Types and color of ferrets

A ferret is a medium-sized predatory animal belonging to the family of mustelids. Its body is oblong and can reach up to 50 cm in length in females and up to 40 cm in males. The animal has rather short paws. However, a lot of strength and endurance is hidden in them, thanks to which the ferret easily moves from tree to tree and digs large minks. The animal is popular for its graceful and fluffy tail, which can grow up to 20 cm in length. Depending on the species, the weight of the ferret ranges from 250 grams to 2 kg. The number of teeth in the animal is from 25 to 30 pieces.


The habitat of wild animals can be found in Russia, the Czech Republic, Central and Central Asia, the USA, Ukraine and Poland.

To fight small rodents and rats, some species of ferrets were brought to New Zealand, where they successfully adapted to the new climate.


Since ferrets have a predominant instinct to dig minks, they inhabit them. Animals prefer to live according to the regime of an owl, waking up closer to the night and hibernating only in the morning. In the dark, the height of the hunt begins. Ferrets are very brave and fearless during an attack. They are not even afraid to throw an attack with snakes, muskrats and moles, which are somewhat larger.

For a long time to this day, the predator has been kept as a pet due to its dearest appearance and good natured character. Previously, ferrets were used by humans even during hunting. Thanks to his agility and dexterity, he easily coped with other small animals in the attack.

What do they eat and what enemies do they have from wild animals

Ferrets are talented hunters, so they choose for themselves: snakes, frogs, gophers and moles. If they manage to get into the hole of rabbits, then they will not miss the chance to feast on their offspring. In search of food, ferrets settle close to towns and villages. Usually locals are not happy with this, because agile and hungry ferrets attack pets. The animal can be useful to humans if they need to get rid of other small rodents that have settled in the barn or in the attic. It is enough to launch the ferret to the place where it is necessary to exterminate the pests, as they will all be destroyed.

But no matter how brave this animal would be, he has his own enemies. The ferret is wary of foxes, wolves, dogs, which can be life-threatening. Since the ferret’s hair is very expensive due to its softness and elasticity, even humans hunt them.

Ferret species

Zoologists divide ferrets into several types:

  1. Steppe or light ferret. In size, it can reach 58 cm in length and weight of 2-3 kg. In this species, in the area of ​​the spine, the hair is short and sparse; The main body color in light color, limbs and tail are darker in tone, and on the face they have a mask-shaped color. In warm weather, the ferret preys on birds, mice and gophers. In winter, it becomes more difficult to find food, so they try to get to their places of residence in order to be able to eat kitchen waste or carrion. Ferrets of this species are very prolific, in a year they can bring up to 15 cubs. Light ferrets live in Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Far East and Central Asia.
  2. Black or common ferret. This species is much smaller than the steppe. The length of his body is up to 45 cm, the weight is small from 300 grams to 1.5 kg. The color of the body of an ordinary ferret is black, white or red, with the tail and legs predominantly in darker colors than the color of the body itself. Ferrets feed on grasshoppers, frogs, and bird eggs. Their reproduction does not occur as violently as in the steppe species. Usually they bring 5-6 cubs per year. Black ferrets live in Eurasia and Russia. They have long been domesticated pets, and it is customary for breeders to call them ferrets.
  3. American ferret is a rather rare species, in connection with which their livelihoods are under US control and this species is listed in the Red Book under threat of extinction. The body reaches up to 32 cm in length, and body weight ranges from 600 grams to 1 kg. The base of the coat is painted white, which at the tips smoothly turns into dark. The limbs and tail are always black. Their main distinguishing feature from other ferrets is the black mask on their faces. They live exclusively in the central part of the USA. In the diet, they choose meadow dogs, mice or gophers.
  4. Honorik is a species obtained artificially by crossing a forest or steppe ferret with a mink. Honorics are superior in size to all other species. Outwardly, they are very similar to minks and adopted their ability to swim quickly and well, and among their relatives - digging the ground and hunting. This species almost never starts up as a pet, because the nature of this species is very aggressive.

Varieties of color ferrets

The ferret family has the following color classification:

  • The sable color of the ferret is the most common, because most wild representatives have it. Its coloring begins from beige and reaches black. The limbs and tail predominate in dark colors, and the body has a light tone. A distinctive feature of sable ferrets in front of other subspecies is the black circles around the eye. This is clearly visible in the photo below.
Sable color

  • Ferret color champagne. The color of this species resembles a mixture of white and milk chocolate. Their eyes are the color of ripe pomegranate, and the nose is pink. With this color, ferrets are classified as domestic, called the "ferret." What such a coloring looks like can be seen in the photo below.
Champagne color

  • The pastel color ferret combines several colors at once. The shade of his coat varies from light to dark tones, however, the base of the spine is always white. The color of the nose can be pink or brown, the eyes are black or coffee. Ferret color pastel is very common in nature, although it is rare among breeders. One of the options for this color can be seen in the photo below.
Color pastel

  • A white ferret is similar to one of the varieties of a kind - albino, but only in the color of the coat. This species suffers from deafness and is by value the most expensive among all representatives. Among domesticated ferrets, animals with this color are most often chosen.
  • The albino ferret is exceptionally white and the eyes are red. Albinos are extremely rare in nature. The color of this species of ferrets is shown in the photo below.
Color albino

  • A black ferret is most often brought in the form of a pet. They have very beautiful black wool, shimmering in the light. The nose is also painted black, the color of the eyes can be any.
  • Ferret blaze gathered a great many shades. But their main distinguishing feature from other rodents is a solid white strip, which starts from the nose and runs all over the head. The white fluff is also located on the chin and on the tips of the paws. Pictured is the color of the ferret blaze.
Color blaze

  • Cinnamon rodents are popular among breeders. The ostia has a brown tint, and darkens towards the tail. The eyes may be brown or maroon, the nose is pink. What does a ferret look like with a cinnamon color, can be seen in the photo below.
Cinnamon Ferret

  • The silver ferret has beige hair with a gray overflow. This kind is very appreciated among breeders, because their fur is very unusual, which can be seen even in the photo.
Silver color

  • The ferret panda looks incredibly exotic. Outwardly, they look like little pandas. These pets, like ferrets with a white color, have a hearing impairment. The body color of this species is white, the legs and tail are dark.

Among the many colors, the most common colors of domestic ferrets are: champagne, white, black, silver, cinnamon and pandocas. An animal with a pastel color is not in demand among breeders. Not so popular and sable ferret.

Ferret Shedding Periods

Often those who are thinking about acquiring a ferret ask themselves the question: "Does the ferret change color in winter and summer?"

Ferret shedding usually occurs in two seasons, in spring and autumn. In the spring, it falls in March. At this time, the ferret throws off a thick and long coat, which he managed to grow over the winter and remains shorter and thinned. In the autumn, the ferret prepares for a cold winter and overgrows with thick and dense hair.

Shortly before the start of molting, the ferret begins to itch strongly. Scabies can disturb the animal even during sleep. Then he suddenly wakes up and does not fall asleep again until he eliminates the itch.

The period of this condition in animals is short, usually it takes 1-2 weeks. Many owners are frightened when they find blue spots in their small animals. You should be aware that in this way a new coat erupts in rodents in the form of short hairs at the roots of the bulbs.

Ferret requires special care during molting. It must be combed, but the brush should be chosen medium in hardness so as not to damage its thin skin and new growing coat. If you introduce the right foods in the diet, in which all the important elements are present, then much less will fall out during the molting period. Also at this time it is recommended to give vitamins to the animal.

Ferret color changes in winter and summer are quite common. In winter, wool becomes lighter, and in summer it gets a little darker.

Are vaccinations needed for captive ferrets?

Vaccinations for domestic ferrets are commonplace. The most popular vaccinations for these animals are vaccines against rabies and carnivore plague. The only thing that is very important to remember: the body of ferrets is inclined to respond to vaccination with an allergic reaction. In this case, it is necessary to introduce an antihistamine drug to the animal before the vaccination.

The diet of domesticated ferrets and the features of their content

You can feed your pet with minced meat or prepared special dry food. They also enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. Ferrets drink a lot, so the filling of a bowl with water must be carefully monitored.

A ferret kept at home needs not only unlimited freedom, but also personal space. Therefore, the owners often acquire a special cage for the animal, which, incidentally, is not recommended to be closed.

Ferret breeding at home

During puberty, animals emit an unpleasant odor. To avoid it, domesticated ferrets can be neutered or sterilized. But like all kinds of living things on earth, ferrets still need to mate. And if the owner has decided, then it is necessary to approach this matter seriously. Readiness for mating is determined by the following criteria. In females, secretions of a transparent color occur, and in males, the testes should be slightly increased in size.

Dressings for both ferrets should be given vaccines and ensure their full health. Before bringing the female and the male, they should be introduced in advance and it is better to do this in the territory of the male. The act of copulation in rodents is accompanied by rather loud sounds and, on average, lasts up to 2 hours. The male grabs the female by the scruff of his neck and tries to perch on it. As a rule, the female resists and tries in every possible way to break out of the paws of the male. It happens that she does not fall silent for a long time and does not admit her partner to herself. In this case, he has no chance. If the mating was successful, then the female becomes pregnant and bears offspring for about a month and a half. A brood can be up to 10 cubs. The female feeds her ferret babies with breast milk for about a month, then a little meat should be included in their diet.

Curious facts about ferrets:

  1. In one of his paintings entitled "The Lady with an Ermine" Leonardo da Vinci depicted a ferret, not an ermine. Since then, a fashion for the establishment of ferrets in the house along with cats was born.
  2. If the ferret is in a good mood, he will tirelessly wag his tail. However, if he is wary, then this very tail opens and followed by a dissatisfied hiss. In this mood, the ferret is better not to touch, because he can bite or even pounce.
  3. The well-known phraseologism "sleeps like a dead person" fits the description of ferrets. Some ferrets can sleep for several days without waking up. It is almost impossible to wake them, which is why many owners are scared, although this is normal for their life activities.

Ferret is a friend of man

As you can see, the colors of the predatory animal are many, and if you wish, you can choose a ferret with any color you like and get a furry friend.

The nature and disposition of domestic ferrets is benevolent. But due to its curiosity and briskness, the animal will find and examine all hidden places, corners and even the narrowest gaps in the house.

At home, ferrets can live up to 7 years, and in the wild - 3-4 years.

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