Information security is ... Description, objects, security measures

Information and information security refers to technologies, methods and practices used to protect the virtual world, including computers, mobile devices, databases, networks and programs, protecting against penetration and attacks by unauthorized persons and organizations. The number and sophistication of cyberattacks is increasing, threatening national security and the global economy. Effective safety requires highly qualified specialists with special knowledge to protect various environments. However, hackers still find workarounds to achieve their goals.

Why is information security important?

The Internet plays an indispensable role in the life of modern man. Today, the boundaries of opportunities have greatly expanded, allowing you to seek informational help at home, at work or on the move. However, the modern world, embraced by computer technology, is often attacked by malicious viruses, programs and hacks.

If hacking does not bring much harm to a person indifferent to virtual space, then in large corporations he can destroy years of work. The innovations of programmers who create antiviruses and enhance data protection allow us to constantly improve security while browsing users on the Internet.

Opening and accessing data

Information security is the coordination and provision of information from third-party implementations and impacts of user electronic data. Advanced hackers exploit security vulnerabilities in web applications and network systems, use special analyzer programs that provide file data.

The latter are a key link, because with the help of an encryptor, hackers can easily modify files remotely, turning them into a code system in order to switch to blackmail in the future. Cases are not uncommon when, even after transferring the amount, attackers do not return the data to its original position.

What does information security apply to?

Information security objects are important for full protection, since each of them has its own approach to its provision. At the moment, they include:

  • Information resources that contain public or private user data.
  • Infrastructure networks, databases.
  • The system of forming information, its distribution, involvement in the media.
  • The rights of citizens, legal entities to disseminate a certain type of information.

Most Popular Security Threats

Only at first it seems that the World Wide Web is a place where you can relax and not worry about anything. However, this is not quite true. The security of data information is always at risk. On each site you can expect a third-party virus, a bright brochure screaming about an attractive discount or a good offer. Fraudsters will do everything to get other people's data.

Cybercriminal threatening data security

Hackers use three well-known methods of obtaining information: malware located almost across the Internet, user attacks by bots, and a rootkit that is installed on a computer in order to fully infiltrate inside with administrator status.


Malicious software is a term used to refer to various forms of hostile, intrusive software code. Malicious software can be computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses or dishonest spyware - all of which are described below:

  • Computer virus. This is a small piece of software that can transfer from one infected computer to another. The virus damages, steals or deletes data on the computer, erasing everything on the hard drive. The virus interacts with other programs, such as email, to spread to other devices.
  • Antivirus scam software. It is known that information security is the maximum protection of your own data from scammers. However, some users in search of security software stumble upon attractive links about effective programs. It is enough to go through it, download, install, and the virus will be on the device.
  • Trojan horse. The virus has become widespread on the Web, introduced under the guise of applications. He poses a danger only after installation, since, once in the system, he gets access, starting from fast passwords and ending with controlling the webcam.
Secure Internet Space

  • Malicious spyware. They are used as a special type of Trojan created by cybercriminals to spy on their victims. An example is the keylogger software, which records every keystroke on a keyboard. Such information is regularly sent to the original user - the cybercriminal.
  • Computer worm. This is a program that easily copies itself from one computer to another without human intervention. Worms breed at an incredibly high speed and in large volumes. For example, the worm is able to send copies of itself to each contact in the user's email address book, and then send itself to the same contacts.

The high rate of infection of worms is a serious problem, since the entire unprotected environment of the user is infected. In 2008, in just four days, the famous Conficker (or Downadup) worm increased the number of infected computers to 8.9 million. Therefore, the organization of information security on a computer requires at least the presence of an activated antivirus that would prevent such a spread in the system.

Email distribution of viruses

A botnet is a group of computers connected to the Internet that have been compromised by hackers using a computer virus or trojan. A single device in the group is known as a zombie computer.

The botnet is under the command of the main bot, which is responsible for performing unpleasant actions on behalf of an uninformed user. For example, they use spamming email contacts.

If the botnet is large-scale, then it can be used to access the target website as part of DoS attacks. The purpose of the DoS attack is to disable the web server by overloading it with access requests. Popular sites such as Google and Twitter have been the victims of DoS attacks.

Spam - this is the name of unwanted messages in the mailbox, which can arrive in unlimited quantities, as well as take up a lot of space on the mail server. Unwanted advertising, of course, is harmless to humans. However, spam messages may contain links that, when clicked, redirect to another website that automatically installs malicious software on the computer.

Phishing scam. These are hacker attempts to obtain personal information. Phishing scams often appear in the form of e-mail messages designed to arouse trust and look like they were sent from well-known state-owned companies. For example, the message sent will try to lure your personal information under the pretext of banking services or eliminate incorrect errors by providing a link to a dangerous site where you will need to enter a username and password. Such a site may externally completely repeat the design of the original, but will not be one.

Direct virus installation

A rootkit is a set of tools that are used to gain administrator level access to a computer or network of computers. A rootkit can be installed on a device in two ways:

  1. An attacker using a vulnerability or a security hole in one of the available applications on the device. Penetrating into the system, the rootkit monitors and sends information about keystrokes to the fraudster.
  2. The user himself, who unknowingly installed the virus along with the program, without realizing it.
Faceless hacker who could turn out to be anyone

Rootkits became famous when, in 2005, security experts discovered that Sony BMG Music Entertainment's existing CD copy protection tool began to secretly install a rootkit. Hackers could access information on devices so that the owners did not know about it.

Hacking protection: tools and technologies

Information security is provided by experts using the most effective cybersecurity tools. In particular, they are designed to protect against special programs developed by hackers and against malicious viruses.

Locked data protection

So, in an environment where data leakage is becoming commonplace, every year the information security system has more and more programs for protection. The following are some of the most relevant areas that cybersecurity technology today focuses on:

  • Access control. Third-party authentication and access tools are used to provide additional protection against security gaps from Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Botnet protection. Fights against bots that require individual identification with the subsequent removal of accounts.
  • Cloud security. There are many cloud-based SOS security tools available to protect your network.
  • Data encryption. Provides additional data protection during data transfer.
  • Data leakage prevention. Ensures that system information is protected from malicious access by storing information in a secure manner.
  • Endpoint Protection. Solves security issues for endpoints such as PCs, mobile devices, network printers, servers, and more.
  • Intrusion protection. Filters access to websites, blocking potentially dangerous files.
  • Malware / Virus Security. Prevents attacks from viruses and malware designed to harm both software and hardware.
  • The next generation firewall. Progress compared to traditional firewalls. Provides advanced features such as built-in intrusion protection, status monitoring, and notifies about applications and credentials.
  • Wireless security. Provides enhanced WEP / WAP security for data transmitted over wireless connections.

Hacking protection in financial enterprises

Weak information security is the main problem that affects large and small enterprises.

Financial losses of companies are increasing every year due to poor security, which is given insufficient importance. So, in 2018, a high-profile case was closed related to Russian hackers who collected confidential data from the company's clients from December 2003 to July 2012 and sold them to other attackers. At the same time, crackers acted from another part of the globe - the United States.

First of all, enterprises must take into account information security requirements in order not to think about introducing third parties into major matters:

  • Take care of installing new software versions.
  • Allow employees to use only the provided devices in their work, and not their own.
  • Maintain good relations with staff, as hackers are inconspicuous people. They may be angry employees who decide to receive a delayed salary.
Potential Internet Hazard

Currently, cybersecurity professionals are becoming more and more. They work hard to ensure the security of information, protecting data from illegal actions and tricks.

Media Hacker Protection

The media and security are always on the same level. Indeed, the main task of the media is to provide the most accurate, objective and reliable information about events, news and actions in the political, economic, financial, health and other fields. So, the state broadcasts the latest events through the news and notifies citizens about what happened.

However, if the security of the media is compromised, then unknown persons can completely misinform the inhabitants of the whole country. For this reason, security experts constantly check the performance of programs, antiviruses using the latest versions, and broadcast news on specially provided networks. In case of incorrectness, the program requires revision and updates until the next broadcast.

How to protect yourself from hacking

Information security measures should be implemented first of all, taking into account all parties that already have data about you on the Internet. For example, hackers often collect personal information from social networks. Even if you have an account with the highest security settings, personal data is still at serious risk. The fact is that social networks have the necessary information for hacking: email address and date of birth.

It is recommended to be more serious about statuses and messages, since a hacker watching you can easily find out your mother’s birthday (congratulations on the wall) by answering one of the secret question options.

Trace left

Use two-factor authentication or two-step authentication. Banking systems, VKontakte, Twitter, Facebook support the ability to include additional security features.

Do not use the same password everywhere. If an attacker gains access to one of them, then he will probably be able to get to a bank account.

Do not forget to provide the antivirus with updates on time, use licensed versions that have a higher degree of protection and regularly check for viruses.

Information security is the calm and confidence of every person in the future, as his personal data will remain protected and out of the reach of attackers who want to do harm. That is why it is worth carefully approaching the protection of information, supplying the devices with the necessary programs, antiviruses on time and conducting regular checks.

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