The most common cat diseases

Like people, pets can suffer from a large number of diseases that lie in wait for them in life. Moreover, many of them are similar to human diseases. No one is immune from diseases, so a timely visit to the veterinarian for preventive and therapeutic purposes will extend the life of your pet.

There are a huge number of diseases, so it is not possible to cover them all in one article. Let's talk about the most common diseases of cats. This will help you better navigate the changes in the health and behavior of your pets.

All organs of cats, both external and internal, can be affected by disease. As in humans, cat diseases can be acute or chronic. First of all, these are skin diseases and external parasites. In feline representatives, respiratory diseases (including viral ones) are also common.

Very dangerous diseases of cats belong to the digestive system. Paying attention to the behavior of the animal, you can quickly detect the first signs of damage to the digestive tract. These include: refusal to eat, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Call your veterinarian immediately if you notice one of these signs in your cat.

Helminths can occur in the intestines of the animal, and they, in turn, can affect your digestive system. Pay attention to fecal deposits. In the event of a color change or the appearance of foreign objects, send them for examination to the veterinary laboratory. A competent professional will determine the presence of a certain parasite and help you choose the right medication.

It is difficult to diagnose lesions of the genitourinary system, and their danger lies in the fact that they lead the body to self-poisoning. In older cats, stones often form in the bladder, which makes urination difficult. In addition, it is very painful and leads to the suffering of the animal.

Often there are eye lesions, a sign of which are purulent discharge. Do not independently treat the eyes of an animal, this can lead to blindness. Ear diseases include ear scabies, ulcers, otitis media. The ears may swell if an abscess occurs or if foreign objects enter it.

Do not bypass pets and tumors. Two species are known in cats: benign and malignant neoplasms. The causes of their occurrence, both in cats and in humans, are still unknown. Benign formations often develop gradually, are deployed in one place and are easy to remove. Malignant tumors in cats develop rapidly and are characterized by the development of metastases. In this case, the animal is practically unable to be saved, although at present the animals are even given chemotherapy.

Another oncological disease is found - this is breast cancer in cats. As in the case of other neoplasms, the cause of the occurrence is not known. A pet sterilized before the first estrus is most often not susceptible to this disease. Unlike other domestic animals, breast cancer in cats develops much less frequently. But, if a cat is diagnosed with a breast tumor, in most cases it is cancer.

Drooling, unpleasant odor, difficulty swallowing may be due to diseases of the oral cavity. Owner rarely encounters a nose disease . A cat is an excitable and vulnerable creature. Keep your pet nervous system healthy. The most common disorders of the nervous system and diseases associated with it are meningitis, hysteria, cramps and a nervous crisis.

Remember, cat disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Take care of our smaller brothers. Take care of their health, and they will give you their love.

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