Abortion at 8 weeks of gestation

Every fifth pregnancy ends in an abortion. These disappointing statistics have different reviews. Some advocate freedom of choice for women. Others are ardent opponents of abortion. In today's article, we will try to leave all criticism and find out how abortion is performed at 8 weeks of gestation.

abortion at week 8


Abortion at 8 weeks of gestation may be spontaneous or artificial. In the first case, the development of the embryo stops for some internal or external reasons. Artificial abortion is performed in several ways. When choosing a tactic, the patient's age is taken into account, as well as her desire to have children in the future. An important role is played by the general well-being and state of health of the woman.

An abortion of 7-8 weeks is carried out in the following ways:

  • medical interruption (pharmacological, or tablet abortion);
  • the use of a vacuum aspirator;
  • the use of magnetic caps;
  • surgical curettage.

Let's consider each method in more detail.

abortion 7 8 weeks

Spontaneous Interruption: Miscarriage

Most often, self-abortion occurs at 8 weeks. It is up to this period that the connection between the uterus and the embryo is not so strong. The cause of spontaneous interruption can be anything. These are chronic diseases in a woman, a cold or a viral infection.

Miscarriage often occurs due to external factors: difficult working conditions, physical activity, emotional experiences. This can happen after injuries. If the abortion occurred before 8 weeks or after, then you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will conduct an ultrasound scan and find out if the abortion is complete or not. In the latter case, the woman will need additional medical care.

abortion after 8 weeks

Established timelines and preliminary examinations

Abortion at week 8 is at the request of the woman. After 12 weeks, such manipulations are solely indicative. Therefore, if the pregnancy happened unexpectedly and your plans do not include the birth of children, then you need to contact a gynecologist soon. Always remember the established terms for voluntary termination of pregnancy.

The manipulations described below may be indicative. So, abortion at 8 weeks is carried out if the fetus has pathologies incompatible with life. Interruption is carried out with a woman’s oncological diseases, as well as the inability to endure and give birth to a child.

Before an abortion, a woman is shown an examination. It is necessary to donate blood for the determination of antibodies to HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and some other diseases. The patient passes a smear from the vagina, undergoes an ultrasound scan. It is necessary to accurately establish the gestational age and place of attachment of the ovum. It is contraindicated to carry out any type of abortion during ectopic pregnancy and the inflammatory process.

abortion at 8 weeks of gestation

Medical abortion: a safe method

This type of manipulation is preferred. It has fewer complications. Experts recommend a pharmacological abortion for up to seven weeks. However, even at 8 it can be produced. It is worth noting that the longer the gestation period, the higher the risks of incomplete interruption.

A tablet abortion is performed in two stages. If the gestational age is 8 weeks, then the patient should be under close medical supervision. First, a woman is offered mefipristone-based drugs. They help stop the production of progesterone, open the cervix and exfoliate the endometrium. Then, within a few days, the patient should take prostaglandins. These drugs enhance the contractility of the genital organ. As a result, the fetal egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. After 5-7 days, the patient is examined by a gynecologist and an ultrasound specialist. If the fetal egg does not come out completely, then additional abortion methods must be used.

Magnetic effect

The effectiveness of this method is higher, the shorter the gestation period. The method is used less and less. It is recognized as ineffective and dangerous. To terminate a woman’s pregnancy, a magnetic ring is installed on the cervix. It emits a certain activity, as a result of which the development of the embryo ceases, and it is rejected. The use of magnetic rings can cause complications such as inflammation, incomplete separation of the membranes, and so on.

have an abortion after 8 weeks

Vacuum aspiration: less traumatic

Abortion after 8 weeks is not performed by this method. But before reaching this gestational age, it is permissible to terminate the pregnancy with a vacuum aspirator. The procedure is recognized as less traumatic and easy. An operation is performed under local anesthesia. The cervix is ​​chipped with analgesics and antispasmodics.

After that, using a special device, a vacuum is created in the cavity of the genital organ. The fetal egg, along with particles of the endometrium, is sucked into the device. The consequences of this manipulation are rare. If the pregnancy has not stopped or there are pieces of the membranes in the uterus, then curettage is necessary.

abortion 8 9 weeks

Surgical curettage

You can have an abortion after 8 weeks using surgical methods. This method is the cheapest and most effective. However, it has a lot of disadvantages. After such manipulations, a woman often has problems such as inflammation, hormonal failure, and cervical pathology. One of the most dangerous consequences is perforation of the walls of the uterus. This condition requires immediate surgical intervention. In some cases, complete removal of the genital organ is indicated.

Curettage, or surgical curettage, is performed under general anesthesia. A gynecologist, using special dilators, opens the cervix, and then inserts a curette into the uterine cavity. Some clinics practice gynecological curettage under the supervision of ultrasound. Such conditions make it possible to make manipulation as efficient as possible.

After interruption

If you have performed an abortion of 8–9 weeks of pregnancy by surgery, then additional therapy is absolutely necessary. The patient is usually prescribed antibiotics for topical and oral use. Compliance with sexual rest for several weeks is also shown. Medical abortion does not require such conditions.

The consequence of any termination of pregnancy for a period of 8 weeks can be the formation of an adhesion process, a second phase failure, psychological problems and infertility. Therefore, if you want to have an abortion, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. The shorter the gestation period at the time of the procedure, the less chance of unforeseen complications.

consequences of abortion 8 weeks


A woman has the right to have an abortion at 8 weeks free of charge in any state medical institution. Abortion after 12 weeks can only be done surgically according to certain indications. For a period of 28 weeks and later, we are already talking about artificial births. It is theoretically possible to get pregnant again (after any abortion) in the next cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of contraception. Gynecologists do not recommend planning a new conception within 4-6 months. That is how much time your body needs to recover.

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