jQuery — JavaScript, - -. MIT. jQuery JavaScript, -.
jQuery, - JavaScript- HTML- -. - , , Google . , - jQuery, <head> HTML ( jQuery cookie):
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jQuery Ajax
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, , jQuery , - . HTML, CSS JavaScript -, - - . , , - jQuery, Chrome, Safari, Firefox Internet Explorer. JavaScript jQuery, .
jQuery , DOM, , Ajax. jQuery JavaScript. , , . jQuery - -.
JavaScript, YUI v3 Dojo, API Selectors.
Microsoft Nokia jQuery . Microsoft Visual Studio ASP.NET AJAX ASP.NET MVC, Nokia -.
jQuery (DOM). DOM -. jQuery , DOM. (, h1), (, ) (, ).
JavaScript, fade ins fade outs , jQuery CSS. jQuery , DOM. .
jQuery ():
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jQuery 2006 BarCamp NYC cssQuery . ( jQuery — Sizzle, ).
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jQuery JavaScript, DOM, , Ajax. - , . (CDN), MaxCDN.
jQuery PHP:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
jQuery :
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JQuery DOM $ CSS. jQuery, HTML.
jQuery .noConflict (), $. , jQuery , $ . $ .
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$(function (){
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(, $('#input-user-email').Val()). , jQuery.
DOM , , , $ (), HTML. , HTML VAG Volkswagen:
$('# carmakes')
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jQuery $ , . each (), :
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url: '/process/submit.php',
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alert('Data Saved:'+msg);
}).fail(function(xmlHttpRequest, statusText, errorThrown){
' .\N\n'
+'XML Http Request:'+JSON.stringify(xmlHttpRequest)
+ ',\nStatus :'+statusText
+ ',\nError Thrown:'+errorThrown);
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jQuery . , , Ajax, -, , XML XSLT, , , cookie .
, jquer.in, , , (, , ). « » — jQuery , JavaScript .
jQuery UI
jQuery UI GUI, , jQuery CSS ( JavaScript), HTML. JavaScript, Libscore, jQuery 197000 -, JS. : Pinterest, PayPal, IMDb, The Huffington Post Netflix.
jQuery UI , Foundation MIT. 2007 .
jQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized web infrastructure (also known as mobile infrastructure). The main focus in the development is on creating an infrastructure compatible with the wide range of smartphones and tablet computers needed for the growing digital technology market. Compatible with other mobile application platforms such as PhoneGap, Worklight and many others.