Water Filters - Consumer Reviews and Classification

The regular use of clean water, in which there are no harmful impurities for the body (heavy metals, active chlorine, hardness salts, microorganisms, etc.), will help preserve and strengthen the health of every person. Cope with this task allow special devices. Water filters, reviews of which indicate the possibility of high-quality cleaning of the much-needed liquid, are currently available to everyone. The main objective is the selection of suitable equipment that meets the individual needs of the buyer.

water filters reviews

Before buying filters for water treatment, it should be borne in mind that universal devices do not yet exist. Each appliance is designed for certain types of contamination. At the same time, filters differ in water treatment methods and performance.

Household appliances produced to eliminate unwanted elements in a liquid are divided into three groups. The first of them includes storage filters for water, reviews of which indicate the practicality of their use both at home and in the countryside, for example, in the country.

They are small jugs. On top of the elegantly made container is a cartridge through which, under the influence of gravity, water passes, being cleaned of harmful impurities. Filters in the form of a jug are in great consumer demand because of their convenience, beauty and low price. Storage devices can be made in the form of cylinders, rectangles, etc. Such filters are located in close proximity to the water supply system and are equipped with a supply pipe mounted on the tap.

Stationary water filters, reviews of which characterize the convenience of their use, are connected directly to the water tap. This installation scheme can be temporary (used as needed) or permanent. Stationary water purification devices can operate on the principle of reverse osmosis or using classical methods. The first group of filters performs the most effective water treatment, and the second uses cartridge systems.

water filters barrier reviews

Accumulative water filters, reviews of which indicate their ease of use, purify the liquid when it naturally passes through the replaceable element. The disadvantage of the devices belonging to the second and third group is the need for a certain pressure in the water supply system, which in some cases should be very significant.

“Barrier” water filters manufactured by METTEM-Technologii CJSC, reviews of which indicate their convenience and efficiency of use, are portable type jugs. Currently, the manufacturer has begun the production of devices mounted under the sink. The purpose of the Barrier filters is the post-treatment of water obtained through the water supply network. These devices are effective in removing active chlorine, organochlorine and organic compounds, petroleum products, pesticides, as well as petroleum products and other harmful elements. In addition, devices such as "Barrier" help to eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste of water and odors.

water filters aquaphor reviews

Water filters "Aquaphor", user reviews indicate their ability to quickly and efficiently remove harmful elements, purchased for use at home. In this case, the complete set of the device is directly dependent on the degree of rigidity and contamination of the liquid being cleaned.

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