How many times a year does a cat have estrus? How to calm a cat during estrus

If you are burning with the desire to have a cat, not a cat, then you need to prepare for some features of the body. In particular, this applies to the time "X", or the period of estrus. As soon as your pet grows up, you will encounter this phenomenon. Not to notice it is simply impossible. Today we will consider how many times a year a cat’s estrus will make adjustments to your usual way of life, and how to smooth out these points.

how much is estrus in cats

Natural phenomenon

Do not be angry at your pet. If the mood changes, she ceases to obey and begins to bother you, this is not at all because she acts in spite. Just the instinct of reproduction is stronger than the best training. It is necessary to prepare for the cat’s maturing period in advance, because the owner must not only have knowledge of how his pet looks during estrus, but also be ready to help her move to adulthood. Many people think that cats cause problems. But just imagine how many times a year a cat has estrus, and the behavior is not much different from what the male demonstrates.

Cat growing up

Let's start from the moment of puberty. Veterinarians can approximately answer at what age the estrus begins in cats. You need to focus on 6 months, but in fact, it can begin both earlier and later. It depends on the individual characteristics of your beauty.

If you know its origin, then you can ask the owners of the parents of the pet. Typically, such characteristics are transmitted from mother to daughter. But even if we cannot know exactly at what age the estrus begins in cats, once they reach six months, we need to be mentally prepared to change our character and behavior at any time. Like a teenager, hormones begin to regulate her mood and actions.

at what age does estrus begin in cats

Planned bindings

By about this age, you need to decide whether you will use your pet in breeding. Very often people make a mistake out of good intentions. Considering that a cat needs to become a mother at least once, they admit a meeting with a cat. Get ready for the fact that after this, the cat will arrange a pogrom at home and look for any gap to break out into the street every time she starts estrus.

Animals lack parental affection; they have no need to raise offspring and take care of them. The cat will not be bad because she does not have kittens. On the contrary, messy mating on the street is fraught with sexually transmitted diseases, injuries and other problems. Add to this the complications of childbirth, a possible cesarean, the risk of developing breast cancer, which is higher precisely in giving birth to animals. Put it all together and realize that it is much easier and better for your pet (and for you) to sterilize it in time.

Knowing how many times a cat has estrus every year, you can easily multiply the amount of discomfort delivered and realize that sterilization is really a good way out. This operation can not be done by a kitten, because it is possible a violation of the development of the animal. When you are six months old, discuss this with your veterinarian. Usually the first estrus passes within only two to three days and does not cause much trouble. The sexual attraction of the animal is not too pronounced. If sterilization is performed at this age, then you can no longer read on. The problem for you ceases to exist.

the estrus in cats after how many months is repeated

Development of events

Suppose a person did not think about such an opportunity, but he also has no great desire to get kittens. This is correct, considering how difficult it is to attach fluffy handsome men today, especially if they do not have a pedigree. Let’s now consider how many times a year a cat has estrus.

The classic option is every three months. That is, they are able to bring offspring 3-4 times a year. Typically, this pattern is observed in mating animals. If she has not walked yet, then the frequency may be higher. Everything here is also individual: for some once a month, for another with a frequency of two weeks. Of course, animals react to them differently. Some very violently express their desire to continue the clan, others behave more calmly. But in any case, not everyone can tolerate antics several times a month.

If the cat is involved in breeding

If the animal has the ability to breed regularly, then the frequency of estrus will be stretched. Usually veterinarians say that then it occurs every 5-6 months. You can’t give birth to a cat more often, this is bad for its health. Caring breeders do not allow more than once a year.

But the period of estrus in cats is individual. Sometimes the fluffy beauty has not yet emptied the nest, the kittens are only a month old, and she already has estrus. In this case, you need to carefully monitor it and prevent mating. Pregnancy, feeding, and conception again are a triple blow to her health.

how to calm a cat in heat


In fact, here everything is not clear. The period of estrus in cats can vary depending on the breed, age, individual characteristics. This can be said about the nature of its course. But we will try to generalize all the features so that the owner understands what is at stake.

  • By analogy with dogs, everyone is waiting for spotting. But cats just don’t have them. Lubrication emerges from the vagina, swelling of the genitals is observed, and the cat actively licks them.
  • Mood changes. Here, too, not everything is clear. The animal can show aggression or become very affectionate, rub on its legs, purr.
  • Try to stroke the sacral area. No matter how often cats are in heat, they react almost equally to this. Namely - they lift the tail and sort out their paws.
  • Frequent urination is observed. Some cats even mark territory.
  • The animal is actively starting to look for a way out of the house. Therefore, carefully close the windows, windows and doors. She is driven by the instinct of reproduction, but it is you who are responsible for her life and health.
  • Often the appetite disappears. The animal may not eat until the end of estrus.
  • It makes unusual sounds, from purring to howling. They are needed to call cats from all over the area and deliver the main discomfort.

Host Reminder

With the entry of an animal into a mature age, new concerns appear. You need to know not only how long the first estrus lasts for a cat, but also about the physiological characteristics of the pet. In particular, that it is impossible to bring a cat to a young cat. Only at least one year old are allowed to breed. Early childbirth can be too difficult and even cause the death of the mother.

If mating has taken place, consult your veterinarian. You can sterilize and solve the problem with this and subsequent offspring. If the cat is valuable for breeding, then pregnancy should be monitored by ultrasound, and it is advisable to invite a veterinarian (in case of complications) to give birth.

what to give the cat during estrus

Estrus stages

Understanding the physiological characteristics of this process will help the owner control it. In addition, this will give an answer to the question how much estrus goes in cats:

  • The first stage lasts up to three days. The animal is anxious and is on the heels behind the owner. Its scientific name is proestrus.
  • The third to fifth day is the most favorable time for mating. The behavior of the animal is different, most often the females fall to the floor and make movements with their hind legs. The period is called estrus.
  • After ovulation, the sex drive subsides. The female is quite aggressive towards males. False pregnancy may occur. The stage is called metestrus.
  • And finally, life is back to normal. Anestrus is the calmest stage.

From this we can already conclude how much heat is in cats. Usually no more than 14 days. Otherwise, it all depends on your favorite. If estrus lasts longer or stops completely, then you need to consult a veterinarian. Perhaps there are cat health problems. It is also useful to keep a diary of the cycle. It will help to fix after how many months the estrus in cats repeats.

the period of estrus in cats

How to calm an animal

First of all, the owner must understand that instincts drive her, so do not be angry or scream at the animal. Moreover, you can not beat him, you can harm your health. Since it is real to reassure a cat during estrus, pull yourself together. During this period, animals are very emotional. Try to talk with your darling as often as possible, take her in your arms, stroke. Distract with games, she needs to redirect her energy somewhere.

A good choice would be mechanical toys that cause genuine interest in animals. Many owners say that if two cats live in the house, then this period passes painlessly. They just lick each other all day and play, compensating for the discomfort. But here, too, is not always smooth. If the animals do not get along too well, then during this period the relationship can go into the stage of open conflict. In this case, it is better to separate them into different rooms so as not to harm each other.

Try to keep the female sleeping less during the day. Active games will contribute to the fact that by the night she will tire, and in the evening she will go to bed sweetly. Otherwise, provocative songs are provided. For the same purpose, limit or exclude daily feedings. A hungry animal will not go to bed, but will run around and look for food. And in the evening put her a bowl of food. After dinner, she would rather go to the side.

Do not lock the animal in a closet or in the toilet. This is a huge stress. Then, an alarming cry for help will be added to the songs of dissatisfaction. Traffic restriction is the worst option you can think of.

how long does the first estrus last for a cat

Pills and drugs

Today, pharmacies have a huge amount of medicines that guarantee the suppression of the cat's sex drive. And what do they really represent? High doses of hormones that are not fully understood without clinical trials. And all because the release of veterinary drugs is much easier, there is no such strict control as in the manufacture of drugs for humans. In fact, the experience of using these tools is a clinical trial.

Therefore, if you are thinking about what to give the cat during estrus, then hormonal preparations are not an option. You will sleep well, but the animal’s health is at risk. Any deviation in the functioning of the genitourinary system, up to oncology, can develop.

To reduce sexual arousal, Suprastin is used. Dosage - 1/4 tablets per 5 kg of weight. Give for three days. It has a pronounced sedative effect, so the animal sleeps more and worry less. Do not forget that you can not exceed the dosage, otherwise poison the animal. As a natural non-hormonal sedative, you can recommend "Cat Bayun." This is a mild sedative based on herbal ingredients.

Instead of a conclusion

And finally, if you do not want to receive offspring from your cat, it is best to sterilize it. Frequent empty heat is not only a burden on you. Drugs, no matter how safe they may be, should not be given at weekly intervals. In addition, permanent empty estrus can stimulate the inflammatory processes of the ovaries and uterus. Therefore, sterilization will be the best solution.

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