How to hold the mouse in your hand?

If you don’t have any problems how to hold the mouse correctly, don’t think about the location of the mat, don’t feel discomfort while working at the computer or at your favorite game, and also do not have pain in your hand, then you should not change the mouse grip.

Hand position

Let's talk about how to hold the mouse correctly. First, start by placing your hands on the table. What are the common options?

  1. This is the position when you have a brush for high mouse sensitivity. Your brush is on the edge of the table and moves the mouse left to right. At you adjustment happens practically only with a brush.
  2. The most common position of the hand is when the edge of the table and the middle of the forearm coincide. This view is quite effective, since the movement is equivalent and without much load, and the range of the hand covers half of your table. Without any problems, you can drive around the rug with your hand. This position is the best answer to the question of how to hold the mouse in your hand.
  3. Your elbow is in contact with the edge of the table, this type of coverage is not suitable for everyone. Too much amplitude with a hand movement occurs, thereby your muscles begin to get tired faster.

How to keep the mouse in shooters?

Computer mice

In shooter games, you must follow some rules:

  1. The size of a computer mat. The larger the carpet, the better your movements are synchronized with minimal loss of accuracy. Carry out a small test: while in the game, position the mouse exactly in the middle of the mat. Remember the position of the sight, try to make a perfect horizontal movement to the borders of our rug. The optimal turn will be at least 180˚. If you cannot get a turnover with this value, you need to adjust the sensitivity — mouse sensitivity — or purchase a rug of large parameters.
  2. Mouse sensitivity. Obviously, a low sensitivity gives greater accuracy in hitting opponents, especially at remote and medium distances, but the less your mobility is close.

Let's move on to the location of the mat

Computer mat

The location of the carpet must be made so that it hangs slightly from the surface of the table. This is the advantage of a large rug. In this arrangement, your hand at all distances will have an equal plane underneath, thereby improving the quality of the game. In another case, two ribs appear that will cause inconvenience in the hand.

Once you find your mouse grip, the performance in shooters will not take long. There is no objectively perfect hand arrangement; each user chooses how he will be more comfortable.

How to hold the mouse correctly?

Mouse location

  1. Finger grip. When your wrist fits snugly against the mat, it improves accuracy when micromanaging, but complicates maneuvers in close combat of your character. It is used by a fairly small number of people. Such a grip does not give enough control. The most important minus: if you have a large mouse, your hand will be very tired. In general, in this grip there is a huge strain on the muscles of the forearm.
  2. Fist grip. This grip is very convenient, it is located so that you completely put your hand on the mouse. Problems can arise when the ring finger can be on the right mouse button or on the button on the side of the device. The little finger should slightly touch the mat. The direction of the mouse should coincide with the direction of the hand, a straight line is obtained.
  3. Talon Grip. This is when your index and middle fingers are located on the mouse, like claws. Such a grip is considered the most uncomfortable of the proposed species. It can be combined with carpal, and get quite a convenient location.

As you can see, there are several options for grabbing the mouse. Choose the most convenient for you.

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