It’s not a secret to anyone that every woman wants to become a mother. Someone wants to take out a girl first, someone - a boy. However, there are women who want to get such a jackpot - get pregnant with twins. About how to conceive twins in a natural way: what you need to do for this and whether it is worth taking such a step - I want to talk about all this in this article.
Definition of a concept
At the very beginning, it is necessary to clarify a little how exactly twins differ from twins. Identical twins are obtained if one egg is fertilized and then is already divided into two parts. Twins are obtained if, for a certain reason, the woman’s body has developed two eggs ready for fertilization, which “process” two different spermatozoa.
Medicine to the rescue
First of all, it is worth saying that there are different ways of planning pregnancy, including multiple pregnancy. Better start with medical options. So how can you conceive twins? The likelihood of this fact increases if a woman undergoes artificial insemination. This is because for insurance, doctors grow several eggs (in reserve). Also, the ability to conceive twins increases when a woman is treated for infertility and takes certain stimulating drugs that are designed for egg growth, rupture of follicles, etc. With this kind of intervention, the body naturally shakes and can create several eggs, which can also be fertilized without problems. There is also an opinion that when taking certain hormonal drugs, the likelihood of conceiving twins also increases. However, I want to say that taking such drugs on your own only in order to give birth to twins is at least unreasonable and harmful to your own health. And if the lady still decides to choose this method, she must consult with a doctor about this.
What do you need?
However, women are often interested in questions about how to conceive twins in a natural way, and what needs to be done for this. So, there are several points that nature itself predetermines and which is simply impossible to provoke:
- Hereditary factor. Particularly important in this case is the female line of the genus, because the genetic predisposition to conception of twins is most often transmitted from mother to daughter.
- The second and each subsequent pregnancy. According to doctors, if a woman has already given birth to a baby, each subsequent pregnancy increases her chances of conceiving just twins. Everything is explained very simply: after birth, the mother’s weight increases, and this is also considered a predisposing factor for multiple pregnancy.
- Age indicators. In this case, statistical data comes into play that states the following: at the age of 20 to 30, the probability of having twins is only 3%, after 40 - 6%. Therefore, advice on how to conceive twins in a natural way - do not be afraid to give birth “late”.
- Geography. Experts also argue that Africans have the most chances to conceive twins. Next come the women of the Middle East, then the Americans and the Europeans.
What can be done?
Still how to conceive twins in a natural way? So, there are pretty simple tips that it’s easy for every woman to follow:
- According to popular beliefs, it is easier to conceive twins for those ladies who are still breastfeeding their first child and are not protected from subsequent pregnancy.
- People also believe that women who have been protected with hormonal drugs for a long time and stopped doing it are more likely to conceive twins. So, it is believed that the body is more likely to produce a greater number of eggs, which are fertilized.
- Another tip on how to get pregnant with twins naturally: you should try to conceive children in the spring. It's simple: women at this time are undergoing a hormonal restructuring, and the production of "spare" eggs by the body increases significantly.
About nutrition
Are there any other tips on how to conceive twins? Folk methods recommend trying to regulate this process with food. So, it is believed that you need to eat meat (perfectly stimulates the work of the ovaries), boiled or steamed chicken breasts, dairy products, whole grain cereals and walnuts. Good advice can also be given by our grandmothers: they will recommend eating as many potatoes as possible, especially sweet ones. In support of this, we can give an example of African tribes that consume sweet potatoes in large quantities (an analogue of our potatoes): they often give birth to twins. With regard to medications, gynecologists recommend, even before pregnancy, during planning, to start taking folic acid to increase the likelihood of conception twins (this is a vitamin, it is completely harmless and will benefit every woman only). Well, of course, you need to abandon all bad habits and stop taking foods that are dangerous for the body: chips (as well as crackers, crisps, etc.), carbonated drinks, convenience foods, fast food.
Well, the simplest, but far from the most useless advice on how to conceive twins: you just need to really want it. After all, it will not be a secret to anyone that auto-suggestion has tremendous power and often leads to desired, although not always expected results. If a woman constantly thinks that she will have twins, most likely she will!