Автосохранение в "Ворде": MS Word 2007 и более новые версии

An unplanned power outage, a malfunctioning technique or an accidental cancellation of the save - and an important report or a large amount of text are irretrievably lost. But is it irreversible? Auto-save in Word saved more than one user who, by the will of circumstances or his own carelessness, canceled saving the document. The program automatically saves files that are edited every ten minutes.

autosave in Word

Default options

Word 2007 . , . , , , , , (-, , ), .

, ( “”, “ …”) . , . , .

, - , . - . , "" .

, . ""?

(2010-2016) "", "", "". " " " ". .

how to configure autosave in Word

Word 2007 : Microsoft Office, "", " " . , .

"" . , , , . , . .

"" . "" ( ""), "". (Ctrl+C), (Ctrl+V) .

word 2007

: , . , , , Word - .

word autosave

, , , — . Google Docs, , - , ( ) .

Auto-save in Word often gets stuck, and the service from the information giant quickly saves every file improvement, does not slow down and has a laconic design with all the necessary functions. Another alternative is Microsoft Office Online. The online version limits some possibilities, but basically works well.

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