How to raise a rottweiler correctly?

If you have chosen a Rottweiler among hundreds of other breeds, then congratulations. You have found the most devoted friend, a wonderful watchman and comrade. Probably no dogs in the world are better. If you once had a rottweiler, then this is love for life. The most intelligent creatures, they do not require the owner of the skills of professional training in order to become well-bred dogs.

how to raise a rottweiler

Myths and Reality

Today, many are afraid of Rottweilers. The press is fanning this fear with terrible stories that a dog of this breed has bitten a child. People mistakenly perceive this breed as fighting. This is a complete lie. Rottweiler is originally a shepherd dog. She helped farmers to raise and collect herds, calmly harnessed herself to the cart and brought food to the market. Everything that appeared on the farm (small children, chickens or calves) fell under the care and protection of the Rottweilers. And in this they are very good.

A few words I want to say about the unique mind of this dog. In most cases, she does not need your commands, especially when it comes to protecting her beloved master. This is a true bodyguard. Even a teenage puppy that does not know anything about guard duty will protect you until the last breath. Why do some people manage to grow a monster from this dog? The answer is one: before you take a puppy, you need to learn how to raise a Rottweiler.

how to raise a rottweiler puppy

Question to myself

Be sure to gather the whole family at the table and ask everyone why you need a dog and why the choice fell on this breed. Of course, she cannot but be interested. Power and stats, satin wool, confident posture and a mysterious look. Speaking about how to raise a Rottweiler, it is necessary to say about partnership and mutual respect. Exactly. From a very young age, this is a bright personality, a born leader.

Choose a puppy

If until now you did not have experience with serious guard dogs, then it is best to take a bitch. She will be a little affectionate and complaisant and will willingly forgive you some training flaws. She doesn’t care much about leadership issues. Males are more serious, it will be a little more difficult with them. However, there is one principle. Want to know how to raise a Rottweiler? You must love it, be consistent in your requirements, moderately strict and necessarily affectionate. That is how you will have an ideal relationship.

how to educate the rottweiler

First mistakes. Little baby at home

Since it is possible to raise a rottweiler only in puppyhood, wasting time is an unacceptable luxury. But the kids are so cute and funny that I want to indulge them in everything. Take with you to bed, nurse in your arms, feed sweets from the table. Forget about it. From the first day a puppy appears in the house, he should have his own place where he will sleep. Of course, you have to spend a lot of time together, the Rothves are very attached to their owners and are very homesick while they are at work. As soon as the adaptation takes place, the baby will get used to his place, you need to slowly move on to general skills.

Dog handlers are often asked how to raise a Rottweiler puppy . The solution is very simple - from the very first day to work out the general teams, which we will talk about below, be persistent and consistent in our requirements, as well as love our pet and do not forget to show it our attitude in the form of rewards, games, affection. A dog raised in love will never harm its owner.

First lessons

Now, let's get to practice and talk about how to properly educate a Rottweiler. From the first day in your house, the puppy should meet his nickname. This is the key to further achievements. Now we gradually begin to practice the basic skills of obedience. At any time when you watch TV, cook dinner or watch a puppy frolic, call him by name and give the command “Come to me”. You can slap your foot slightly so that the baby understands what is required of him. Now praise and let go with the Walk.

Equally important is locating your dog. It should be comfortable and cozy. On the first night, put in it a piece of diaper from the mother’s nest and give the command “Place”. You will have to get up often for the first time to calm the baby, stroke and give warm milk, but then repeat the command and go to bed. So, gradually, the baby develops an image of this world in which you are the adored master, whose word is the law.

how to raise a rottweiler properly at home

Error handling

Time flies by, and now your handsome man is already 2 months old. During this time, training has greatly advanced, and most importantly, obedience has developed. If this does not happen, then pay attention to your parenting style. You may have made one or more errors:

  • Very often, the owners are inconsistent in their requirements. They give the command "Place", and when the puppy begins to whine, they call to his bed. They feed from their table, allow the dog to put their front paws on themselves when she greets, and then scold the unfortunate animal when it repeats the trick with dirty paws.
  • Another mistake is very common. Numerous repetitions of the team is a sign that you have not already taken place as a leader. Therefore, if you want to know how to raise a Rottweiler correctly at home, remember one thing. You need to repeat the command a maximum of twice. If the baby does not follow the order, gently help and praise.
  • From the situation described above, the following smoothly follows. The owner gently calls his pet, but he does not even lead his ear. After repeating the team ten times in a row and getting angry, he begins to scream. Rottweiler, hearing a new intonation, runs up and gets punished for not fulfilling the command immediately. As a result, the “To me” incentive is associated with punishment.

bring up a good rottweiler

Continue training

Raising a good Rottweiler is possible only in love. Immediately stipulate with your family members what he will be allowed and what is strictly prohibited. In no case do not step back from this. All teams should be given a smooth, calm and objectionable tone. The dog will immediately understand that what the owner has said must be done. Every day you need to work out the basic commands that will be very useful to you in the future. In any convenient situation, at home, on the street, bring the stimuli “Near”, “Sit”, “Lie”, “Fu” to automatism. Usually a little puppy with great pleasure does everything that they say, and rejoices in praise. Do not forget about positive reinforcement. The dog should know that she is beloved and the best in the world. You yourself will see how convenient it is during feeding and walking, games.

how to raise a rottweiler puppy

Aggression Prevention

When the baby appears at your place, this is a charming plush toy with saucer eyes, which is impossible not to fall in love with. But you can properly raise a Rottweiler puppy only by realizing that it is a serious guard dog that will grow up very quickly. From day one, you must reinforce desired behavior and correct aggressive behavior. How can this be expressed? The puppy does not give the toy back, growls, grabs the owner's hand with his teeth. In this case, the best way out is to gently shake the crumbs by the skin on the neck. This is what the leader in the pack does. But to spank, shout and even more so to kick or humiliate a puppy is categorically impossible. This will cause the dog to harbor resentment and grow up cowardly or aggressive.

Prevention of Jealousy

Raising a rottweiler is a snap. However, it is very important to know that this dog is inclined to idolize its owner and to be jealous of other family members. Therefore, in raising a pet, in walks and games with him, all family members should be involved. The growing dog will still choose one main owner, but he will also perceive the others as friendly. It is more difficult if the owner raised the Rottweiler alone, and then got married and had children. However, in this case, patience, gentleness and a good attitude towards the dog will do their job. She will gradually accept them as part of her family. Rottweilers are very smart, they feel your energy and location. A dog will never recognize the owner of a person who is afraid or dislikes it.

raise a rottweiler

Transitional age

While your pet is small, behavioral problems usually do not occur. He is executive and very sweet. But after six months, dramatic changes begin. This is especially true for males. The dog changes, begins to be self-willed, pull the owner for a walk, ignore the command. This is normal, the pet becomes an adult and tries to lead. If this is your first dog, it is best to enlist the help of a professional dog handler. He will tell you how to properly raise a Rottweiler puppy and get around pitfalls.

So what if your pet rebels? Nothing special, keep following your principles. If this cannot be done, then prohibit by any means. Starting from raising the voice and ending with the restriction of freedom. After sitting on a leash for several minutes, the pet usually goes first to put up.

If the situation is the opposite, that is, the Rottweiler ignores your commands, you need to stop this. Of course, it’s best to calm a too excited pet, and then go back to your demand. In case of ignoring, you should sharply pull the leash and repeat the command. If you practiced from early childhood, then this will be enough. The dog will automatically follow the order and receive encouragement.

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