Many future mothers are concerned about the question: "Can I take a bath during pregnancy?". It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer, because it depends on the period, general health, and well-being at the time of taking a bath.
Wonderful period of life
Pregnancy is a time when a woman blossoms, changes not only externally, but also
internally. This is a reassessment of values, a change in lifestyle. Of course, there are physiological transformations that can cause a lot of trouble.
Pregnancy is often accompanied by swelling, fatigue, back pain, and a bad mood. How to deal with it? The best and safest tool is a warm bath. But is it possible to take a bath during pregnancy? There are no medical contraindications for this, but even with excellent health, you should be extremely careful. Firstly, you need to lay a special rubber mat, so as not to slip. This is especially true for “pregnant women” in the later stages, when the coordination of movements is not the same, and a fall can threaten not only a bruise, but also premature birth.
First Trimester Hot Tub
A warm bath in the early stages of pregnancy will help to relax, calm down.
The hormonal background at this time is unstable, the woman quickly becomes tired, annoyed by trifles. After a hard day, when maternity leave is still far away, and the body needs rest, the bath will become a real salvation. It is important not to overdo it and follow the basic rules:
- Water temperature - 37 degrees, in no case higher.
- The duration of a bath is not more than 10-15 minutes.
- Use a special non-slip rug, handles that you can hold on to when leaving the bathroom.
- For relaxation, you can use aromatic oils, in addition to patchouli, basil, cedar, thyme and rosemary. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to oils of rosewood, orange, sandalwood, eucalyptus, tea tree or sandalwood.
- Try to take a bath when someone other than you is at home and, if necessary, helps to get out. Even if you feel good, your head may become dizzy or suddenly darken in your eyes. In this case, you should immediately leave the bathroom and consult your doctor. Before consulting your gynecologist, such procedures should not be repeated.
The danger of bathing in the early stages
Besides a great relaxing effect, a hot bath during pregnancy can be very dangerous. It can provoke both bleeding and miscarriage. The main thing is to remember: hot water, it doesn’t matter whether it is a bath or shower, is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. It can cause premature birth, bleeding, miscarriage and other unpleasant consequences.
In addition, a hot bath can provoke disruptions in the development of an unborn child, but this applies to a hot bath, which does not have many fans.
A hot bath during pregnancy puts too much stress on the heart, which means that there is a serious risk for a woman, because bearing a child is a serious job for the heart muscle of even healthy people.
Popular misconceptions
You can often hear that lying in the bathroom during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since any infection in tap water can easily penetrate the baby. In fact, this is not true. And it is not known who could have come up with such a fallacy, probably the one who skipped anatomy in grade 9. During pregnancy, the fetus is reliably protected from environmental influences, and the penetration of infections is impossible, since the cervix is ​​securely closed by a mucous plug, which leaves only just before the birth.
So, to the question "Is it possible to take a bath during pregnancy in the early stages?" the answer is this: it is possible, and even necessary, if the woman did not have bleeding, there is no uterine tone, and the duration of the bath is not more than 15 minutes. If you follow all the rules, a bath will be a great way to relax after a hard day or keep warm on a cold winter evening.
Late bath
After the onset of the second trimester, when some restrictions can be lifted, the toxicosis is behind and the general state of health is much better than before, the bath becomes a place for relaxation, good time. By adding aromatic oils, you can dream a little about good things and escape from everyday worries.
Many obstetrician-gynecologists recommend taking a shower during pregnancy 2 times a day. Do not use too high pressure, and the water temperature should be about 36-37 degrees.
If there are no medical contraindications, do not deprive yourself of pleasure, because a bath during pregnancy is a great way to relax.
Rules to be followed
Here are the basic rules, following which you can enjoy a warm bath until the first harbingers of childbirth (after separating the mucous plugs, it is strictly forbidden to take a bath):
- Before taking a bath during pregnancy, rinse with a shower. This recommendation is due to the fact that the microflora of the future mother's vagina is subject to changes, and in order to avoid the spread of infections, hygiene rules must be strictly observed.
- The water temperature is 36-37 degrees, and it is better if you take a bath with cool water, about 30 degrees. A hot bath during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated throughout the gestation period. This can lead to irreversible consequences, both in the early and at a later date.
- Before you sit in the bath, take care of the presence of a special rubber mat that will not allow you to slip. This rule should be followed throughout pregnancy, since the bathroom is a room where one inadvertent movement can lead to injuries.
- When taking a bath, the heart area should be free of water. Otherwise, you will face a sharp increase in pressure, which can negatively affect the health of the fetus.
- Do not forget to periodically remove your hands and feet from the water, for a little cooling. A hot bath during pregnancy is very dangerous, but even 36 degrees water is warm enough, and a long stay in it is undesirable.
- Do not take a bath if no one else is at home. Despite the fact that your
She feels great, the mood is wonderful, do not risk her health and the health of the unborn child. While bathing in the bath, you may suddenly feel unwell, increase pressure, or, conversely, fall, you can slip, because during pregnancy, the former grace disappears. - Do not get involved in long bathing. The entire procedure should not take more than 15 minutes at any stage of pregnancy.
- If you feel uncomfortable, change in well-being, immediately stop the procedure.
- The use of aromatic oils, special foams for bath and salt will help to relax, or on the contrary invigorate, relieve fatigue, improve mood. The main thing is to remember that you should not use products containing chemical dyes and additives that can cause allergic reactions and itching.
The benefits of taking a bath
The benefits of taking a bath with a future mom can hardly be overestimated. To the main question: "Can I take a bath during pregnancy?" most doctors say “yes” with confidence if there are no particular contraindications.
Taking a bath helps to improve blood circulation, restore the nervous system, relieve fatigue and tension, eliminate pain in the back and muscles. This list goes on and on. In addition, a warm bath is able to relieve the tone of the uterus, which affects women during pregnancy.
Do not forget about aromatic oils, but do not overdo it. Add a couple drops of your favorite aroma and relax in a pleasant atmosphere.
Contraindications for bathing
There are very few contraindications for taking baths - this is hypertension, heart failure, diabetes and gynecological diseases.
There is no reason to take pleasure
If you have no particular contraindications, do not be afraid of water procedures, because even doctors answer the question “Can I take a bath during pregnancy?” They answer unambiguously: "Yes." This is useful not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby, because he feels every movement, understands emotions. A warm bath will remove the tone of the uterus, allowing the baby to feel much better and reduce the anxiety of a woman, because the closer the expected date of birth, the more worry about the upcoming meeting with his treasure. But for now, this is all in the future, and now enjoy the tranquility in a pleasant warm bath.