In kindergarten, much attention is paid to improving the health of young pupils. The physical development of babies is one of the central areas of this work. The age of 4-5 years is called the age of grace. Gymnastic exercises are easily given to children, they have good coordination, muscles are actively developing. A correctly designed ORU complex for the middle group increases the body's working capacity, forms a beautiful posture, creates a cheerful mood.
The benefits of general developmental exercises
To begin with, let's deal with concepts. General developmental exercises (ORU) are understood to be simple, accessible for those involved in the movement, which are performed in order to warm up or improve. In kindergarten, it is an integral part of the regimen reproduced day by day.
Physical education outdoor sports facilities provide:
- teach children to discipline;
- create a good mood, raise tone;
- form the musculoskeletal system;
- develop physical qualities (dexterity, flexibility, endurance, etc.);
- they teach coordination of movements, train balance;
- activate physiological functions (respiration, cardiac activity, blood circulation);
- develop both large and fine motor skills (during exercises with objects);
- They teach children to follow the instructions of adults, as well as quickly navigate in space.
Compilation of the complex
Physical education classes in the middle group are held daily. In summer, children are recommended to be taken outside. In the cold seasons, sports or choreographic halls are used. The teacher changes the outdoor switchgear complexes in one to two weeks.
Gymnastics always starts with the prologue. The body prepares for subsequent loads (1-2 minutes). The water part includes:
- drill exercises (turns to the sides and around), rebuilding (in circles or in several columns);
- walking (one after another or in pairs, on toes or on heels, with high knees, with different positions of the hands);
- running (in a circle, with bouncing, scattered).
The OSG complex itself in the middle group according to the GEF consists of 4-5 exercises, which are repeated by the children 5-6 times. First, the children knead their neck, shoulders and arms. This stage helps to straighten the spine, open the chest. Then exercises for the trunk and back are performed. It can be all kinds of inclinations, turns, rotation of the pelvis. At the end of the complex, exercises are done that strengthen the abdominal press, leg muscles, as well as the arch of the foot.
The final part includes either running or jumping. Restoring your pulse and even breathing helps calm walking.
Building children
The teacher tries to create a joyful mood in the children when performing the ORU complex. Morning exercises in the middle group are livelier if the teacher uses a variety of construction methods.
At this age, children are able to build in a circle. This is most appropriate if most exercises will be performed lying or sitting. After all, kids still do not know how to keep the necessary distance.
However, constructions of 3-4 units are gradually being mastered, 2-3 people per column. The unexpected order arouses interest among the pupils, attracts their attention. If objects are involved in the set of exercises of the outdoor switchgear, an adult can arrange them in the hall in a staggered or other order. Children are invited to choose their own place next to the allowance.
Distribution of items
The diversification of gymnastics helps the use of flags, balls, skipping ropes, sultans, hoops, gymnastic sticks, ribbons, cubes, stuffed bags, rattles. Before completing the ORU complex for the middle group with objects, the teacher places the benefits on the floor, and the children take places next to them. Another option is possible when the children themselves take objects.
Hoops and sticks are conveniently placed along the walls of several pieces in one place. Balls may lie on special shelves or inside hoops. Small items are placed on chairs. This order gives the children the opportunity to quickly take benefits and orderly return them to their place.
Teaching methods
At the beginning of the year, the teacher directs the actions of children in the same way as in the younger group. The exercise is demonstrated by an adult before performing it. Explanations are tied to a familiar image (waving hands like birds). Then the children and the teacher make movements, and the counting is not carried out.
Gradually, the tasks get more complicated. The attention of children is drawn not to the emotional components (we will stretch like a kitten), but not to the technique of execution (we stood on tiptoe, we hold the back straight, we try to get our hands to the ceiling). Of great importance is a competent, beautiful display of the learned exercise. All actions are immediately commented on, the concepts of "left" and "right" are actively introduced.
The ORU complex for the middle group is carried out by the children in concert, at the expense of. The teacher gives the command "Start!", Makes together with all 2-3 movements, and then manages the actions verbally. If necessary, the calculation alternates with explanations ("bent over, straightened up, one or two"). You can turn on rhythmic music that will set the pace. Team exercise ends. If the movement is well studied, you can do with verbal instructions, without showing, or shift this task to one of the children.
Outdoor switchgear complexes for the middle group without objects
The children of the fifth year of life are actively mastering role-playing games. Charging is perceived by them with greater joy, if it has a certain plot. Preschoolers go on a small adventure, transform into birds and bunnies, jump over puddles. In this case, the imagination and the emotional sphere develop.
The following is the ORU complex for the middle group without objects, which can be carried out in the fall:
- "The trees are noisy." Spread your legs a little, raise your hands, move to the right, then to the left. Actions accompany the sound "shhhhh".
- "Migratory birds". Hands smoothly rise and fall through the sides.
- "Look how many leaves are around!" Put your feet shoulder width apart, hands on the waist. Turns to the sides.
- "Collecting apples." Reach up, tearing off an imaginary fruit, then crouch and put it in a basket.
- "Bunnies rejoice in golden autumn." Rhythmic jumps on two legs, with hands depict hare ears.
In winter, another complex will be appropriate:
- "Catching the Snowflakes." Children stand with their hands down. On command, you need to raise them to the ceiling through the sides, make cotton, return to and. P.
- "Cold". Legs are slightly apart, arms are extended to the sides. Children slap their hips.
- "Around the snowdrifts." Kneel, hands on the belt. Turn left and right.
- "I'm frozen". Sit down, stretch your legs forward, put your hands behind your back. On command, bend the legs at the knees, pull the arms to the chest and straighten again.
- "Basking." Children jump on two legs, actively waving their hands.
The spring outdoor switchgear complex for the middle group will help children turn into beautiful flowers. It includes the following exercises:
- "The flower is blooming." Put your legs apart, hands on your shoulders. Then raise them to an imaginary sun, move all fingers.
- "The butterfly flew in." I. p. - standing, hands freely lowered down. Bend forward, spread your arms apart like wings.
- "The breeze blew." Children put their hands on their belts, make bends to the sides.
- "Flowers are growing." I. p. - to squat. On command, stand on your feet, reach up.
- "The rain has gone." Fast jumps ("rainfall"), which gradually slow down.
Children like to incarnate in various animals. To do this, all together you can go to the village:
- "Cow". Get up straight. Breathe in the air, lifting your shoulders. With an exhale, stretch: "moo-o-o-o."
- "Cat". Get on all fours, round your back, lower your head, say: “shhhh”. Then bend your back, look up and meow.
- "The pig is riding in the mud." Lie on your back, arms stretch out behind your head. Roll onto your stomach and back.
- "Dog". Squat, spreading his knees apart and putting his hands in front of him on the floor.
- The horse. Perform jumps, accompanying them with a clatter.
Ball complexes
The use of bright objects increases the interest of kids in physical education. The ball is the most common shell available in all kindergartens. That is why it is often involved in conducting outdoor switchgear complexes for the middle group with objects.
Here's what a fun exercise with the Kolobok ball might look like:
- "Grandma is looking for flour." Turns the head left and right, the ball behind the back.
- Knead the dough. Put the ball on the floor. Perform tilts to it, showing with your hands how to knead the dough.
- "Bake the bun." The kids hold the ball in outstretched arms. Torso turns.
- "The bun is running away." Children roll the ball in a circle, first with their right foot, and then with their left foot.
- "We caught a bun." The kids hold the ball between the knees and perform jumps.
With the same item you can go on a journey through an imaginary jungle. The following exercises are included in the appropriate complex:
- Hide the Coconut. Children stand holding the ball in lowered hands. According to the account, they raise their hands, throw the ball behind their heads, reach up again, and finally return to I.P.
- "The monkey sways on the vine." The kids raise their hands with the ball, tilting them left and right.
- "The monkey collects coconuts." Press the ball to your chest, crouch, lower it to the floor, rise to your feet. Then do the squat again, picking up the ball and returning to and. P.
- "The monkey drinks coconut milk." Children lying on their stomach, holding the ball in outstretched arms in front of them. On command, they lift the projectile up, tearing the chest off the floor and arching in the back.
- "The monkey is playing." Sit down, put your hands on the floor behind. Clamp the ball between the feet. Bending your knees, pull it to your chest.
Gymnastics stick complexes
This projectile is new to children, so they need to be taught the right grip. A gymnastics stick can be held horizontally by grasping its middle. To direct her "nose" down, it is enough to straighten the index finger. Also, the stick can be placed on the shoulder, propping up a hand from below.
Below is the set of outdoor switchgear for children of the middle group "The Frog":
- "The little frog stretches." Children stand holding a stick in their hands down. At the command of the educator, they raise it up, with their eyes find an imaginary "sun".
- "The little frog looks around." The stick is wound over the shoulders. Children turn to the sides.
- "We catch mosquitoes." The kids are standing, holding a stick in the chest area. On command, you need to bend down, touch your legs with a shell and say "am". Then return to I.P.
- "Hiding from the heron." Children stand, hands with a stick down. You need to sit down, stretching your arms forward, then rise.
- "The little frog rejoices." Jumping stick with twists.
The kids will also enjoy the Flight by Air complex. It includes the following exercises:
- "Let's start the engine." The stick is held upright in the right hand. Children draw large circles in front of them, saying "d-d-d". Then the hands change.
- "Accelerate the clouds." The children take a stick in both hands, pull them in front of them and perform turns from side to side.
- "Look down." The child puts a stick on the floor at one end, holding on to the other. Intercepting the shell with his hands, he moves to the floor under the account of up to 4. Then the reverse movement is performed.
- "Saw the boat." Children are lying on their backs, legs are pressed to their chests, a stick is brought under the knees. Swaying back and forth, simulating the movement of a floating boat.
- "The plane is gaining altitude." Children jump up, raising a stick over their heads.
The complex of outdoor switchgear with a rope in the middle group
In kindergarten, children are introduced to a rope at the age of three. Toddlers are trying to jump or step over the shell that adults hold. In the middle group of children are taught to independently rotate the rope and make jumps through it in any convenient way.
An unusual scenario of the ORU complex will help to make learning interesting. In the middle group with a rope, you can play bunnies. To do this, offer the children the following exercises:
- "Bunnies examines the rope." Fold the shell four times, hold it in front of you. Raise your hands forward, then to the ceiling, again forward and down. We follow the movement with our eyes.
- "Rabbits pull the rope." Children hold the shell in front of the chest. First, the right hand straightens to the right, while the left bends. Then the movement is performed in the other direction.
- "The rope has fallen." Children hold the shell in their arms extended forward. On command, they lean down, put the rope on the floor, straighten. Then they bend again as low as possible to the floor, raise the shell, return to and. P.
- "Bunnies are swinging." The kids sit on the floor, legs straight. The rope should be folded in half, hooked on the feet and pulled. Swaying from side to side is performed.
- "Rabbits are jumping." Children try to rotate the rope and jump over it at first at a slow pace, and then faster.
Complex with cubes
Preschoolers are happy to play role-playing games. Give 2 cubes to the kids for the next morning exercise. The complex of outdoor switchgear "Builders" is described in detail below:
- "Building a skyscraper." Children stand upright, hands with cubes freely lowered. On command, they raise them above their heads, hit a cube on a cube and lower them again.
- "We hammer a nail." I. p. The same. The children spread their arms to the sides as wide as possible, and then connect in front of the chest, tapping a cube on a cube.
- "Brickwork". Children bend to the floor, build a tower of cubes, then straighten. Repeating the exercise, you need to raise objects, stand upright, arms extended in front of you.
- "Fix the floor." Children perform squats. Squatting, they knock cubes on the floor.
- "The builders are warming up." Jumping around the cubes in different directions.
Complex with a hoop
This subject is new to middle school students, and therefore attractive. With it, you can play drivers by completing the following exercises:
- "Get in the car." A child is standing inside the hoop, holding it in lowered hands. On command, the projectile is raised above the head, then lowered.
- The steering wheel. The hoop is held in outstretched arms, twisting movements to the left and right are performed.
- "By the bumps." Sit in a Turkish hoop, hands joined behind. Perform tilts to the sides.
- "Get out of the car." The hoop is placed on the floor. The child holds it from above with one hand. You need to sit down and go through the projectile first in one, and then in the other direction.
- "The legs are tired." Sideways jumping from the hoop in different directions, which alternate with walking inside the projectile.
Complexes of outdoor switchgear for the middle group should not only strengthen the muscles and health of children, but also raise their spirits. Thus, a love of physical education, a desire to lead an active lifestyle, is brought up. All this is useful to children already in adulthood.