In autumn, schoolchildren have two holidays, which are invariably celebrated with great triumph. The first of them is Knowledge Day, which falls on September 1, when, in a festive atmosphere, children and adults celebrate the beginning of the new school year, congratulate their mentors with flowers and concerts during the obligatory ruler in the schoolyard.
The second of these solemn events is celebrated later, when studies are already in full swing, the children got acquainted with new subjects and new teachers. This holiday is Teacher's Day, a professional day for teachers of all educational institutions. This specialty is truly worthy of praise, because the work of a teacher is hard work associated with a high concentration of attention, hassle, sleepless nights and constant communication with a variety of children, each of which needs its own, individual approach.
What date is Teacher's Day celebrated in our country? In general, this date has been celebrated as a professional holiday for teachers since 1965. And since 1980, when the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces was issued, which agreed on various memorable dates, the answer to the question "what date is Teacher's Day" became different every year. Indeed, according to this decree, the date of the holiday has become floating. Every year it fell on various numbers and was celebrated on the first Sunday of October.
By the way, the question “what date is Teacher’s Day” may well lead to a dead end for the residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Kazakhstan. In these countries, the celebration of this event is still taking place on the first Sunday of October. And in schools, they begin to celebrate it in advance next Friday.
Russia now celebrates Teacher's Day on a specific date. The celebration number is October 5th. A specific date, according to the government, is more convenient for both teachers and their students. In this, the Russian Federation is in solidarity with the world community. The fact is that since 1994 the whole world has been celebrating a single holiday - WorldTeacher'sDay, or World Teacher's Day. It was organized by the Commonwealth of UNESCO, and has already supported more than 100 countries. This holiday in many countries coincides with the beginning of the autumn holidays (and in the Southern Hemisphere - spring), and therefore sometimes it is postponed for a day or two on the calendar.
A professional holiday for people like teachers is an expression of respect and admiration for their hard work. And he is very, very responsible - because it is the teachers who give life to each of us, teach important things that are invisible at first glance, but are so necessary in the future: how to communicate with people, how to be friends and love your country, how to gain new knowledge and apply existing ones. They share their experiences with many people, and the highest achievement for each teacher is the achievement of his students.
Therefore, remember in the fall, what day is Teacher's Day, go to your native school and congratulate your teachers on their professional holiday (they will be very pleased). Believe me, even after many years they remember each of their pupils and will be grateful for the congratulations and your attention to their work.