Small pressure surges occur from time to time for everyone. Everyone knows that high blood pressure must be reduced, since it is very dangerous for human health. But how dangerous is the pressure with parameters 90 to 60 and what to do if a pregnant woman has low blood pressure? According to doctors, this level of pressure in the upper systolic indicator and lower diastolic is normal. But it is located on the very border of the norm. If these cases are single, then for pregnant women there is no threat. However, when hypotension is more permanent and long-lasting, this is an occasion to think about your health and seek advice from a specialist. If the pressure is at a level of 90 to 60 for a long period of time, kidney failure, as well as heart attack and cancer, can occur.
Causes of pressure 90 to 60 in pregnant women
Chronic pressure drops towards lower indicators in pregnant women can negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also affect the condition of the fetus. The pathological nature of low blood pressure is not so fast. But if you do not take any action for a long time, you can feel the effect of pressure 90 to 60 during pregnancy. 90 is the lower threshold for upper blood pressure, the last obstacle to a lower rate. For the body, the most dangerous is the upper systolic. Therefore, the fight against the normalization of pressure remains mainly in the upper indicator.
The reasons for which the pressure decreases during pregnancy may be different, but pregnant women may have their own, other than generally accepted, factors leading to a decrease in pressure. During the course of the first trimester of pregnancy, fairly low blood pressure can occur in many women and this is considered a physiological norm. But low pressure indicators significantly aggravate the already unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy - early toxicosis, nausea, dizziness, headaches and even periodic fainting. In some cases, a hidden disease can become the cause of the decrease in pressure, so a pregnant woman must undergo a comprehensive examination to remove unwanted manifestations and protect the future baby from the consequences of the disease.
During the period of carrying the child, the expectant mother is disturbed by any, even the most minor, disturbances in health. Therefore, low blood pressure during pregnancy can put them in a state of panic. So that the nature of this malfunction in the body becomes clear to the pregnant woman, we will consider the causes of its occurrence and how dangerous it is for the expectant mother and her fetus.
Pathological hypotension. Causes
Pathological hypotension, as a result of which blood pressure decreases, has many reasons:
- dehydration of the body;
- excessive overheating;
- various stresses;
- starvation;
- physical overwork;
- chronic lack of sleep;
- a sharp transition of the body from horizontal to vertical;
- prolonged standing
- underweight;
- adynamia;
- colds or infectious diseases;
- large blood loss;
- extragenital pathological changes in the condition of the heart and vascular system, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, digestive organs, allergic manifestations and others.
Some of these factors can affect pregnant women on their own. However, if the pathology is severe, an examination should be performed to identify the exact cause of the decrease in pressure. For pregnant women, even the most harmless reasons can be a serious danger. If you feel severe fatigue, weakness, and pressure while 90 to 60 or lower, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. This may be affected by:
- changes in the hormonal background;
- formed an additional circle of blood circulation;
- increased circulating blood volume;
- increased load on the cardiovascular system;
- rapid heart rate, an increase in the heart and the thickness of its walls.
When low blood pressure during early pregnancy occurs due to toxicosis, it can provoke frequent vomiting. Even if your pregnancy goes well, then in the first and second trimesters there will be low blood pressure. It is closer to childbirth will return to its original figures.
Low pressure symptoms
What are the signs of pregnancy pressure 90 to 60? 90 in this case is in the boundary position and indicates that there are problems with the intensity of the cardiac “pump”. If the tonometer drops lower, placental insufficiency may occur due to insufficient blood supply and poor circulation. With poor blood supply, the child is deficient in oxygen, as well as a lack of nutrients. Failure to take timely measures can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.
Low blood pressure is accompanied by symptoms such as:
- weakness;
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- drowsiness;
- fatigue;
- frequent fainting;
- headache;
- noise in ears;
- the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
Staying in a stuffy room or standing for a long time will only aggravate these symptoms.
Low pressure at different times. Norm or not, and why do such changes occur?
What to do if you have a 90 to 60 pregnancy pressure? 90 indicates that your condition is close to the onset of pathological manifestations. However, it is still normal and you can prevent a further decrease in the tonometer column. How to do it? First of all, you need to understand what pressure during pregnancy is optimal and when to start worrying. The well-known generally accepted indicator of 120 by 80 as applied to each individual person undergoes some changes due to his age, weight, state of health and other components.
In women, during pregnancy, considerable changes occur in the body, as hormonal status changes, fluid volumes increase, and blood characteristics change. All together has an effect on the work of the heart. Therefore, up to the 20th week, normal for pregnant women is considered low blood pressure. And this happens as a result of increased production of progesterone - a female hormone that dilates blood vessels. This causes a decrease in pressure during pregnancy in the first trimester. By the beginning of the third trimester, the blood volume increases significantly, which gives an additional load on the blood vessels and blood pressure rises slightly. So the pressure 90/60 during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester can even out and return to normal.
The lower threshold of pressure is considered normal at a rate of 90 to 60, and the upper at 140 to 90. And they are considered normal when a woman feels rather well. After all, each person is individual and he has his own indicator of pressure. However, during pregnancy, it is customary to operate with such indicators:
- norm - from 120/80 to 129/84;
- the most optimal pressure is 100/60 - 119/79;
- with hypotension - below 100/60.
Proper nutrition and proper daily routine
How to normalize the pressure during pregnancy? What should be done so that low blood pressure during pregnancy does not bother or harm? First of all, you need to see a doctor, undergo an examination and get tips that are strictly followed. But there are also recommendations for the appointment of which a doctor is not required, and each expectant mother can observe them quite independently, improving her and fetus's well-being. It is not at all difficult, but very productive.
Observe the daily regimen carefully - go to bed on time, relax during the day, do not overwork at work or at home, take walks in the air, change your body position more often, eat warm food.
A very important part of improving the pregnant woman’s physical condition is long walks in the fresh air. This is an excellent medicine for hypotension, since the body is saturated with oxygen during a walk and significantly improves the health status of both the expectant mother and the unborn child.
Observe the diet and proper diet of foods. Breaks between meals should not exceed three hours. Eat small meals, but more often. Eat more protein foods, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. Food should be warm and healthy.
Drinking and exercise
Drinking regimen is also important. Let the doctor give you recommendations for drinks - how much tea or coffee can be drunk so as not to harm the child. Drinks should be drunk warm, watching the reaction of the body to each of them.
Move more, do light fitness, do special exercises for pregnant women, practice swimming, water aerobics or yoga - they will help you tone vessels and remove a feeling of weakness. Take a light contrast shower, sit in a warm bath with aromatic oils.
Tune in to the positive!
Try not to sharply change the position of the body, move smoothly and calmly so as not to provoke dizziness. Attract good emotions to yourself, listen to pleasant music, watch good soulful films, delight yourself with meetings with nice people - generally more positive. Do not be alarmed and do not panic if you have a 90 to 60 pressure during pregnancy. 90 - this is not a pathology, but a completely normal indicator. It's just that he is critically close to the demarcation line. To prevent this from happening, take the necessary measures in a timely manner and follow the instructions of the doctors.
Second trimester low blood pressure
If you have not encountered a pressure of 90/60 during pregnancy in the first trimester, do not think that everything is already behind and nothing will threaten you in the future. This can happen to you in the second trimester, when a pregnant woman’s poor health leads to impaired access of oxygen to the fetus and insufficient intake of useful substances to the fetus. Such manifestations slow down the development of the fetus and should be avoided. Symptoms of the fact that pressure 90/60 during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is low for a woman can be considered weakness, tinnitus, pathological drowsiness, heart palpitations and unreasonable fatigue.
Carefully monitor your condition, pay attention to the slightest ailments, because lowering the pressure to the border state during this period is very dangerous. After the 12th week, hypotension is very difficult and causes a significant deterioration in the health status of a pregnant woman. In general, pressure during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is observed quite rarely, much less often than in the initial period. At this time, the level of progesterone becomes lower and the pressure returns to normal. The optimal pressure indicator for periods later than the first trimester is limited to 100/60 - at the lower boundary and 140/90 at the upper.
If the pressure decreases during pregnancy after 12 weeks, then this is fraught with a significant deterioration in the physical condition of the pregnant woman. It can also negatively affect the fetus in the womb due to an insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo. To normalize the pressure, you should take the same measures as in the first trimester - move more, take walks on the street, eat right and take meals at least 5-6 times a day. By following these simple recommendations, you can bring the vessels to good tone and prepare the respiratory system for future labor.
Is this normal when the pressure is 90/60 during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester? At such a long time, reduced pressure is much less common in expectant mothers than in the previous two periods. The tonometer readings tend to increase, because in the 3rd trimester a woman is already significantly gaining weight, which, of course, is reflected in the level of pressure. In addition, the volume of blood processed by the heart increases, which also contributes to increased pressure. The maximum and minimum pressure during pregnancy in the later stages remains the same as in the 2nd trimester.
When there is a decrease in pressure at a later stage of pregnancy, this can lead to a violation of the contractile function of the uterus and become a threat to the labor activity of the future mother in labor. If a woman gets a pressure of 90/60 during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester - this is fraught with serious complications during childbirth, can cause heavy bleeding after the end of the birth process. In pregnant women who have low blood pressure, a rather weak and sluggish labor is often observed. If it is not possible to complete the birth process on their own, obstetricians decide to perform birth stimulation or apply a cesarean section.
What to do?
Despite the fact that cases of hypotension are quite rare in the final period, you can still observe low blood pressure during pregnancy in the later stages. Especially if, before conception, the girl had frequent migraines and instability of blood pressure. They have frequent ailments in the last trimester: throws limbs into sweat and trembles, memory worsens and mood swings occur, nausea and dizziness torment, severe fatigue and general weakness are felt, blood pulsates in the temples and nape, darkens in the eyes and makes noise in ears, fainting occurs, and arrhythmia also manifests and the pulse quickens. Vomiting is sometimes manifested, not associated with toxicosis.
These manifestations cannot be ignored. An ultrasound should be done to study the condition of the fetus, because with hypotension in the milk-placental circle, blood circulation slows down, and this is very dangerous for the child, since it can cause intrauterine hypoxia. This seriously delays the time of childbirth, as a woman can not push much. In order to prevent such a development of events in the late stages of pregnancy, you should worry about your state of health even in the early stages, when the symptoms only form and proceed not as hard as before childbirth.
Tips for pregnant women predisposed to hypotension
In order to intervene in time during pregnancy and prevent hypotonic manifestations, it is necessary to be very careful and constantly monitor the slightest deviations in well-being. If you notice dangerous trends in pressure indicators, consult a doctor immediately and undergo the necessary examination.
Low blood pressure can manifest as severe toxicosis or gestosis. If you ignore these body signals, a miscarriage may occur. Do not drag out visits to the doctor, this will endanger your unborn child.
In a more relaxed 2nd trimester, do not lose your vigilance and take your health as seriously as you did in the 1st trimester. Follow the recommendations for increasing pressure and proper nutrition until the problem is resolved.
Remember that consistently low blood pressure during pregnancy requires a professional approach and serious treatment. Only a specialist can tell if your fears are in vain or if there is a specific reason for the pathology.
If the pressure drops due to the disease, medication is indicated. If it was just an attack of hypotension caused by a stuffy room or a sharp rise, then you should open the window, giving air access, lie down, drink sweet tea, take 30 drops of cordiamine, which can quickly relieve spasm and increase pressure.
In the mornings, a pregnant woman needs to drink a cup of tea or coffee to increase her pressure faster, but do not overdo it - pregnant women are strongly advised not to drink many of these drinks.
As you understand, constant monitoring of pressure indicators is not only a necessary matter, but also a very necessary one. A sharp decrease has a negative effect on the course of the entire pregnancy and can cause miscarriage.