In the CS GO there is a mass of a wide variety of settings that will help to carry out more convenient navigation. Using such tools, you can get rid of crashes in the application. Today we will consider the most popular question: how to change the language in the Civil Code. As a rule, not all users are comfortable playing with this parameter by default. This is an English version of the application. Not everyone speaks this language well. You can change it in several ways and today you can find out about the simplest of them. These instructions will be able to handle even a novice player.
We will deal with the question of how to change the language in the CS GO. You can make the necessary settings in just three steps. We recommend that you be extremely careful. If you are changing your language for the first time, try to remember the instructions given. If you do this, a similar question will never arise again.Steam
, . , Steam. . . Steam. . «». , , Settings. .
So, next in turn is the second stage of resolving the issue of how to change the language in the Civil Code of the Civil Code. If you have moved to the desired section, a drop-down menu will appear in front of you, here you should select the "Interface" section. In English, it will be called Interface. Next, you will see a large drop-down menu, here we naturally choose the language we need. Pay attention to the lower right corner, there will be a small OK button. It must be pressed to save the settings. The question of how to change the language in the Civil Code of the Civil Code has already been practically resolved. In order for the settings to take effect, you must restart the Steam. If during the change of parameters you have any games open, then the service will automatically issue a request to you, which will indicate a proposal to exit them. Be sure to save all achievements,otherwise they will be lost forever. After restarting Steam, you will see for yourself that all the labels changed the language to the one selected in the settings. As you can see, this question is quite simple, and anyone can solve it, at the same time at any time.