The pit bull and bull terrier are fighting dog species that were bred for illegal fighting in Britain in the nineteenth century. Perhaps that is why most people are convinced of the aggressiveness and cruel nature of these animals. Nevertheless, breeders and breeders are willing to argue with this. In the article, we will consider how the breeds differ and who is stronger - a pit bull or bull terrier.
Pit Bull Description
In some countries, the breed is called a pit bull terrier or American pit bull terrier. The average height of a sexually mature cable is 49 cm, and that of a female is 44 cm. Weight ranges from 20 to 30 kg.
The following types of color characteristic of the breed are distinguished: it can be continuous, brindle or spotted with small inclusions. Consider the colors in more detail:
- Merle. In an animal, light and dark areas stand out on the body. Such a pet can only be obtained by artificial crossbreeding; in nature, such individuals are not born.
- Brindle. Dogs have a natural color - stripes on the body or spots.
- Black and blue. These shades are often confused. Blue dogs are considered the rarest and most popular.
- White. A pit bull of this color may be lighter or darker. There are black spots on the face.
- Chocolate. Hue can also vary from light to dark.
- Leopard. Color is not considered standard.
- Grey. The color is compared with red and red, but it is lighter.
- Teak. This color is distinguished by small patches that can be seen only on the white color of the coat.
The coat of the pit bulls is short, stiff. Life expectancy is 13 years. The cost of a dog of ordinary color is within 20 thousand rubles. Rare breeds, for example, a white pit bull, cost up to 100 thousand rubles.
The complexity of the breed lies in the fact that it is not suitable for every person, since it is necessary to approach the training and education of the animal with maximum responsibility, to devote a lot of time and effort to it, so that over time, due to the feeling of loneliness, the psyche of the dog does not change the worst side.
Bull Terrier Description
No matter how strange it may seem, the standard characteristics of this breed are very vague. So, 18 to 30 kg is the weight of the bull terrier, the individual's growth ranges from 30-45 cm. If we talk about the variety of miniature bull terriers, their growth does not exceed 35.5 centimeters. It is also important how the dog looks, it should not be too fattened or, conversely, thin. One thing is certain: the bull terrier is a strong, muscular animal.
The head is strong, low set, elongated ovoid. It should be flat, without any distortions or bends. The lower jaw is heavy, scissor bite. The nostrils are clearly distinguishable, open. The eyes are narrowed, dark brown, in shape resemble an elongated triangle. Ears are localized closer to the crown of the head, set close together. The limbs are muscular, strong and strong, well retain body weight. The chest is wide, rounded in shape, with clearly visible muscles. The tail is short, narrowed towards the end.
The color of the bull terrier is different. If color, then with a predominance of color over white. If white, then spots of a different color are shown only on the head and ears.
If you are interested in how much a bull terrier puppy costs, then be prepared to give 20 to 60 thousand rubles for an animal.
Character comparison
Many are interested in who is stronger: pit bull or bull terrier. The aggressiveness of an individual largely depends on the environment in which the dog grew up, and the amount of attention paid to it. Consider the individual horoscopes.
Pit bull is able to become a true friend, faithful companion, home guard and bodyguard for his masters. A pet can comfortably live in an urban environment, or in a private suburb house, provided that it is not put on a chain. This animal will become an excellent companion due to its energy and activity.
By nature, pit bulls are hard workers, so they always and everywhere try to be useful to their master. They need a moving lifestyle and if you meet the needs of the dog, it will always be positive, flexible, good contact. Despite numerous reviews of the breed as aggressive, pit bulls are friendly animals. If initially the dog was raised and trained, and it is sufficiently socialized, then it will not pose a threat to members of his family, other animals and strangers.
Pit bull is very patient, but due to the developed hunting instinct, if another animal or person attacks him, he is unlikely to retreat. Fans of the breed who want to have two individuals at once should know that same-sex animals do not get along well together.
A bull terrier, raised in a peaceful environment, has a calm disposition. If it is a fighting dog, then walking it without a muzzle is by no means impossible; it seeks in any case to show its aggressive character. The animal lends itself perfectly to training. In this case, the owner should present the tasks clearly and consistently, without going to extremes. It is worth noting that bull terriers are extremely difficult to endure loneliness, trying to spend as much time as possible with their family members. They are distinguished by devotion and are able to sacrifice their lives to save the owner.
Despite the widespread information about the ferocious nature of the dog, the majority of breeders unanimously convinced that they are friendly and playful animals who like to play with toys and get along well with children. Giving a brief description of the representatives of this breed, we can distinguish several main qualities:
- powerful grip;
- agility common to all terriers;
- endurance;
- pursuit of one’s goal;
- bravery;
- low pain threshold;
- absolute submission.
Bull terriers are smart and smart, but sometimes their minds lead to rebellion. Proper training of the animal helps to avoid possible resistance of the pet and turn all the disadvantages of the character into advantages. Since they are physically strong dogs, they need to maintain their physical shape. They will undoubtedly be good partners for jogging and training. If you do not maintain activity, they will begin to skoda or spill and thicken.
As you can see there is a difference. The pit bull and bull terrier differ in weight, body shape, colors. The dogs are the same in one thing - everyone needs the attention and care of the owner, otherwise the animal will grow aggressive.
Maintenance and care of the pit bull
Pit bull is an unpretentious animal that does not require special care. It is important to monitor the condition of the ears of the animal, they must always remain dry and clean. They are treated once a week and combed pet hair. There is no specific regimen for bathing the dog, water procedures are performed as necessary. If the nails of the pit bull do not grind naturally, it is necessary to trim them in a timely manner, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort while walking. Give the pet bones to clean the mouth or brush your teeth, wipe your eyes with a swab dipped in boiled water.
The dog needs physical activity, walks should be daily, at least twice a day with outdoor games and training. If all this is in abundance, the pet will not feel discomfort while living in urban conditions. Conversely, if the attention of the owner and the paddocks are insufficient, then you risk raising an evil pit bull.
Maintenance and care of the bull terrier
Bull terrier is a smooth-haired breed, therefore it does not require regular combing of wool. Shedding in an animal, like in most other dogs, occurs twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is easy to brush off wool with a brush or specially designed mitten. There is no need to arrange water procedures after each walk, especially in rainy weather, just wipe the body and paws of the dog with a damp rag.
It is necessary to regularly wipe the dog's eyes and clean the ears. Since the latter are susceptible to inflammatory processes, they should be examined from time to time. During walks, the claws of the bull terrier grind, but if they protrude beyond the borders of the fingertips, they need to be shaved.
Since the representatives of the breed are active in nature, walks and physical activity for the pet, especially the adult bull terrier, are very important. In addition, he has a tendency to obesity. It is good to include ball games and jumping into daily walks. This will keep the dog in great shape, at home she will be more flexible. Training is not shown to all representatives of bull terriers, while education is mandatory for everyone.
How to feed dogs of such breeds
The diet of a puppy of a standard bull terrier and pit bull should be full and high-calorie. Feeding - five times, while following the following recommendations:
- it is important to observe the dog’s diet, do it strictly at a certain time;
- food should be served in the same bowl daily;
- water should be changed as often as possible;
- despite the fact that the meat contains the protein necessary for the animal to build bone and muscle tissue, other nutrients are no less important;
- the dog is allowed to give dairy products with the exception of milk;
- it is not necessary to give raw meat too often, it is better to heat it;
- in order to prevent helminthiases, the systematic pet is given anthelmintic drugs;
- it is recommended to include canned food for dogs or dry food in the diet, while studying the composition of the product and observing the dog’s reaction, as some of the incoming components can cause allergies.
Pros and cons of pit bull breed
The advantages of the breed include minimal care, which does not require much trouble. In addition, pit bulls are quite intelligent dogs, they are very amenable to training and are able to coexist with other pets. Many are wondering how pit bull and children can exist. Thanks to quick wit and self-confidence, the dog does not attack the child, but, on the contrary, becomes his friend, protector, nanny.
Before deciding on the choice of a particular breed of dog, the responsible owner weighs all its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a particular breed include:
- pit bull - an animal unpretentious in leaving, it does not need to be combed out and bathed constantly;
- the daily diet of the pet is quite simple and does not require the introduction of special products;
- because of its quick wit and fighting qualities, the dog is easy to train and becomes not only a friend, but also a good defender;
- cheerful and active disposition gives pleasure during a joint walk with the dog;
- differs in good immunity and is practically not subject to diseases;
- Suitable for people with high intelligence.
Among the negative features of the breed are noted:
- proper education requires time, patience and desire, otherwise you run the risk of growing an evil pit bull;
- suitable only for experienced and responsible dog breeders who are fully aware of the responsibility for the pet;
- aggressive component of character and hunting instinct with the wrong approach can become dangerous for others;
- a pit bull requires a lot of attention and communication with its owner, in its absence, the behavior of the pet can radically change;
- problems are possible due to the dog’s hyperreaction to the food served to him or other situations;
- pit bulls often suffer from dysplasia and hypothyroidism, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are not uncommon among breed representatives.
Pros and cons of the bull terrier breed
Bull terriers are fighting dogs. Among the main advantages of the breed are:
- Good nature and loving attitude towards their masters. Breeders say that bull terriers look a little like the cold-blooded killers that everyone considers them to be. In the course of numerous studies, it was found that these dogs never attack for no apparent reason. To do this, they need to be very angry, and such a reaction will be natural for any dog.
- Easy to maintain and maintain. Due to the characteristics of the coat, the animal can not be bathed, and sometimes only wipe with a damp towel. Claws grind during active games and walks.
- Bull terriers are good companions. You can take them with you for jogging and training in the fresh air.
- Pets are loyal to their owner.
- They are easy to train and very smart. It is recommended to start the learning process in a playful way.
The disadvantages of the breed are:
- They have a penchant for leadership. The pet can stubbornly resist the commands of the owner. Dogs will help to pacify dog rebellion.
- It is extremely rare that the bull terrier coexists with other pets. As a rule, the animal is waiting for the right moment to eliminate the "opponent".
- Short hair cannot protect the dog from the cold wind and the scorching sun. Therefore, a humid and cold climate will make the pet stay not comfortable. If you leave the dog in the sun for a long time, you are more likely to get a sunstroke or burn.
- Of course, bull terriers can be kept in city apartments, but nevertheless, due to the physiology of the animal, a country house is better. These dogs need space for movement and training. If the dog lives in an apartment, it is important for him to ensure lengthy training.
- The erroneous opinion and bias of others. According to most people, bull terriers are ruthless killers, so you should be prepared that some of them loudly express a negative attitude or condemn.
- When many find out how much a bull terrier puppy costs, it becomes a problem. After all, an individual will have to pay three times more for an appropriate one than for a pit bull.
Pit Bull Training Features
Breeders recommend that the owners of the pit bull must pass a general training course to learn the basics of obedience. If you wish, you can continue training aimed at protecting and guarding, since the pit bull has all the necessary data for this. Among other things, this will allow you to control the pet's aggression.
The owner should always maintain communication with his dog, not to show cruelty and anger, because it is the attitude that determines the nature of the pet in the future. It is necessary to focus on the curiosity of the dog and the desire to please the person in the performance of tasks.
If you are interested in who is stronger - a pit bull or a bull terrier, then we can say that pit bulls are more hardy and gambling creatures. The breeds are distinguished by the fact that in a brawl, pits do not consider their position to be losing under any circumstances. This means that the dog will fight to the last.
Features of training the bull terrier
When training a dog, it is important to remember that bull terriers of a white or other color, having experienced the weakness of a person, will cease to obey him. Therefore, from the first minutes you need to show your leadership.
As a puppy, pets are taught to share their toys without manifesting aggression. The owner should demonstrate his dissatisfaction with the behavior of the dog and in no case indulge his whims. If the puppy is tired, it is not necessary to force him to train, and to encourage each executed command with his favorite treat. You can not scold the bull terrier, they can remember this for a long time. All teams are presented concisely and clearly.
Undoubtedly, you can train a strong and aggressive bull terrier. In this case, to decide who is stronger: pit bull or bull terrier, only the fight will help.