Is it possible to do massage during pregnancy: features and recommendations

Many people like massage. Even in ancient times, this procedure was used to treat and prevent many ailments. Is it possible to do massage during pregnancy? This procedure can be useful and harmful, therefore it is advisable to consult a doctor. The nuances of performing massage are described in the article.

Is it allowed?

Can I do massage during pregnancy? Gynecologists usually recommend a relaxing massage, even if the women themselves do not ask about it. The procedures relieve pain in the legs, back, reduce the load on the joints, improve blood circulation, eliminate stress, and cheer up. But you should not contact a specialist yourself. Only the attending physician can accurately determine if there are contraindications.

Is it possible to do anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy?

Is it possible to massage during pregnancy in the early stages, for example, in the 1st trimester? During this period, you should not attend the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of miscarriage. At this time, it is better to perform self-massage. A little stroking is good for the baby as they soothe and relax. Perform these procedures preferably on their own. Need to stroke:

  • Hands;
  • feet;
  • auricles;
  • neck, shoulders;
  • chest;
  • stomach;
  • collar part.

Thanks to a light massage, back pain is relieved, muscles relax, and mood rises. With the help of touches and smooth movements, swelling is reduced, and due to better blood circulation, the fetus receives large oxygen and nutrient components.

During self-massage you can use aromatic oils. It is only important that they are not allergic. In the 1st trimester, you can lie on your stomach during the session.


Massage during pregnancy is effective in the following cases:

  • swelling
  • spinal problems;
  • lower back pain;
  • stress and overvoltage;
  • dysfunctions of the circulatory system.

A visit to the massage therapist eliminates these problems. Procedures eliminate muscle tension and fatigue, lift the mood. They also do not allow the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

Is it possible to do leg massage during pregnancy?

Although the massage is useful, it is advisable to consult a specialist about its implementation. This will eliminate the harm to the body of the pregnant woman and the baby. Useful types of massage are described below.

General massage

Is it possible to do massage of this kind during pregnancy? It should be performed only by a professional. From 4 months of pregnancy, you can stretch your arms, legs, back, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body, which will prevent pain, swelling, and improve blood circulation.

During the session, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness that charge a woman with euphoria and lightness, eliminate stress and anxiety. It is advisable to perform the procedure for half an hour once a week. From the 3rd trimester, doctors usually allow them to be performed daily if there are no contraindications.

General massage has differences from the classical one, since during the second procedure tougher touches are made. Body warm-up is done according to its own rules:

  1. The main areas for massage include legs, arms, shoulders, neck, back.
  2. Slight kneading, rubbing, stroking is required.
  3. It is important that the movements are soft, careful, especially in the area of ​​the sacrum and lower back. Pressing and abrupt impacts are prohibited.
  4. You can massage everything except the abdomen.
  5. To protect against swelling of the arms and legs, lymphatic drainage is used.
  6. The back is massaged only on the side.

Procedures should be performed by a professional who has experience working with pregnant women. On the body of women there are “abortion” parts: on the hands are the bases of the thumbs, the heels, the sacrum and the tailbone, the Achilles tendon. With illiterate exposure to them, this will negatively affect pregnancy.


During pregnancy, growth of the abdomen and chest increases the load on the spine. It bends, the center of gravity shifts. And the muscles are tense. Is it possible to do back massage during pregnancy? Acupressure is allowed to make you feel better. But it should be followed carefully. At all stages of pregnancy, the technique of massaging changes.

If at 4 months you can lie on your stomach, then at 7 months you will have to lie on your side. During the session, only the back muscles are massaged - the spine should not be affected. First, the specialist performs stroking, then rubbing, and then kneading.

Is it possible to massage the lower back during pregnancy? This procedure makes pregnancy easier. Whether it is allowed to perform it or not, the doctor must decide.

The whole procedure must be followed by the sensations of the pregnant. Important lack of inconvenience and discomfort, as well as pain. The specialist during the session stimulates the lumbar region to eliminate stress.

Can I do neck massage during pregnancy? This procedure is useful because it relieves tension of the cervical spine. Sessions can be performed not only by a specialist. The main thing is that the movements are smooth, effortless.


Can I massage my legs during pregnancy? Professional procedures can alleviate the condition. It is necessary to perform the procedures regularly, since during pregnancy the main load will be on the legs. Throughout the entire period, blood circulation in the legs worsens, which results in convulsions, swelling and swelling.

Is it possible to massage during pregnancy?

Knead your legs in turn. First perform stroking from the knee up to the thigh. Circular rubbing do in the same direction. The warm-up of the calf muscles should be done with the thumb in a circle, without touching the fossa with the knee. The ankle is taken with one hand, and the foot is rotated freely in various directions. Fingers knead separately. The session is completed by even stroking.


Is it possible to massage the abdomen during pregnancy? It is allowed to execute it, but very carefully. Its purpose is to reduce skin stretch marks. Procedures can reduce the risk of fetal loss and improve the reproductive system. Professional massage sessions can strengthen the ligaments and muscles near the uterus, simplify the last months of pregnancy.

Is it possible to do back massage during pregnancy?

Procedures improve the condition of the placenta, providing the baby with a supply of nutrients. As gynecologists believe, after such a massage flatulence, indigestion and constipation are eliminated. Perform it should be light strokes clockwise.


Is it possible to do breast massage during pregnancy? This is an excellent preparation for feeding your baby. Perform this procedure should be about 20 minutes a day.

Circular strokes are performed from the mammary gland to the nipples. The procedures improve metabolism, normalize blood circulation, and the skin of the chest does not lose elasticity when it is not easy for the body for 9 months.


Cellulite is called a change in the structure of adipose tissue in the hips, buttocks, legs. It occurs with loss of skin elasticity, which gradually leads to fibrous dense subcutaneous nodules, which visually make the skin tuberous.

Is it possible to do anti-cellulite massage during pregnancy? This procedure will be useful for the prevention of cellulite. Massaging should be from the limbs to the body, moving in the direction of the lymphatic paths. If there is varicose veins on the legs, then these zones are not affected.

The skin is squeezed with 2 palms so that a triangle is formed, and then with the thumb from the center of the triangle it is smoothed towards the other fingers. This helps to improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage. The excess fluid is still removed.


Is it possible to massage the face during pregnancy? This procedure is not prohibited and useful. You can perform it yourself to relax the muscles of the face, restore elasticity to the skin, and eliminate headaches. It’s important not to overdo it with cosmetics.

Is it possible to massage during pregnancy?


Massage with vacuum - a procedure to combat cellulite. Perform it only in a beauty salon in a specially equipped office with the use of vacuum devices. During pregnancy, it is used on problem areas - hips, buttocks, and only with the permission of a gynecologist.

The procedure is to treat the problem area with oil. Then, using a vacuum apparatus, the suction cups adhere to the skin. Over time, the apparatus is displaced, performing a deep effect on the subcutaneous tissue. Thanks to the vacuum, the skin is drawn into the suction cups, which improves blood circulation. This reduces the risk of cellulite, improves the general condition of the skin.


This massage should be performed during pregnancy with caution. If it is not carried out correctly, then this can lead to bruises and asterisks. These procedures improve tissue metabolism, train lymph and blood vessels, and reduce swelling.

The procedure is the same as with a vacuum, only ordinary cans are used, which are also effective. During the session, women should not feel pain. If there is redness of the skin, then the compression force of the can is reduced. Banks move in different directions: in a spiral, straight, in the form of a figure eight, zigzag, in a circle.


Pregnant women in recent months can not take traditional poses. But massage is a relaxing procedure, so they need to take a position in which massage movements are calm, relaxed and effective.

Is it possible to do neck massage during pregnancy?

Before the session, you need to create a relaxing atmosphere with aroma lamps and calm music. Suitable postures include:

  1. A woman is placed on her back and leans on pillows.
  2. In recent months, it’s hard to lie on your back for a long time. Therefore, it is desirable to comfortably sit on your side when 1 leg rests on the pillow in a bent state.
  3. Allowed to sit on your heels. To do this, knees are apart, hands are folded on the hips, and the back is left straight.
  4. You can sit on a chair. The legs are left bent and the feet touch each other.

With these poses, massage procedures will be very useful. It is advisable to perform the procedure with a specialist who knows all the nuances of these sessions.


Gynecologists may prohibit massage. Typically, procedures cannot be performed with:

  • toxicosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • high pressure;
  • tumors;
  • skin ailments;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • severe back pain;
  • varicose veins;
  • infectious ailments;
  • threatened abortion;
  • high temperature.
Is it possible to do facial massage during pregnancy

It is forbidden to perform massage at the beginning of pregnancy. Massaging the abdomen is not performed until 4 months and at any time if there were strong hormonal or physical changes in the woman’s body.

In other cases, doctors advise performing a massage from 3 trimesters. Usually prescribed from 2 sessions per week. Before giving birth, it is useful to massage the abdomen and perineum to activate labor.

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