All Orthodox Christians seek to christen their child. This is done, as usual, after 40 days from the day the baby is born. After the sacrament of baptism, the child appears godparents. From this very moment, as many believe, the child is under the protection of the Almighty. Godfathers have many responsibilities, and especially mothers. It is she who takes on great responsibility. Therefore, the choice of godparents should be approached responsibly.
So, what is the responsibility of the godmother? . , . , . , , . , . - . . , , , . , - , . : , , - .
One of the main responsibilities of the godmother, of course, is the responsibility for spiritual education. She should introduce the child to Christian morality, drive to the temple, talk about God, teach to pray. When the godfather’s faith is sincere, the child will certainly grow up with faith in the soul. In fact, this is more important than giving the baby various gifts.As is commonly believed, the godmother is the second mother of the child. She must arrange holiday walks for her godson. This is necessary to change the situation of the baby and for him to look at some vital values with different eyes. In addition, this aspect will allow parents to relax a bit and miss their child.
Usually you can rely on your godmother in difficult times. If the child gets sick, then she is the most trusted. After all, the duties of the godmother also include caring for the child, especially on days when the baby is unwell.
Of course, the godmother should protect the secrets of the child entrusted to her, and in no case disclose them to outsiders. She should relate to her godson with love and maternal warmth. Keeping the baby's innermost secrets is also the responsibility of the godmother. Do not forget that the child’s psychology is like a thin thread, and having lost confidence once, it is very difficult to restore it, sometimes even unrealistic., - - . , , . , .