Su-Jok therapy for children: exercises, treatment, reviews

Su-Jok therapy is a type of alternative medicine. It received its distribution relatively recently, in 1984. The founder is Korean professor Park Jae-woo. The technique is a mixture of ancient Indian and Chinese techniques. According to Su-Jok therapy, all organs of the human body have corresponding points on parts of the body. The technique pays special attention to the hands, since they are the ones most similar to the human anatomical structure.

Essentials of Su-Jock Therapy

Fans of this method believe that there are points on the hands that are responsible for certain areas of the human body. In general, the front of the body is located on the palm of the hand, the back on the back of the hand. If discomfort or pain is felt at some point in the brush, the organ for which it is responsible is disturbed.

Energy flows in Su-Jok therapy

health points

The body, according to the technique, is penetrated by energy flows. In organs there is a concentration of these energies. As a result of diseases, stagnation of energy occurs in the suffering organ, the point that is associated with this organ responds with pain. Accordingly, by stimulating this point on the hands, it is possible to disperse energy stagnation and cure the disease. In order for a person to feel good, energies must circulate freely throughout the body. To get a decent result using the Su-Jock method for an adult, you can only know about the energy balance in the body and fully trust this theory.

Description of the hands

According to the basics of Su-Jok therapy, points on the hands correspond to the following organs:

• heart - a tubercle under the thumb;

• lungs - on the sides of the tubercle, closer to the center of the palm of the left, to the end of the palm - the right;

• the stomach is at the base of the palm in the middle;

• liver at the base of the palm under the little finger;

• gall bladder closer to the center of the palm near the liver;

• intestines - in the middle of the palm;

• head - thumb;

• the right hand is the little finger;

• left hand - index finger;

• right foot - ring finger;

• left foot - middle finger.

According to the same scheme, energy flows are projected onto the feet.


When treating Su-Jok with therapy, the area responsible for the diseased organ is found on the arm. The area is palpated for the location of a painful point and, subsequently, an effect is made on it. A painful point is called active. Thus, stimulation of the energy flow takes place in the organ and the processes of spontaneous restoration of the working capacity of the affected organ are activated. To find the right point in the field of compliance, a study is conducted using a match. Methodically affecting the head with sulfur, they find the point that responds most painfully. You can use a special probe for these purposes.

types of massagers

Impact on active points

It is possible to provide stimulation of active points with various objects.

Are used:

• special needles;

• color therapy (the point is painted in a specific color);

• a special tool for massage of the active point;

• magnetic stars;

• seeds and plants;

• pressure.

The method has been successfully used in emergency care, for example, with heart pain or headaches. Su-Jok therapy for weight loss has also been used successfully.

How to understand that treatment works? In the place where the effect was made, tingling will be felt first, then itching and pain. So you can understand that the treatment was carried out correctly.

lesson with children

What diseases can be treated:

1. Cough. Attach buckwheat or radish seeds to the points of the larynx and bronchi. Lemons and lentils are also used. The impact on the points have orange sticks.

2. A runny nose with a cold. The points responsible for the nose are on the pads of the big toes and hands. On them you can draw a green circle or massage. You can attach green seeds.

3. Heart disease. Identify the active point on the tubercle under the thumb. You can attach cucumber seeds to it. Also use pumpkin seeds and squash.

4. Fever. It is controlled by points at the tips of the fingers and toes. Find the active point and apply cold. After the point is painted black.

5. Toothache. The teeth, according to the technique, are located around the nail plates. Find a pain point, massage and apply a magnet.

Su-jok therapy for children

In working with children, you can also use this technique. It will improve health, forms a sense of responsibility for one’s own health in babies. With the help of Su-Jok therapy for children, fine motor skills are actively developing, which stimulates the development of speech. For this reason, the method is often used for delayed speech development. For children using the Su-Jok method of therapy, special balls, rings, games and exercises are used.

lesson in kindergarten

Exposure tools for Su-Jok therapy when working with children

1. Hedgehog. It looks like a plastic ball with spikes. Inside each ball are two plastic elastic rings. The rings are worn on the fingers and rubbed them with quick movements up and down. In the process, painful points are found, they must be affected more intensively. Each finger must spend at least 5 minutes. A hedgehog is rolled between the palms or foot on the floor.

soo jock massagers

2. Manual massage. They perform finger gymnastics with children. Thus, fine motor skills are stimulated, which is responsible for the development of speech, attentiveness, and coordination of movements.

3. Massage ball with a magnet and spikes. Plastic ball with spikes, a magnet is located inside.

4. Stick with spikes for foot massage made of plastic or rubber.

In pediatrics, this method is used to treat abnormalities associated with blood circulation, impaired functioning of internal organs (digestion in particular). Speech therapists use the technique to rid children of stuttering. Most often used for the development of the speech apparatus. If improperly applied to active points, the method does not harm, therefore it is absolutely safe for children.

finger work

Su-jok therapy at home

Since the technique is quite simple, you can use Su-Jok therapy at home. Preschool children can master it without difficulty. For example, during exercises with a hedgehog, you can play with it and at the same time read a nursery rhyme, the child thus manipulates the simulator and affects the active points on the palms. He is interested in this and fun. You can also tell tales where the main character will be a ball, the simulator will be involved in a small theatrical performance, which the child will show himself.

Home activities

Rings can be worn in turn for each finger and accompany the game with nurseries. The main thing when practicing Su-Jok therapy with children is a creative approach.

You can use the methods of Su-Jok therapy in kindergarten. In some preschool educational institutions, teachers receive special training in this method. It is proved that Su-Jok therapy for preschoolers has a beneficial effect on the general condition, receiving new information has a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere of children. Use this technique along with modeling, drawing and other activities for general development.

Soo Jock and Speech Therapy

The ability to coherently express their thoughts will give the child a chance to organically integrate into society, develop in accordance with age and interact with the outside world.

General rules for using massagers and the techniques of Su-Jok therapy in speech therapy:

• The child should be completely healthy, the absence of external manifestations of diseases, such as rashes, lack of temperature.

• Massage should bring a pleasant sensation.

• You can perform manipulations with the simulator until the appearance of a pink skin color.

• When using the simulator, heat should appear.

• The movements should be soft.

• Do not leave the ring for a long time in one position in order to avoid stagnation of blood.

In addition to games using nursery rhymes and fairy tales, there are other exercises in speech therapy; Su-Jok therapy uses them to develop speech:

1. Speech therapist calls the subject, the child must name it in the plural. At the same time, a ball rolls from the speech therapist to the child and back on the table.

2. You can use the ball when performing gymnastic exercises, roll the ball from hand to hand for example.

3. To come up with instructions according to which the child must perform several manipulations with the ball from memory (for example, shift from the left hand to the right, roll along the leg, twist under the right foot, roll the left foot, etc.). Thus, the memory of the child is stimulated.

4. Using balls, you can train the recognition and scoring of colors.

With proper use of Su-Jok therapy for children, a pronounced effect occurs. Fitness balls are sold in pharmacies, and their use is extremely simple and affordable for everyone.

Reviews about Su-Jok Therapy

Doctors very highly appreciate the method of Professor Park Jae Woo. It is proved that with the help of therapy it is possible to urgently help the patient with pain, bleeding. The general condition of the patient without the use of drugs improves.

Patients speak of the method as a quick, extremely effective way of treatment. The main problem of such patients is that traditional medicine did not have the proper impact, a lot of money and time was spent on research, but it did not bring any result. After using Su-Jok therapy, positive changes began from the first session, the cough in children disappears, and the headache is relieved. Also, therapy has an excellent effect on the nervous system, aggressiveness disappears, and sleep is established. Acupuncture cures epilepsy and birth injuries.


Su-Jok therapy methods are suitable for both children and adults. Exercise machines are inexpensive and are sold in pharmacies. The technique is unique in its simplicity and ease of execution. Its name is translated as Su - brush, Jock - foot. Helps relieve symptoms and cure some diseases, even at home. For children, it contributes to the development of fine motor skills, the development of speech, thinking, and coordination. The therapy is carried out in a playful way, the child is not afraid and can cope with it himself. With this method, you can also treat babies. There is experience in the treatment of dysbiosis, atopic dermatitis. Acupuncture can be practiced with older children.

A competent combination of different treatment methods according to the Su-Jock technique helps to establish health in children without side effects. Responsibility for the state of your body is brought up and the necessary skills of preventive measures are formed.

When practicing Su-Jock therapy, do not forget that if it does not bring effect, you should definitely consult a doctor. In severe diseases, it is recommended to carry out Su-Jok therapy under the guidance and execution of a good doctor. Do not refuse from medical treatment.

The technique refers to a variety of oriental medicine, which means that it is also necessary to change your inner world. Look deep into yourself, manage the energy flows within yourself, change your attitude towards yourself, to people around you, change your lifestyle. Su-Jok therapy helps to achieve harmony not only in the physical, but also in the spiritual body.

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