How to rename a user folder in Windows 8 quickly and safely

Sometimes the data of users of a computer system specified during initial registration and the directories corresponding to each name have to be changed. This can lead to many problems and misunderstandings if the operation is performed incorrectly. Therefore, when considering how to rename a user’s folder in Windows 8, you should start from security considerations only. Let's see how to do this in the easiest way.

How to rename a user folder in Windows 8: initial steps

To begin with, if you rename the directory itself corresponding to a specific user, you should do it in the most standard way.

how to rename user folder in windows 8

«» ( C:\Users). (Windows 8 ). . , , .

Windows 8.1 8:

, regedit «» (Win + R). , , Windows 8. HKLM, SOFTWARE Microsoft ProfileList .

how to rename a user folder in windows 8 1

S-1-5 . , ProfileImagePath, .

(C:\Users\ ), . «OK» .

, Windows 8, .

rename windows 8 user folder

«» netplwiz, . , .

, «OK».

. . « » . , .

, , , . Windows 8 8.1. , . , Windows XP ( ).

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