Thematic calendar plan and its types

Educational activities in educational institutions cannot exist without prior professional planning of the work of the teacher. The correct organization of labor allows you to highlight goals and objectives, note the results, achievements of students for a certain period. About how to methodically correctly draw up a thematic calendar plan of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, we will discuss this article.

Types of calendar - thematic plans

What is planning and what is it for?

Planning in pedagogy is the construction of the educational process in such a way that the tasks of the curriculum in a specific children's team are solved with maximum efficiency. Why is it necessary to plan educational activities in kindergarten? To:

  1. To streamline, systematize, determine the sequence and main directions of the teacher's work.
  2. Have the ability to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process.
  3. To implement in the process of educational activity the principles of systematic, consistent, gradual complication of the material, integration of related knowledge.
  4. Take into account the age and individual characteristics of the children's team in the process of pedagogical work.
    Calendar-thematic plan of the group

Planning Types

In a preschool educational institution, according to the federal state standard, such types of plans as mandatory documents are:

  • perspective;
  • calendar-thematic plan of the group.

The first type includes the annual DOE plan, which is drawn up by the administration and approved by the pedagogical council. The second is described in more detail in the next section of the article.

Thematic schedule

Calendar Thematic Plan

What is a calendar-thematic plan of the DOW? This is a type of planning of pedagogical activity, which describes in detail the daily work of the teacher with children. This document is compiled by the teacher for each working day with the dates and topics on the basis of the annual and long-term plan of the preschool institution. In turn, the main document, which is the basis for planning, is the educational program.

It is also important to take into account the orientation of the kindergarten (for example, with in-depth study of foreign languages) and the availability of the material and technical base of the institution. That is, those tasks that the teacher displays in the calendar-thematic planning should be implemented in practice as part of a single educational process in a particular kindergarten.

The thematic calendar plan is also a mandatory document in the DOW.

Document content according to GEF

The content of the calendar and thematic plan includes the following sections:

  • title page indicating the number and name of the kindergarten group, the names of the shift teachers, the school year;
  • children data;
  • parental information;
  • Timetable of classes;
  • lesson schedule for a month indicating topics and dates;
  • planned activities to protect life and health safety;
  • a complex of morning exercises and gymnastics after a nap;
  • prospective work with parents;
  • daily planning of children's activities (text or graphic).
    GEF calendar and thematic plan

Types of thematic calendar plan

According to the federal educational standard, there are no clear guidelines regarding the form of maintaining such documentation. The administration of the preschool institution or the educator himself have the right to choose the most convenient way to display daily work with children. The state standard recommends the following types of calendar-thematic plans:

  1. Text It describes in detail the daily educational activities of the teacher during working hours. Often this type of document is proposed to lead young inexperienced professionals.
  2. Schematic - compiled in the form of a table, the graphs of which are various types of pedagogical work during the day (playing, educational, cognitive, communicative, labor, independent games of children, physical activity, work with parents).

The state document on education states that each educator has the right to independently choose the most convenient form of maintaining documentation for him. But for the effective organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, it is more practical to determine a single standard for planning. Such a decision can be made at the pedagogical council.

Calendar - thematic plan of the younger group

Recommendations for the preparation of the calendar and thematic plan

In order to correctly draw up a calendar-thematic plan for GEF, the educator should adhere to certain pedagogical recommendations:

  • the content should be in accordance with the educational program;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age, psychological and individual capabilities of a group of children;
  • work should be planned in all the main areas of pedagogical activity (educational, game, cognitive, etc.);
  • it is important to adhere to the principles of consistency, systematicity, complexity of the material;
  • should harmoniously combine the educational, developmental and educational function of the educational process in the thematic content of the plan;
  • take into account the time of year, climate, and local traditions;
  • integrate topics into different types of activities (for example, the theme “Animals of the forest” is discussed in a lesson on speech development, then children are invited to draw a bunny for educational activities, and then make it from plasticine for modeling).

Work Planning Circle

The head of the circle in the kindergarten, as well as the teachers, needs to draw up a calendar and thematic plan. This is a separate document, which consists of the following sections:

  • explanatory note, which indicates general information about the direction of circle work;
  • relevance;
  • set goals and objectives;
  • thematic sections;
  • forms of work;
  • number of training hours, schedule;
  • a description of the course of the lesson, indicating the topic, date, goal, equipment, literature;
  • monitoring work of the achievements of pupils for a certain period.

Thus, the calendar and thematic plan of the circle has a more voluminous content and more sections.

Calendar - Thematic Plan of the Circle

Approximate calendar and thematic plan for the younger group of DOW

Before compiling a calendar and thematic plan for the younger group of kindergarten, you should carefully read the contents of the curriculum for this age category of pupils, as well as with the methodological documentation of the preschool institution. After filling out the title page and entering information about parents and children, you can begin to draw up a class schedule. Usually the indicated activity is carried out by the methodologist or senior educator.

Based on the schedule approved by the administration of the preschool educational institution, you can think over a grid of classes with dates and topics. As an example, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a fragment of such a document for the younger group for December:


Mathematical basket: "Number and number 3"

Lego design: "Snowflake"

We grow strong: jumping on two legs forward, p / and "Snowballs"


Speech development: a description of winter as illustrated

Magic colors: “Trees in the snow” (sponge painting)

Musical pantry: song "Herringbone", dance "Snowmen"


Fiction: Theatricalization of the Teremok Tale

OBZHD: "Caution - ice!"

We grow strong: throwing the ball at the goal, p / and “Hit the circle”


A window into the world around us: “Changes in nature in winter”

Application: “Snowman” (with cotton sponges)

Then, the planned activity with parents, as well as gymnastics complexes and work on life protection should be included in the thematic calendar plan.

Calendar - thematic plan DOE

The following is the daily work plan of the educator. Depending on the standards introduced in the DOW, such documentation is drawn up in text or graphic form.

Planning is not just keeping records that can be presented to supervisory authorities. The thematic calendar plan is a great help in organizing the practical daily work of the educator at the preschool educational institution, an effective way to systematize various forms of pedagogical activity.

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