Dear parents, remember the first "portraits" that your children proudly displayed? Nothing similar to a real object, but the kid proudly declared: "It's Me!" Such masterpieces must be praised, no matter what. Invest in a family album, hang on the wall, encouraging the child to further exploits. But as the young artist grows and develops, the question arises of how to teach a child how to draw children so that it is clear who is depicted.
At what age should I start classes?
There is no strict framework, starting from six months, you can offer your child thick markers and paper. But it’s worthwhile to understand right away: between the ages of one and three years old, there is still no question of focused exercises with a specific plan and a fixed duration. Leave pencils and paper in sight, try to draw for your baby, for sure it will interest him.
Even a two-year-old baby is not yet able to portray a holistic, clear picture. This is still abstract images, spots and dashes. They perform an important function - they prepare a hand for writing. Usually, the drawing process does not drag out longer than 5 minutes, be prepared for this and do not insist. After three years, you can begin short training sessions, as it will not work to teach a child how to draw children without preparation.
Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - what to buy?
The variety of office supplies today is simply amazing. After three years, the child already has well-developed motor skills to hold a pencil and a brush, to draw a contour. He is familiar with the primary colors. It’s best to buy a little of everything: pencils and gouache, watercolors and wax crayons. And do not rush to buy expensive sets with many shades. Six colors are more than enough.
Preliminary classes are best started with a rainbow experience. Give time to make friends with each magic color. For example, the first day is an acquaintance with red. Take gouache, pencil, colored paper (pink, burgundy, scarlet). Draw a sunset, a beautiful fly agaric, make a volumetric path. Using your fingers, paint large poppies with paint, try to feel this color with your child. Such work arouses interest in future creativity, drawing lessons no longer seem boring, because they open such an amazing world.
How to turn an activity into an adventure
First of all, forget about the schemes. Usually, if an adult thinks about how to teach a child how to draw children, he starts from his own stamps: you need a circle, an oval, dashes and dots, as well as a triangular skirt and hair on top - and the tips begin. Take the child’s hand with your hand and show him how to. Ask a ready-made program, a scheme - this does not mean teaching to create.
Visibility, of course, is needed, but it is better to use small plastic figures of men. Let the kid portray his world, and then you populate in it small residents who are waiting for unforgettable adventures. Next time, the child will try to capture them on paper independently, even if they are represented by multi-colored squiggles. Do not forget to praise the baby and carefully store his works.
We continue to create
Your child is three years old, but the world depicted on paper is still the same daub. The only cardinal difference is a great interest in circles. It is at this age that the pattern can be a whole ball of repeating circles in the form of a spiral or crawling onto each other. Drawing a circle, the child comes to the fact that he looks like a head, and begins to supplement it with various details. From this moment, the topic of man becomes the most relevant.
According to the opinion of psychologists studying the periodization of the child’s development, up to 4 years he will draw “cephalopods,” that is, a circle depicting the head and trunk immediately, with a certain number of branches. This is a normal drawing of a man (himself, a peer, another child) for this particular age.
Adults often rush natural processes. Parents who are wondering how to teach a child how to draw children can slip a ready-made pattern long before the time comes. Is it good or bad? It accustoms you to live according to ready-made patterns and kills a creative streak.
The best way to teach a child to draw from 3 years old is to provide him with constant access to plasticine, paints and pencils. Moreover, the choice of materials should be up to the child. The second point is attentiveness and sensitivity, you need to be able to praise and support, stay close and participate in the creation of the next masterpiece. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, the main thing is a positive attitude and pleasure from the activities performed. And the third rule - more consider books with pictures with your child so that he has his own image of a person formed.
Paint paintings
A whole world is revealed here, bright and mysterious, but if up to three years the baby is allowed to just try and look at the result, then after three there are already some rules that the child must take into account. Each paint should have its own brush, and it is impossible to go into someone else's "house". If you draw with your fingers, then each of them is responsible for one color that appears on paper. Mastering these rules takes time, and in return makes it possible to use expensive gouache for a long time. The sooner you started such classes, the more fun they will be afterwards, when some experience has accumulated.
The question of how to teach a child to paint is rather addressed to parental desire and patience. But remember that no one will be able to immediately draw a picture. Start small, for example, with dots to depict apples on a finished tree. Then you can connect the second color - with one finger, with one paint draw a bush, with the other - add a berry. Gradually complicate the task, offer to colorize the picture, consisting of a large number of details.
Remember the tale of Dunno? It is in paints that you can try to create an illustration depicting little men among large plants and flowers.
The child is a year older
Is your son or daughter already 4? This is an age when horizons are expanding incredibly, a small person compares, analyzes and reaches for knowledge. The way the image changes, now that the child draws children, he uses a primitive scheme, independently developed or prompted by adults.
It is already possible and necessary to explain that a man has not only a head and arms, but also a body. Pay attention to the baby on his own reflection in the mirror. This will quickly find expression in the figure, but the smoothness of the lines is not yet possible. All individual details: arms, legs, head - are depicted glued to each other. There are also broken forms (a square body that is smaller than the head), but this is the age norm.
In the world of colors, not only a person lives, but also a whole world of different images. Do not know how to teach a child to draw at 4 years old? Show him an example, start drawing with him. The process of creativity on one big whatman is fascinating. Offer to create a picture that does not contain images, but consists only of different colors, children love to mix shades and watch how the borders between them are erased. Pay his attention to the beauty of the world.
Mother father me
At this age, often children want to portray themselves and their family. You think how to teach the child to draw a person? There is nothing simpler - give him armaments of geometric shapes. First, cut out of paper, so that a picture can be made of them, then the child can try to circle them, and after that create his own person, with smoother lines. The older the baby becomes, the better it will turn out.
Preschool child
If so far you have not tried to draw, then it's time to start. Starting from the age of five, the child is already able to feel the vertical and horizontal, so the person turns out to be even, and not falling to the sides. The kid will quickly learn the proportions of the human body, so you can accurately structure the picture.
Creativity is not limited to human drawing. Think what is interesting to children, and you will understand how to teach a child to draw. 5 years is not the age when you can give the first coloring that comes across, you need motivation. For example, after reading a fairy tale about a caterpillar, suggest drawing its adventures. A row of ovals with horns, a large circle - this is your traveler and her apple ready. And many squares - this is the city in which you live. Paint them dark and stick the foil windows, night has already come down, and the stars have risen. It is living, changing pictures that may interest children at this age.
To summarize
To teach a child to draw a person is easy, just do not forget about the periods of development and take into account the possibilities of the baby. Creativity must be alive, so use different techniques and materials: colors and textures (transparent watercolor or thick gouache), different surfaces, drawing on dry and wet, plain and corrugated paper, using your fingers, sponge, brush, cotton pad, feather or stick (in the case of applying the image to water). This will give each lesson an element of novelty.