Funny sketches for children

Not a single event can be held without amusing and ridiculous scenes for children, whether it is a morning party, New Year or an autumn ball. The main task is not only the ability to amuse the audience, but also to enjoy the process, get rid of the complexes, and feel like a theater actor. In this article we have put together only the best and most interesting scenes for children, which are ideal for any situation or holiday.

Kids and Christmas Scene


Children themselves are very playful and easily connected to any fun, even if five minutes ago they stood aside and refused to talk to each other. Entertainment for them is a way of self-expression. During games, children, as a rule, forget about their complexes, shyness or fears. They start to run fast, laugh out loud, connect fantasy. But before arranging skits for children, you need to know a few rules.


  • Firstly, the duration of the mini-performance should be determined based on the age of the children. The younger the child, the more difficult it will be for him to stand in the middle of the stage and remember a huge text.
  • Secondly, arrange not just a performance according to a pre-prepared script, but connect the intellectual abilities of children, arranging contests, puzzles, charades during the stage.
  • Thirdly, do not forget about the scenery. There is nothing more interesting when children help to prepare colorful dresses, colorful garlands and realistic props. Of course, a small child will not be engaged in welding on his own, but he can very well make flowers or necklaces out of paper.
    Theater performance

International Women's Day

Scenes on March 8 for children always look special. And the guys themselves are in anticipation of International Women's Day, because they have been preparing concerts for weeks, learning poetry, making postcards and gifts for their mothers with their own hands. Here is an example of a fun, vibrant mini-play called "All the way around."

Boys dress up in simple dresses, lightly brown their cheeks and put on wigs. Girls have the opposite - they collect hair, put on ties and draw a mustache. The entire mini-performance will resemble small theatrical sketches.

The presenter announces that she is starting the contest "All the way around." Participants run out onto the stage, assistants take out a box of things. Time is spotted, the girls begin to change the boys’s clothes, putting on bathrobes and hoodies, giving women slippers and putting on scarves and wigs. After a few minutes, the guys switch places, and now they begin to transform the girls. The bottom line is that all participants play their parents, in particular mothers who worry, care, worry and educate their children.

An example of a funny scene:

Mom enters kindergarten, seats her son on a bench, takes shoes out of the locker. The woman says to the child: "Come on." The son raises his right leg, after which the mother categorically nods her head and asks to give the other leg. The boy raises his left, but then the woman realizes that the shoe is still suitable for the right foot. Then he says: "No, son, still give another one." To which the boy sighs heavily and says that he has no other legs!

Cool scenery in the theater

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Let's get acquainted with the sketch for February 23 for schoolchildren. Such a mini-performance is ideal for older brothers and dads who thoroughly know all the hardships of military service, and some of them even dreamed of not joining the army.

  • Combatant songs. The first group of children, which takes part, goes on stage under an even army step. The melody turns on and the children begin to sing a song dedicated to the fathers.
  • At this time, the second group enters the stage to make a miniature performance. While the song is being played, one child pretends to chop wood, the other mimics it, the girls whisper behind the lumberjack.

"I have no legs"

Two boys jump onto the stage, and on their feet are jute bags (or linen). Silent gestures show on each other's feet, explaining who should take off the first. The whole scene takes 3-5 minutes, until a girl comes out and says: "Boys! What are you doing! You have legs in bags, not your tongue!" At this moment, both boys sigh in relief and say: "That-o-ochno!".

The artist is famous

This scene for children will definitely amuse you. It can be used at any event, and the details especially for this mini-performance do not require. Scenario Plan:

  1. A boy comes on stage, sets a chair and an easel in front of him. At the same time, viewers do not see what is depicted on it, since the canvas is turned towards the child.
  2. Two girls walk by, pretending to be walking along an alley, park or pavement.
  3. The first girl notices the artist and pulls her friend. The boy invites them to sit on the chairs. And then he begins to draw hard. The viewer only sees how pieces of paper, fabric ribbons, sparkles are flying in different directions, and the artist himself is constantly waving his brush.
  4. The tension is growing and everyone is wondering what he painted there. When the boy turns the easel, the girls gasp, and one faints. The artist painted funny faces with big ears, short hair, awkward heads.
  5. The boy’s action completes this mini-scene for children: he looks at the canvas, makes a surprised face, runs up to the girls and apologizes without words. Then he goes to the paints, dips his brush in a pencil and gives one funny little mustache to one face.
    Children dance on stage

Oh this turnip

Let's get acquainted with another short sketch for children, which will delight both the audience and the participants themselves. Here we will replay the famous fairy tale "Turnip", but only in a new way. All actions are performed in silence, characters only occasionally insert replicas, and the main text should be read by the presenter, being behind the curtains:

Grandfather comes out into the field and sees a huge turnip. Pulls, pulls, but you can’t pull it out. He calls for help the grandmother - and again in any way. The grandmother went after her granddaughter, she followed her brother, but the turnip does not lend itself in any way - it's too big. A mouse with a cat and a dog is already coming to the rescue, because they are tired of watching the torment of the family. Still pull-pull, but they can’t pull it out. Grandfather wipes sweat from his face with his sleeve, children lie on the ground, leaning on a turnip and sigh heavily, grandmother looks at the sky. Then a little girl walks by and asks why everyone is so tired. They answer her that they can’t pull the turnip - it’s big and firmly stuck in the ground. Then the girl bangs her palm on her forehead and says:

- What's wrong! She could have been dug up!

After these words, the girl skips off the stage. All the characters look at each other and start laughing: "That's it!"

Theater where children play

In the world of robots

Here is another scene for the kids. In kindergarten it is played quite often, as it causes laughter among everyone present at the holidays. Mom and son are walking through the store, passing by the latest robot. The boy asks what it is, to which the woman replies: "A new generation of robots that can tell whether you are cheating or not."

Son: Wow! Let's try!

Mom: Good. What grade did you get today?

The son answers that five. But the robot at that moment raises his hand and spanks the baby slightly.

Mom: Judging by the behavior of the robot, you cheated. Let's try again, just be honest this time.

Son (a little hushed): Well, three.

The robot again raises his hand and slaps the baby slightly.

Mom: So, come on now honestly! What did you get today?

Son: Two ...

The robot continues to stand still and does not move. Mom at this moment says that when she was little, she never cheated on her parents and especially did not get deuces. But after these words, the robot again raises its hand and slightly slaps the woman twice.

acting children


This is an unusual scene for children, because its meaning is to divide the participants into two teams, and then alternately make up words and give hints, portraying this with the whole body. Here is an example:

  • The first team guessed the word "Elephant". One of the participants goes on stage, stands in front of another group and begins to portray a trunk, huge size, stomp, but without making a sound. Opponents must guess what kind of word was made, based only on the gestures of the child standing in front of them.

Such scenes are used for Children's Day, which is held on November 20. As a rule, such holidays are completely devoted to small people, therefore all games are aimed, mainly, not for the audience, but for themselves.

Looking for pants

It happens in kindergarten. The kids are going for a walk before dinner. Most children dress themselves, but not our main character, who needs to be helped all the time. The teacher sees how the little girl hardly pulls on her pants, and is determined to help her. After a while, when the trousers are already on, the baby declares that this is not her pants!

The teacher, muttering something under her nose, obviously tired of such tricks in the kindergarten, helps the girl to take off her clothes again. And now, when the trousers are already taken off, the baby again declares:

“These are the pants of my older sister.” Mom always allows me to wear when it gets colder outside!

Creative kids stand

It was at school

No less interesting scene. It happens in a math lesson. The teacher for a long time explains to the children the rules of addition and subtraction. Then he asks a question to one student:

Teacher: Little Vovochka, tell me, now you have 50 rubles. Your brother gave you another 50 rubles, how much will you have in total?

Little Vovochka: Marya Ivanovna, it will remain 50 rubles.

Teacher: Eh, Vovochka, you are not at all familiar with mathematics.

Little Vovochka: Sorry, but this is not at all familiar with my brother.

Children take part in various events with great pleasure, especially when it comes to acting and theater. The main task remains only to select the roles for the strength of each child so that he does not feel impaired and understands the meaning of the scene. After the first performance, children cease to be afraid of the scene, easily relate to the audience and learn to correctly express their emotions. This is a good practice that teaches teaming up, being disciplined and attentive.

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