Pregnancy is coming closer to its end. With its normal course, without threats and pathologies, ultrasound at 32 weeks of gestation is the latest study. We can say that this is a prenatal examination, which will give a clear picture about the condition of the child, his situation, possible risks during the onset of labor for mother and baby. Based on the results, the gynecologist can decide on a cesarean section.
Many mothers fear pelvic or longitudinal presentation of the fetus. The reasons for this situation may be the structural features of the uterus, placenta previa, pregnancy in a mother with many children, polyhydramnios, oligohydramnios. If the ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy showed that the baby is not located correctly, then there is still time to fix it. The doctor prescribes special gymnastics and exercises that promote the baby’s coup, classes for pregnant women in the pool are recommended.
After some time, closer to the birth, another study is carried out, if the results of the ultrasound during pregnancy show that the child has not rolled over and is still in the pelvic presentation, then the woman in labor will most likely be given a cesarean section. Independent delivery is possible if the weight of the child is less than 3.5 kg., The woman in labor has a fairly wide pelvis and is not older than 35 years. Such births are special, a woman goes to hospital several weeks before the expected date, and undergoes various studies. If the child is a boy, then independent birth can be dangerous, due to the risk of damage to his genitals.
When ultrasound is performed at 32 weeks of gestation, premature aging of the placenta can be detected , which means that the child receives an insufficient amount of various nutrients. Fetoplacental insufficiency, intrauterine growth retardation, fetal hypoxia is dangerous.
Fetal hypoxia, or in another way, oxygen deficiency, is quite common in 10% of pregnant women. This diagnosis leads to a slowdown in the metabolic process in the child's body, respectively, there is a delay in the development of the fetus. If hypoxia is neglected and severe, then this can lead to sad consequences. Damage to the central nervous system, the child’s low fitness for extrauterine life and, in extreme cases, can lead to fetal death. Therefore, an examination of ultrasound at 32 weeks of pregnancy is mandatory! A timely diagnosis makes it possible to prescribe the treatment as soon as possible or refer the mother to the hospital for examination.
The ultrasound will determine the size of the fetus, its weight. This is an important point for mothers whose pelvis is narrow. An observing gynecologist will compare the results of measuring the weight of the fetus and the pelvis of the mother, if the child is too large, then a decision on cesarean section is possible.
Be sure to look at the baby’s organs to match the development and duration of pregnancy. Particular attention is light, the baby is able to breathe independently outside the womb or not.
Pregnant ultrasound protocol usually contains many different mother-to-child abbreviations and terms. Here is a transcript of some of them:
1. Heart rate implies a heart rate;
2. Exhaust gas - chest volume;
3. BDP - the size of the head between the temples;
4. LZR - the size of the head from the forehead to the back of the head;
5. The placenta and its degree of maturity
- first degree (27-34 weeks);
- the second degree (this is 34-39 weeks);
- the third degree from 39 weeks, but may appear with a period of 37 weeks.
The mismatch of the placenta to the term indicates its premature aging.
If the pregnancy proceeds normally and the ultrasound does not show any deviations, and the development of the baby is fully consistent with the term, then this procedure is no longer needed. Next time, mom will see her baby not in the black-and-white monitor of the device, but in the birth hall.