A topic related to the time at which a child begins to have colic worries every young mother. Especially those women who became mothers for the first time. It is necessary to prepare for this phenomenon even during pregnancy, studying information and reading the necessary literature. After all, the baby's colic is accompanied by screams and crying and often lead any mom to a state of stress that is absolutely unnecessary.
The concept
Infant colic is an accumulation of gas in the stomach and intestines, which provokes pain and discomfort. Do not worry and raise a panic, which is characteristic of young mothers. This process is absolutely physiological and occurs up to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract.
Of course, it’s very difficult for mom to watch her baby suffer. But it is important to understand that this is a temporary phenomenon, and today there are many means to alleviate pain.
When a child begins colic
On average, colic begins to disturb the newborn at the 2-3rd week after birth. They represent gas formation, which is accompanied by unpleasant pain in the belly of a baby. There is an opinion that by 3 months the torment ends. But such data are purely individual in nature.
Unpleasant sensations can accompany the baby for several hours. He is irritable and constantly cries.
When do babies get colic in the stomach? What are their symptoms? Symptoms are very diverse. Some babies frown, squeeze their eyes, others fearfully examine the surrounding objects, clutching their fingers into fists.
Despite the various reactions, all children let you know about the discomfort with prolonged crying, accompanied by pressing the legs to the tummy. In this regard, the usual daily routine and wakefulness phases may change. Spitting up and a tight tummy are a direct basis for confirming the presence of colic in the baby. Signs can be observed throughout the day, but they are most pronounced after feeding.
It is worth noting that diarrhea and fever in this condition are not the norm, but require immediate medical attention.
Causes of Colic
Every mother wants to alleviate the suffering of her child. There are several causes of colic, and if they are eliminated, the baby will feel better:
- Frequent lying down. Food passes well through the digestive tract only if, after a meal, a person is upright for some time. It is the same with babies, which is why pediatricians tell young mothers that after feeding the baby, it is necessary to hold the baby in their arms in a column until the air that has got into the tummy comes out.
- Overfeeding. Food does not have time to digest in the stomach, and fermentation occurs, which puts pressure on the intestinal wall. Most often, this situation occurs in children on artificial feeding, which are fed from a bottle.
- Incorrect nipple grip, resulting in swallowing of air during feeding. Although this problem is not the main one, it just can aggravate the discomfort.
- Incorrectly selected feeding bottle. Today in children's stores there are many bottles equipped with a special valve that prevents air from entering.
- Lactase deficiency or enterocolitis have similar symptoms to colic, but belong to pathologies. Baby with such a problem experiences terrible pain in the tummy.
- Mom does not follow the rules of nutrition during breastfeeding. Before discharge from the hospital, mothers are introduced to this information.
When do the colic go
Every mother understands when such a nuisance as colic in her newborn comes to an end. The kid becomes cheerful and cheerful, his stomach is less and less concerned about him. Pediatricians associate such a restructuring with the improvement of the digestive tract of the baby.
It is worth noting that the average time for completion of colic occurs in babies at the age of 0.5 years. This is a rather long period, which brings concern to the life of not only the little pean, but also his parents. Fortunately, there are a sufficient number of drugs that reduce discomfort in the belly of the crumbs.
Effective Techniques
When a child begins to have colic, what should I do? There are several completely safe ways to rid your beloved baby of discomfort and pain in the tummy. The most common and effective of them:
- Brew pharmacy mint so that the infusion is strong. One or two teaspoons per 200 ml of water is enough. Give the baby 1-2 drops during wakefulness, but not more often than once every half hour.
- Fennel tea, which can often be found on sale in pharmacies and baby food departments, is also an excellent alternative to medicines. The best part is that it can also be used by mom, he has the ability to get into breast milk and alleviate unpleasant symptoms of crumbs.
- Tummy massage in a clockwise direction, as well as fitball exercises.
- A warm diaper ironed, then laid on the baby’s stomach, also helps relieve unpleasant symptoms. But, unfortunately, this manipulation takes a lot of time, since the tissues tend to cool quickly.
- Regular nutrition of the baby with breast milk, observing the intervals between feedings. Pediatricians recommend feeding every 3 hours, if you do this more often, then the baby gets gas, and the food does not have time to fully digest. Although this theory, according to reviews of young mothers, is not always confirmed.
Medical advice
We found out at what age in children colic begins. But how can they be treated? There is no regulated scheme for preventing colic symptoms. Therefore, parents have to choose their methods recommended by pediatricians. Consider the most popular tips:
- Use a light tummy massage no earlier than 15-20 minutes after feeding.
- In case of severe attacks, a vent tube should be used exactly following the attached instructions.
- After each feeding, carry the crumbs on the handles in an upright position. Ten minutes is enough to let the air out.
- Make sure that the baby grabs the nipple correctly without swallowing air.
- Calm the baby during pain attacks. Swing on pens or in a cradle. Surround with love and care.
Parents whose children suffer from colic are in constant stress. They do not get enough sleep, and this only negatively affects family relations. Try to make it easier, don’t be nervous! The child is able to feel mom’s mood and adopt it. It is in your power to create a warm and comfortable environment for your baby, surround him with love and care. And then temporary troubles will go much milder.
There is also an equally common mistake in finding relief for unpleasant symptoms for the baby. Young mothers, listening to the advice of grandmothers and girlfriends, use techniques and drugs that can seriously harm the baby. In such a delicate matter, your adviser should be exclusively a pediatrician whom you trust.
Should I reassure the baby during a scream
It is believed that the baby needs to cry out, so it becomes easier for him, this is necessary for the development of the pulmonary system. But the child should not remain alone in his crib and sob in hysteria. Even if mom is exhausted, she should be nearby. The kid must understand that he is safe and loved.
Not all mothers are helped by nannies and grandmothers. And unfortunately, they may just despair. They can yell at the baby and shake him with a request to calm down. Work on yourself, accept the fact that the baby screams and cries because it hurts. It will pass, and you should only alleviate these symptoms, feel sorry and protect your beloved man.
How to cope with stress
It is important to remember that all children are individual. Someone has children cry for several hours in a row, while a neighbor, for example, has a wonderful child who only eats and sleeps. And not only colic can cause tantrums of a small person. At an early age, the baby has jumps in growth, which are also accompanied by long and piercing screams.
To minimize the occurrence of a nervous breakdown or sinking into depression, you should:
- Try to get enough sleep, you should not shoulder all the responsibilities for caring for the baby. There is a dad who should help and take part of the duties upon himself.
- Try during pregnancy to study information about when children begin to have colic. So you will be fully armed, and this will not take you by surprise.
- Do not leave your baby crying alone. Carry it on pens, rocking and reading books.
And remember, this is temporary! Peak does not last more than 1 week. And then it will be easier. After all, regardless of when the colic begins in a newborn child, they pass. And you just need to be patient.