Why do you need a leash for a child

Children are such fidgets. As soon as mom turns her back on a walk, the child has already escaped and, quickly stomping her legs, goes to the forbidden target.

Leash for baby

And how much effort and attention the kid requires while in the supermarket or in the market! You can forget about shopping. After all, it is important not to lose the curious buyer and not allow him to scatter, break or break the goods lying on the shelves and counters. In general, mothers themselves know how much trouble they have with restless babies. But this is not about that. Today on the street you can meet parents who lead their children on ... leashes. Sounds kind of ridiculous, doesn't it? After all, leashes are intended for animals. But do not rush to conclusions. We suggest to sort it out. What is this children's leash and what is its main purpose?

First steps on a leash

And we begin our story with why you might need a leash for a child who only recently got on his feet and begins to take the first steps. When the baby is no longer very interested in crawling, he gets up and learns to walk. The first step is the first fall, the first bruise and a loud cry. Everyone goes through it. Without falls, unfortunately, do not learn to stomp along the track. But every normal mother tries to protect her child, to catch on time and not to let her fall and hit. Agree, often it is not possible to prevent a fall. And every bruise can turn out badly for a little explorer of unknown territory. And for such cases, a leash for the child was invented. He gently hugs the baby by the body, and with his help, the mother can control the steps, thereby saving the child from bruises and bruises. Such a device not only protects the baby, but also protects her mother's back. After all, she has to constantly bend over and bend her body in order to lead the little pedestrian by the handle. But the reins lead allows you to control the situation and keep your posture.

Leash as a means of control

Leash for teaching a child to walk

Many people wonder what else needs a leash. For teaching a child to walk - this is understandable. Protection from falls and injuries - great. But the functions of this device are not limited to this. The leash in question is also a great way to control restless researchers. Young children are known to be very curious. They are attracted to dangerous and dirty objects, puddles and pits, borders and open hatches. You can’t keep track of the nimble baby. And then a miracle leash comes to the aid of mothers. As soon as the baby only moves towards the pit, the mother with a gentle movement of her hand gently but decisively pulls the curious traveler away and prevents trouble. What if a car, bicycle, or stray dog ​​suddenly appeared? What to do? Screaming or calling a child is practically useless, because the reaction in young children leaves much to be desired. A leash for a child can cope with such a task, without harming the baby and not crippling. Mom simply "slows down" the fugitive.

Reins for a child

There are many of us, and mom alone

Imagine this situation. Mom has two or three small children. One is sitting in a stroller or sleeping in his arms, the rest stomp on the path independently. How to keep track of all? One runs after a butterfly, another picks up a dirty leaf that has fallen from a tree and sends it into his mouth, a third is sleeping peacefully in his arms, and mother is alone. And in this case, the leash for the child is simply a necessary thing. With it, you can control the movements of fidgets and prevent trouble.

Pros and cons

There is an opinion that a leash for a child is an absolutely useless thing. The opponents are mainly people of the older generation. They believe that the leash limits children's freedom of movement and does not allow you to actively learn the world, and also negatively affects the children's psyche. What an erroneous opinion! The child is absolutely free. The reins for the child only support him, do not bind his hands and body, do not put pressure on his neck and spine. The child is free to walk in the permitted radius, while mom is always on the alert and, if necessary, will immediately react and come to the rescue.

Whether to purchase a leash for the child - each parent will decide on their own. In the end, only mom and dad know what is best for their child.

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