returned to normal. Due to this, caesarean section can be avoided, a woman can give birth naturally in her own right.

We also offer to watch a video with a small set of exercises not described above, perhaps it will help you in changing the position of the baby. In any case, consult a doctor and seek the help of specialists during gymnastics, at least in the initial stages.

Are there any contraindications?

There are two cases in which it is forbidden to use therapeutic exercises:

  1. Placenta previa, in which it blocks the exit from the uterus.
  2. Risk of miscarriage.

Both circumstances are diagnosed by the doctor, on the basis of which the tactics of childbirth are developed and pre-negotiated, since it is impossible to correct the position of the child during pregnancy.

Heels of the baby

Some restrictions are imposed on exercises with pelvic presentation if pregnancy is complicated by gestosis, pathology of the heart, kidneys, and liver. In such cases, you need to avoid exercises in which the knee-elbow position is involved.

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