Quartz lamp OUFK-01 "Sun": reviews. Quartz ultraviolet irradiator "Sun" OUFK-01

The quartz lamp OUFK 01 “Sun”, reviews of which characterize it as a high-quality and efficient device, has an official Certificate of Conformity and a Registration Certificate of the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation. It is used to treat many diseases, primarily having an overall healing and strengthening effect on the body’s immune system. Another purpose of the device is sanitation of residential and non-residential premises. That is why the quartz lamp "Sun" can be useful to everyone.

The benefits of ultraviolet radiation

If a seasonal increase in immunity is required, then quartz exposure procedures will be ideal as a preventive and safe means, and a quartz lamp will help to carry them out independently, the instruction for use of which is quite accessible to everyone. After several sessions, you can feel a surge of strength even in a dull and damp autumn-winter season due to the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation.

quartz lamp ufk 01 sun reviews

An excellent result was shown by a UV quartz lamp after a treatment course for patients with problematic hair and a variety of skin diseases. A special and fairly quick effect was observed with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, oily sheen of the skin with the formation of acne. In addition, with the help of ultraviolet, you can forget about freckles and make age spots almost invisible.

The usual duration of one irradiation procedure is 5 minutes, and you should start from 1 minute, for which a quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun" is ideal. Reviews of patients undergoing ultraviolet treatment are extremely positive. The main thing is a preliminary consultation with a specialist, and you also need to know that with especially sensitive and dry skin, such measures are contraindicated.

Age restrictions in use of a lamp "Sun"

Quartz lamp "Sun" due to its soft effect is indicated for use in the treatment of children of different ages starting from infants (lamp OUFK 01). In principle, it can also be used for adult patients, increasing the duration of the session by 2 times.

Technical characteristics of the device OUFK 01 "Sun"

A compact quartz lamp, the price of which is about two thousand rubles, is very convenient to use, has small dimensions and a weight of 1 kg, is equipped with dense sun glasses and various plastic nozzles. This is a stable device with a metal case, the irradiator power of which is only 7 watts. Thanks to this, the lamp can be used for small children. Immediately comes into working condition, operates under any conditions.

OUFK 01 "The Sun" is characterized by low electricity consumption with excellent performance, allowing quartz areas up to 10-12 m 2 for 20 minutes The warranty period of the treatment and prevention device is 12 months. And you can buy it even by phone, ordering targeted delivery in any Russian region.

quartz lamp instruction

Quartz lamps for disinfection of rooms

There is another area of ​​application of the device. The bactericidal ultraviolet quartz lamp for the home is specially designed for periodic irradiation sessions to which not only people are exposed, but also the surrounding air space in a residential or non-residential building, as well as various surfaces. Manipulations are carried out in order to eliminate inflammatory foci in the body and to disinfect rooms from harmful microorganisms and infections.

Quartz disinfection lamps are especially practiced in those places where newborns and small children are often found, whether it be a children's bedroom in your home or a pediatrician's office in a clinic.

Quartz lamp for everyone

If you are not sure that you can use an ultramodern preventive and therapeutic device at home, then you can cast aside all doubts: a quartz lamp for the home is an excellent tool that relieves acute inflammatory processes and pain; prevents some diseases of the respiratory and nervous systems of the body. Used against viral and many other common diseases.

The quartz lamp OUFK 01 “The Sun”, reviews of which are favorable due to its positive effect, replenishes vitamin D in the body, especially in winter, when its deficiency is acute. It accelerates metabolic processes, increases the immune response and helps improve blood circulation, which is essential for the overall strengthening of the body in case of any health problems.

Medical indications for the use of the lamp "Sun" No. 1

In addition to the fact that the quartz bactericidal lamp disinfects rooms, improves the resistance of the immune system to pathogens, self-treatment at home and other ailments is possible. These include infectious, skin, diseases of the joints, hair and even the problem of baldness.

quartz lamp sun

A quartz lamp, by its principle of exposure, can be infrared, ultraviolet, mercury-quartz, bactericidal, etc. A low-power lamp for conducting therapeutic sessions and preventive procedures for children under 3 years of age is a quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun". Parents' reviews indicate excellent treatment results and the absolute safety of the device for children. Nevertheless, before carrying out the quartzization procedure, you should always consult an experienced doctor.

The list of diseases treated by a quartz lamp (the price for it is justified by a large list of medical indications) includes:

  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

    quartz lamp for home

  • Purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, burns, pressure sores, frostbite.
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis externa, tonsillitis, boils in the nasal cavity.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the mucous membranes of the body.
  • Problems of newborns, such as a weeping navel, mastitis, some forms of exudative diathesis and staphyloderma.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Diseases of the hair and scalp.
  • In dentistry: aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, etc.
  • In neurology: as additional procedures in the treatment of the effects of traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries.


Despite the relative safety of the effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body of a small child, there are a number of contraindications to conducting treatment sessions with a quartz lamp. Namely:

  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Propensity to bleeding and blood diseases.
  • An ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage.
  • Atherosclerosis of arteries and vessels of the head.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, etc.

In order to avoid negative consequences in the presence of one of the listed diagnoses, it is imperative to visit a doctor and get qualified advice.

uv quartz lamp

Advantages of a quartz lamp OUFK 01 "Sun"

The described quartz lamps for disinfection have undoubted advantages over other similar devices. Firstly, they can easily be used independently at home in numerous areas of medical indications. Secondly, the generated radiation has a unique effect that destroys bacteria and can be used to disinfect residential and non-residential premises.

Also, after conducting a course of procedures with a quartz lamp, the insignificant ultraviolet radiation of which is similar to sunlight, the body's immunity and resistance to infections are strengthened.

quartz disinfection lamps

OUFK 01 "The Sun" is convenient due to its compactness and mobility; moreover, it is easily installed in the position necessary for carrying out manipulations. The special tubes included in the package are made with holes of various diameters, which facilitates ENT procedures for colds, runny nose, or flu. The reliability of the device is confirmed by a certificate and a one-year warranty on use.

Other models of quartz lamps "Sun"

In addition to the first model of a quartz lamp "Sun" for children under 3 years old, the following ones have been produced. So, the model "Sun" No. 2 has a higher power quartz lamp, which makes it possible to conduct sessions for adults, and also increases the life of the device.

With the help of a miniature tanning bed "Sun" No. 3, you can get a full uniform tan right at home. It is intended to use this quartz device to people who are deficient in useful sunlight. The range of work is completely safe for health and increases the body's immunity.

quartz bactericidal lamp

Quartz lamp "Sun" No. 4 is designed as a bactericidal irradiator in rooms up to 60 m 2 . It is used for sanitary quartzization of rooms and objects located in them, but tubes for ENT procedures are also included in the kit. Most often it is installed in specialized medical facilities where special sterility conditions are required. Thanks to the ultraviolet spectrum, quartz lamp No. 4 is capable of destroying even influenza viruses that are dangerous with complications.

Thus, the quartz lamp "Sun" in all its modifications is designed to serve for bactericidal treatment of any premises and care for the health of children and adults. Buying a device is quite simple, but the main thing is to use it only after consulting a doctor and strictly adhering to the instructions.

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