The situation when you need to get rid of any inscription present in the picture arises quite often. For example, you may need to remove the company logo from the advertisement, or even just the date from a photo taken by yourself. You can erase an unnecessary detail using almost any of the existing graphic editors. So, how to remove captions from the picture?
Paint Editor
In the event that the inscription is located on a plain background, you can remove it using the Paint editor. This program is available on any home computer running Windows. In order to open it, you need to click the "Start" - "All Programs" button, and then go to the "Standard" item.
How to remove an inscription from a picture in Paint?
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Paint , . «». « ». , . () . , () «».
. «». , . , (). , . . . . () , , . , .
«» . (, . .), . . , . , .
Photoshop® CS5
, « CS5». , . . , , .
Photoshop® CS5?
«» - «». . , . , «».
, . «» « » . «» « ». «». «» « ». «» : – 100%, - . OK. .
Photoshop® CS6
, « CS 6». , Photoshop® CS5. , «» - «». Background . «» - « » .
«» «»
«». , . Background .
, «»? «». «» - - . Alt . - , . . Alt, . . . , Alt . .
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«» , Paint. , «» « ». , , – , . « » . "" . . , «» « », () « ». . .
Next, you need to take the “Move” tool (black arrow) and drag the patch (being on the layer with it) onto the text. In the event that it does not completely overlap it, go to the “Editing” tab - “Free Transformation”. After that, holding the mouse button (left) on one of the squares on the transformation path, you need to stretch the patch to the required size. Then it should be moved so that it is on top of the text, which in this case is located a layer below. This can be done without leaving the transformation field. After the text is closed, press Enter. Thus, instead of the inscription in the picture, only a piece of the background merging with the environment will be visible.. () « ». Background .
, , , , . «» . Paint , , . , «», «» . Photoshop, CS5, – , « ».