How to find out the size of the glove and what should be considered when choosing?

With the onset of cold weather, clothes for passers-by are becoming more and more. Everyone is trying as best as possible to shelter from frost so as not to get frostbite. However, people do not always pay due attention to such a wardrobe item as gloves. Many do without them at all, fearing once again in the frost to get their hand out of a warm pocket.

how to know the size of the glove

Properly and correctly selected gloves can not only replenish the wardrobe, but even emphasize individuality. Many, intending to purchase such a new thing, do not know how to find out the size of the glove.

Methods for determining the size of gloves

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how to find out the size of men's gloves


17 30. , , , . , . - 20-32. , - .

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hand size for gloves


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We hope that after reading this article, you will receive an exhaustive answer to the question of how to find out the size of the glove. And a wardrobe item purchased in compliance with the above rules will please its owner for a long time in the fierce winter. Properly selected gloves will help to avoid hypothermia, which in severe cases can lead to frostbite, the consequences of which can be disastrous.

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