Biochemical pregnancy: what is it

For most women, pregnancy planning is a very long and difficult process. In such circumstances, a woman who wants to finally become a mother wants to quickly find out the result of such long efforts.

Biochemical pregnancy is precisely the very processes that occur at the initial stages of conception. No ultrasound, or even a personal examination by a gynecologist can recognize the presence of such a pregnancy, since the uterus does not increase in size during this period. The fact is that immediately after conception, the placenta begins to work in a special way, creating conditions for the normal development of the fetus. And such changes can only affect the results of a blood test for chorionic gonadotropin, abbreviated as hCG. As a rule, this analysis is applied directly in the early days of the delay.

Pregnancy does not necessarily occur after biochemical pregnancy. Still, practice indicates the opposite fact: more often than not, the matter does not go further than biochemistry. If a woman goes to the doctor only on the 6th day of the delay and by this time fertilization has occurred, then the test will be positive. Then a second blood test is performed. If its result suddenly becomes negative, then this fact is ascertained as an interrupted pregnancy.

How is biochemical pregnancy manifested in the analysis of hCG? The hormone index as a result reaches a sufficiently high level at the time when the egg is fertilized. Then the abortion occurs , and this indicator decreases sharply. Cleaning the uterus in this situation does not need to be done, since all dead cells come out on their own along with menstruation. This process proceeds naturally, so a woman may not notice anything unusual. Sometimes a woman experiences severe pain during menstruation, and blood flow is plentiful with the presence of clots. And it can happen in another way: a complete absence of pain, a little plentiful period.

In most cases, you must immediately consult a doctor, unless, of course, there is an irresistible desire to give birth to a healthy baby. The doctor prescribes certain drugs for the development of this ghostly pregnancy, then a small chance is present and it is necessary to use it as much as possible. According to statistics, a biochemical pregnancy occurs in 75% of women and, as a rule, they do not even suspect its existence. In a normal pregnancy, it does not flow and is interrupted during the period of menstruation.

Causes of biochemical pregnancy.

It is practically impossible to establish the exact causes of a biochemical pregnancy, because inhibition of processes at such an early stage can cause various factors. Less likely to be the negative impact of toxic factors, since too little time has passed. But hormonal pathologies are very possible, for example, a lack of progesterone or hormonal imbalance. Also, biochemical pregnancy does not flow into normal due to exposure to immune or autoimmune factors. Less common is an abnormality in the chromosome structure of the fetus itself. The presence of any blood disease should not be ruled out.

How long should a couple wait for the next attempt at conception? And do I have to wait? Almost all gynecologists say that the next attempt at conception can be carried out in the next cycle, since the interruption occurred naturally is completely invisible to the body. Of course, only if such a situation occurs for the first time and the analyzes of both women and men are satisfactory. Some still try to play it safe and offer to take a course of oral contraceptives. This is done so that the female body can relax and fully prepare for conception. And what method to choose, each individually decide.

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