With the words “school tie”, the older generation immediately associates with the bright red obligatory attribute of pioneer. But times have changed, and this part of the toilet has become completely different. Ties for a girl or boy have been especially popular recently, with the introduction of compulsory school uniforms. How to “refresh” a strict look and add your own “zest” to the same type of image? This article will help in solving this problem.
How to choose ties for a girl?
First of all, you need to decide on the style. Have you decided to get a bright romantic little thing for a festive blouse? Romantic ties like a scarf or scarf are more suitable for her. Need to decorate a business suit? Then, an unambiguously ideal option would be a combination with an element of clothing as a men's suit. Experiment by picking what is called “live” while standing in front of a mirror. It is possible that an unexpected combination will transform you exactly as we would like. A little extravagance, in moderate doses, will not hurt anyone.
You need to act differently when buying clothes for school. In this case, before acquiring stricter ties for the girl, it is necessary to clarify all the rules regarding appearance with the class teacher of the child. This will not contradict the approved standards in the institution. Also learn how you can “fantasize” with color and style so as not to violate the boundaries of permissibility.
School ties for girls: main features
Choosing this "little thing" for a typical suit, you need to consider the recommendations and tips below. Then the image will be really harmonious and stylish:
- The color of the accessory should be successfully combined with the main gamut. A tie can be the same as, for example, a jacket or skirt. But this is only worth doing if the other parts of the wardrobe differ in color from the above. If already two objects have the same saturation (for example, a dark blue vest and trousers), you should opt for a lighter (blue) or dark (black) tie.
- The fabric pattern can make the image unusual. Of course, that ties for girls with any geometric ornament (cell, rhombuses, strip) will become a bright "highlight" of her image. But this can only be beneficial if the coloring is fully consistent with the basic shades of the toilet and successfully harmonize with them.
How to tie a tie for a girl: an easy way
Consider phased work. This option for tying is suitable for a classic tie of any width.
- Iron the product for best results.
- Stand in front of the mirror. Lift the shirt collar and throw a tie on top with the seam down. In this case, the wide end should be on the right and be much longer than the narrow one.
- Cross the ends, laying wide on top. And then wrap it with your right hand around the narrow part of the tie once in a circle, placing it perpendicular to it.
- After that, direct the wide end from the bottom up, leading it into the neck loop and resting against the chin.
- Lower the working part into the formed tie loop and pass through it down. As a result, the wide part will lie on the narrow one.
- Tighten the knot nicely and spread it on the sides. Adjust the girth around the neck, pulling the narrow part down. If it turned out to be very long, tie the tie again. In this case, you need to leave a large margin of the wide side for work.
- To complete the image, use a beautiful clip.