Smooth-haired dachshund: types, description with photo, breeding and care

Dachshund is an unusual dog, behind the comical appearance of which is hiding an independent and freedom-loving disposition. Once this animal was bred specifically for burrow hunting, but today many families give birth to it as a pet. This article will discuss the main features of a smooth-haired dachshund.


There are still tough discussions about the origin of these dogs. According to one of the most common versions, they appeared during the time of Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by images of short-legged dogs with an elongated body, found on the walls of the pyramids.

dachshund standard smooth-haired

Targeted breeding began only in the 16th century. To this day, records of German breeders have been preserved, in which the first records of wire-haired dachshunds hunting in burrows are found. It was this ability that became the impetus for the further breeding of these animals. Further improvement of the breed led to the fact that already at the end of the XVIII century its representatives acquired modern features and began to be actively exported to different European countries. Around the same period, many nurseries appeared on the territory of Germany itself, specializing in breeding stiff, long and smooth-haired dachshunds.

Breed description

Dachshunds are squat dogs with a stretched body and short legs. On an elongated head, tapering to the nose with strong jaws and tight-fitting dry lips, there are high-set hanging ears with rounded ends and oval brown eyes set wide apart.

smooth-haired dachshund photo

Under a stretched body with a pronounced scruff, a strong straight back and slightly beveled croup, passing into the base of the saber tail, there are short, muscular limbs with paws gathered in a lump.

Hairline and color

The whole body of a smooth-haired dachshund, the photo of which can be seen in this publication, is covered with a shiny smooth spine that fits tightly to the skin. It should not have any bald patches, and its length usually does not exceed two centimeters.

As for color, the standard provides for the existence of several color options. Representatives of this breed can be plain, marble, brown or black and tan.


Depending on the size of the representatives of this breed can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Standard smooth-haired dachshunds. The height of such animals varies between 20–27 cm at the withers, and the mass varies from 7 to 9 kg.
  2. Dwarf dachshunds. Depending on gender, representatives of this group grow up to 14–21 cm at the withers and weigh only 3.5–4 kg.
  3. Rabbit Dachshunds. The height of these tiny dogs does not exceed 10–15 cm at the withers, and the mass should not exceed 3–3.5 kg.
smooth-haired dachshund puppies

Another important parameter is chest girth. In dwarf smooth-haired dachshunds, it varies between 30–35 cm, in standard dachshunds it is 36 cm, and in rabbit dachshunds it does not exceed 30 cm.

Character Features

Despite the very modest size and frivolous appearance, these are by no means decorative animals. They are characterized by self-confidence, independence and even stubbornness. They will not tolerate rudeness or disrespectful attitude and use all available means to affirm their “I”. Therefore, both standard and miniature smooth-haired dachshunds will be an excellent companion only for those who will be able to properly build relationships with her.

Do not forget: these are born hunters, which leaves an imprint on the character and behavior of the dog. Representatives of this breed are inherent in such qualities as fearlessness, ingenuity and the ability to make independent decisions. It is the latter that becomes the cause of frequent complaints by owners of disobedience to their pets.


Dachshunds are smart and smart creatures. They quickly understand what is required of them, and also quickly learn the bad. That is why you need to engage in raising a puppy of a smooth-haired dachshund immediately after it appears in your house. At the initial stage, it is very important to establish close contact with the doggie and give it a clear outline of what is permitted. Education should be systematic and consistent. The learning process itself must be built on the basis of the principle “from simple to complex”.

dachshund dwarf smooth-haired

Since the smooth-haired dachshund (both mini and standard) is endowed with pronounced hunting instincts, from childhood it must be trained to calmly respond to all sorts of irritants. To do this, immediately after the end of the vaccine quarantine with the puppy, it is recommended to visit various crowded places so that he gradually gets used to strangers, vehicles and other animals.

Feeding and care

Dachshunds are one of those dogs that are not designed for street keeping. They do not tolerate wet and cold weather, so it is better to settle them in a house or apartment. As for care, it comes down to regular combing with a special gauntlet, periodic bathing, systematic nail clipping, and brushing of ears and teeth.

dachshund mini smooth-haired

In addition to hygienic procedures, these active creatures need a daily stay in the fresh air. Walking allows not only to dump the accumulated energy, but also contribute to the socialization of the dog. To do this, it is advisable to purchase the appropriate ammunition in advance and train the animal to calmly relate to it. In the cold season, before leaving the house, it is better to dress a dachshund in a warm, waterproof jumpsuit. Otherwise, the undersized animal may freeze and become sick.

It is possible to feed a smooth-haired dachshund with both industrial and natural food. In the first case, it should be a full-fledged diet from trusted global manufacturers that does not contain legumes, cereals, dyes, or preservatives. In the second - the basis of the dog’s menu should be fresh, not too fatty meat. A couple of times a week it is advisable to replace it with saltwater fish or offal. Also, the diet of the dog is desirable to diversify with cereals, vegetables, eggs and dairy products. It is imperative that sweets, smoked meats, pickles and tubular bones never get into the dog bowl. From time to time, they are encouraged to additionally give mineral-vitamin supplements.

Disease predisposition

Smooth-haired dachshunds are relatively healthy dogs, with an average life of 12–14 years. But, like any other dogs, they are prone to certain diseases. Most often, they are diagnosed with abnormalities of the eye, progressive retinal atrophy, alopecia and papillary dystrophy of the skin.

The special structure of the body leads to the fact that at the age of 5–7 years they may develop a sliding disk syndrome, leading to infringement of the spinal cord with subsequent paralysis.


To obtain offspring, completely healthy individuals are used that are as much as possible consistent with the official standard and have reached puberty. Female bitch is usually once a year and falls in the autumn. Pregnancy often proceeds without any complications, and childbirth takes place without surgical intervention.

dachshund miniature smooth-haired

In a litter, as a rule, there are 7–8 puppies, each of which weighs an average of 340 grams. Interestingly, dachshunds produce excellent mothers, prone to self-rejection of non-viable and sick offspring.

Instead of a conclusion

Dachshunds are smart, pretty creatures that serve as a source of positive emotions. They are incredibly courageous, playful and loyal to people. They are naturally characterized by poise, cleanliness, endurance and patience. Dachshunds are easy to train and do not require special care.

photo of a smooth-haired dachshund

In addition to the above advantages, dachshunds have many disadvantages. The most significant disadvantages of these animals include their ability to cunning, a tendency to obesity and problems with the spine. Therefore, to avoid the possible occurrence of paralysis, each dachshund owner will have to carefully monitor his pet's diet and strictly dose physical activity. In addition, with a shortage of walks, dachshunds can start digging and spoil household property.

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