HIV Doctor: abilities, guide

"Dota" is the most popular computer game in the genre of multiplayer combat arena. Here you choose your character, which you pump in short battles with real opponents. And that is why you need to know your character properly in order to be able to squeeze maximum out of him in short segments. In a specific article, we will talk about a character like HIV Doctor.

It is not very popular with beginners, but this does not mean that you should not pay attention to it at all. Many gamers quit the game for this hero, as he seems to them too complicated and incomprehensible. However, it is still worth exploring this hero if you want to surprise the enemy, because few people expect something serious from the Doctor. But if you study it properly, then your opponents can expect a really impressive surprise, because the Doctor Doctor is quite versatile and can cause a lot of noise on the battlefield if you use it wisely.

What abilities does he have? What are its benefits you should know? What disadvantages should be covered from your opponents? You will learn about all this from this guide.

hiv doctor


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Paralyzing Cask

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hiv doctor dota

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Voodoo Restoration

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