Pregnancy is coming to an end. The long-awaited baby will be born soon. I would like all things to be prepared for his birth. This is not just a whim of pregnant women! Immediately after childbirth, when the baby requires around-the-clock care and feeding, there will be no time for shopping. Therefore, most families prepare for replenishment in advance. What does a newborn need for the first time? The child will need clothes, hygiene items, certain conditions in the apartment - it is also worth thinking about furniture. If this is the first child in the family, it may be difficult for parents to immediately figure out what they need. What things does a newborn need at first? The advice of relatives and friends comes to the rescue and, of course, our article. Despite the fact that the information is contradictory, the list of the most necessary will approximately coincide.
Necessary things
Mom may be worried about the question: how many diapers does a newborn need for the first time? How many blouses and hats does he need? A kid may need a large number of clothing changes. After all, it is important that everything clean is touched on his delicate skin, but things will often get dirty. The baby still does not know how to control its physiological processes. How much newborn clothes do you need for the first time? You need to think about this in advance. You can offer such an approximate list of things for newborns for the first time:
- cotton diapers - 8-10 pieces;
- warm flannel diapers - 4-6 pieces;
- light cotton vests - 5-6 pieces;
- warmer flared undershirts - 5-6 pieces;
- warm blouses - 2-3 pieces;
- bonnets with seams out or thin caps - 2-3 pieces;
- sliders - 6-7 pieces;
- booties or socks - 2-3 pairs, and if the baby is "winter", then those that are knitted from soft yarn are suitable, they are worn over the lungs - 1-2 pairs;
- disposable diapers (for newborns) - 15-20 pieces, or gauze - 10-15 pieces;
- anti-scratches - special “mittens” that save the baby from his nails, with which the baby still can not cope - 1 pair.
Season matters
Depending on the time of year, the set of things will vary. What do newborns need for the first time in winter? A baby is put on a diaper for discharge, and a body or a slip with sliders is put on it. If the street is cold, you need to wear a blouse and socks. You will also need two hats - thin, and on top of it - warm, knitted. Then they put on overalls on the baby, wrap it in a blanket and bandage it with a ribbon. As you can see, for the first time a baby goes out into the street, many things will be required at once. The blanket should be warm, it will require warm vests and diapers, but it is also better to have light ones in stock.
What is needed for the first time a newborn in the summer? You should focus on the same list, but understand that you will certainly need a light blanket, cotton vests and diapers. And the child will leave the hospital in a much less impressive set of clothes. There are two options for attire for the first "publication". If you want to swaddle a baby, you will need a diaper, a lightweight bonnet and a thin knitted blanket. In stock should be another diaper and two diapers. If you decide that nothing hinders the baby’s movements, a diaper and a hat will also come in handy, as well as socks and a one-piece suit or vest with sliders. Just in case, grab a light jumpsuit - in summer the heat is far from always worth it. But to wrap a child is not worth it. His body can not cope with overheating.
Why wash new things?
Most modern families usually have a washing machine. But still it’s worth mentioning it once again. If you still do not have it, then it is better to buy this important electrical appliance before the baby is born. She will save a lot of time for a busy mom. It is also necessary to wash completely new things - it is not known under what conditions they were stored in a warehouse or with friends who gave them away. Before washing, it is important to remove food debris or bowel movements under running water. No need to wash individual stains. If to wash, so wash completely. The immunity of the child is only being formed. He has yet to crawl on the floor and take everything in his mouth, which sometimes terrifies adults, but is a normal process of forming the immune system. But while the baby needs cleanliness. What things does a newborn need at first? Of course, clean!
How and what to wash
If you choose to wash things with your hands, then use baby soap. Household is also permissible. It is not suitable for washing a child, because it irritates the skin, but they can wash things. The main thing is to rinse thoroughly with water so that there is no unpleasant odor. And when washing in a washing machine, you need to carefully consider the choice of powder. A suitable product will be labeled “for newborns” or “0+”. Also study the composition. Of course, most of the chemical terms will seem like a Chinese letter to you, and if you are not a chemist, they will not provide useful information. In fact, it’s enough to remember a few points. The powder for newborns should not contain: phosphate additives that destroy the protective barrier of the skin; chlorine, it dries the skin and can cause irritation; optical brighteners - this is generally an insidious trick of manufacturers, because whiteness is created not due to perfect purity, but due to particles remaining on the fabric. Of course, the skin of the child does not need to touch them at all.
Government Gifts
Since 2018 in Moscow, all newborns receive a whole set of things. The government will give what the newborn needs for the first time. The list is currently known, and you can familiarize yourself with it:
- box-box - 1 piece;
- mattress - 1 piece;
- a sheet with an elastic band - 1 piece;
- bike blanket 100 x 118 - 1 piece;
- bike diaper - 3 pieces;
- demi-season overalls - 1 piece;
- bathing towel with mittens - 1 set;
- short sliders - 1 piece in each size: 56, 62, 68-80;
- body with short sleeves - in sizes 62 and 68-80, 1 piece each;
- jumpsuit-slip - 1 piece in each size: 56, 62, 68-80;
- body with long sleeves - 1 piece in each size: 56, 62, 68-80;
- hat with ties in sizes 56 and 62–68 - 1 each;
- hat without ties for 6–9 months. - 1 piece;
- bib with ties - 1 piece;
- mittens-scratches - 1 pair;
- booties - 1 pair;
- oilcloth - 2 pieces;
- dummy - 1 piece;
- scissors - 1 piece;
- teether - 1 piece;
- rattle - 1 piece;
- a bottle of 125-150 ml - 1 piece;
- set "Comb and brush" - 1 set;
- diapers - 1 pack;
- brochure - 2 pieces;
- chintz diaper - 2 pieces;
- transformer jumpsuit - 1 piece;
- diaper rash cream (125 ml) - 1 piece;
- baby powder (100 g) - 1 piece.
Bathing kit
The following is needed:
- bath gel (250 ml) - 1 piece;
- shampoo for babies (250 ml) - 1 piece;
- wet baby wipes - 1 package;
- baby cotton pads - 1 pack;
- cotton buds with a limiter - 1 package;
- children's body thermometer with indicator - 1 piece;
- thermometer for water without mercury - 1 piece.
An impressive set! Of course, this will not succeed; it is better to foresee and purchase everything necessary. Nevertheless, such a gift will delight mothers much more than a brochure for caring for a baby and a few samplers. Clothing models for this gift were developed taking into account the experience of mothers with many children. For example, what kind of clothes a newborn needs for the first time, what seams and fasteners are more comfortable for the baby’s skin and more convenient for the mother.
Furniture for baby
But to dwell on this early. What does a newborn need for the first time besides clothes and hygiene items? The birth of a child must take care of the necessary furniture. When a new family member appears, he can be allocated a whole room. But not everyone has enough living space. Therefore, if there is no separate room, in the parents' bedroom you can highlight a corner where there will be a crib for the baby and a place in which children's things are stored. For this purpose, a changing table-chest of drawers with drawers at the bottom is well suited.
Box instead of bed
Of course, if you do not have time to prepare, nothing terrible will happen either. The newborn is still very small! In some countries, they give out a box for a baby as a gift. She completely replaces the crib, however, only the first couple of months. So, what are the main things a baby needs? This is a crib - even if you first use the box, an older child will still need it. Changing table and cabinet for things that, as already mentioned, can be combined, as well as a stroller and bath. The bathtub can be replaced by a stand for safe swimming. How many things a newborn needs at first! Of course, in difficult housing and financial conditions, you can get out and do less.
How to choose a crib
What criteria to consider when choosing? What a newborn baby needs for the first time - of course, safety! This means the absence of sharp corners and mechanisms in which you can stick your finger. Also, the coating by which the surface is treated should be as harmless as possible. After all, the baby will taste everything! The sides of cribs are most often made from rods. This provides good air ventilation and makes it possible even when lying to watch the outside world. The gap between the rods should not be more than 7-8 cm. The kid may want to stick his head in, and he will not be able to do this. It is very convenient if one side is removable. This will make it easier for mom to take care of the child in the future, and for the grown-up baby - getting into the crib. Otherwise, many children try to climb over the sides. By the way, when the baby begins to roll over, soft pads are needed to protect it from collision with the sides.
Alternatively, a cradle is suitable. It is made of soft material, moves on wheels and is designed so that it allows the child to rock motion. There is a rather original design, which is attached to the mother’s bed and continues it. In this case, you can sleep next to the baby and not be afraid to crush him, tossing and turning in a dream. But this place will last about 2-3 months. Then you still need a crib.
How to choose a bath
After healing the umbilical wound, the baby needs to be bought once a day. Cleanliness is important for his young body, and indeed, children usually like it. After all, for a whole 9 months the baby was swimming in the liquid! For him, this is a familiar and comfortable state. What does a newborn need for the first time? Baby bathtubs are small in size. This ensures safety, and even such a container is easier to keep clean and fill with herbal decoctions. Most often, baths are made of plastic. Some have an advanced form that helps mom cope alone with bathing the baby. From 2-3 months the baby can bathe in a regular bath, sitting on a special slide. You can’t leave the baby alone even in a tiny bath. But with the rubber ring you can. These circles exist for young swimmers who spend more time in water than hygiene requires.
Choose a stroller
What does a newborn need for the first time? Not only to sleep and take baths, but also to walk. Walking in the fresh air is necessary for the health of the child. They also need a stroller. When choosing it, you need to focus on convenience and safety. The model of the stroller will depend on the age of the child and his readiness to sit. There are cribs where the baby can only lie. They are suitable for babies up to six months. But there are strollers that can change shape. The stroller must be well ventilated. The choice of fabric depends on the season. In summer, nets in some places of the stroller will be good, and in winter and autumn - a dense water-repellent fabric, as well as a valve to protect against wind and rain. It is important to pay attention to the wheels. First, measure the walkways in your house, the width of the elevator door and apartment. The distance between the wheels should allow passage in the door. Secondly, the material of the wheels will depend on the conditions and season. On dry and clean paths, you can move on plastic wheels, and in winter and rubber slush fit.
Sling - modern, but traditional
An alternative to a stroller can be a sling. Its huge plus is that bodily contact with mother is very important for a child. Many peoples who have preserved ancient traditions carry children with them. True, you need to know that you can not carry a child on yourself after a cesarean section or with diseases of the spine.