Navy Day - what is it?

The merits of Russian sailors have always been highly appreciated by compatriots, which may be why the Navy Day is celebrated in several ways. Let's try to pay attention to each of them. The first is the Day of the Sea and River Fleet, which was established more than 20 years ago, in 1980. He is celebrated and now, after all these years, on the first Sunday of July.

For each of us, a sea ​​voyage is a very exciting action. There are probably no people who would refuse to swim on a liner during a cruise. But the opportunity to swim is provided to us precisely by people who work in the role of a ship's crew. On this day, the Navy is awarded shipping workers for their merit. And this is generally not surprising. These people transport goods, sometimes very voluminous. It is important that transportation is carried out promptly and quickly. This is a very important process for the country's economy. Despite the impressive merits of the sailors, they celebrate quite modestly.

However, successes in the country are not only in the peaceful field. Militarily, sailors often performed real feats. Many of them are noted in history as heroic. That is why one of the most popular and beloved holidays in the country is the Day of the Russian Navy.

It is traditionally celebrated on the last Sunday of July. Celebrate it began a very long time ago - in 1939.

There were many brilliant victories. That is why the inhabitants of the country sacredly honor the memory of the glorious fleet, which is its real pride.

The sailors are congratulated by senior officials of Russia, concerts, parades, and various festivals are held everywhere. Competitions and entertainments are held. At the same time, this Day of the Navy is also a celebration of Neptune. It should be noted that, despite the scale of the holiday, the behavior of the participants remains within the normal range.

But he cannot be called modest either. The military celebrates the celebration with great enthusiasm. It is worth noting one distinguishing feature of the celebrations on the Black Sea Fleet - only there the sailors change their uniform on that day.

Water performance is an unusual and spectacular decoration of the holiday. This, at the same moment, is an event in honor of Neptune and congratulations to the sailors.

By the way, about this god. Since ancient times, it has been considered the patron saint of sailors. This day is even celebrated in children's camps, where various performances are held with mermaids, watermen and Neptune himself.

As a rule, they depict him with a trident, beard and crown. Around the bustle, fun, music, songs, jokes - the real atmosphere of the holiday.

The performance is held according to ancient customs. The captain of a sailing ship asks the sea god to let him sail through his possessions. After which Neptune gives the go-ahead and baptizes shipping workers with water. This event is the main throughout the festival.

It is celebrated everywhere - even in modern resort cities, where it adopts the format of a beach show, in hotels and resorts, and various entertainment complexes.

It remains for us to rejoice at the celebration of the day of this god, to honor our glorious fleet, to remember his achievements and to rejoice. All Russians express admiration for the people who have chosen this great path. Our navy is the real pride of the country, it has a huge history. It certainly deserves respect.

This is the Day of the Navy in our country. A holiday when congratulating people who have dedicated their lives to ships. By and large, these are two days when the navy is honored - peaceful and military. These are wonderful holidays that are worth noting. At least in order to pay a certain tribute to the brave sailors who tirelessly care about the economy and security of the country.

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