The dream came true, and the long-awaited puppy appeared in the house. He is a cute clubfoot ball of wool, incredibly active, and his curious nose seems to be appearing everywhere at the same time. And here a lot of questions come up right away, one of which is: at what age can you walk with a puppy?
Why does the puppy need walks?
Before answering the question of how old one can walk with a puppy, it is necessary to explain: why does a puppy need walks?
Meanwhile, walks for the puppy are very important. Firstly, they are necessary for normal physical development. Secondly, for mental development and exploring the world. Thirdly, walks help the baby quickly adapt to the external environment, teach the correct behavior in street conditions.
In addition, the puppy through walks gets used to the owner faster and begins to understand him better. In addition, walking teaches the baby not to get dirty at home.
At what age can you start walking puppies?
Many new owners of puppies want to start taking their pets out for walks as soon as possible. And it is commendable. However, you still need to know about some important points.
At what age do they start walking with a puppy? The best time for walking is the time when the puppy is 3.5 months old. It is at this point that the full course of vaccination should be completed taking into account the quarantine period after vaccination.
However, if the street is a warm sunny day, and I really want to show the baby the world, then even at the age of 1.5-2 months, when not all vaccinations have been given, you can take the puppy out onto the street for a short time without letting go of it.
It is important to avoid contact of the baby with the surface of the earth, other animals and people. Even if the owner is in the arms of the owner, the puppy will receive the sunlight he needs, will stay in the air in a new environment and will get acquainted with unusual smells and sounds for him.
However, there is another opinion that determines at what age you can walk with a puppy. It is believed that you can begin to accustom kutis to walks when they are barely a month old. Each baby is endowed with colostral immunity from birth, which he acquires with colostrum and colostrum immunoglobulins.
At the same time, it is important to understand that the mother had to be properly vaccinated before the birth of the babies, and by the time of the birth she had developed immunity. If these conditions are met, then the baby's body is protected from any infection until about the age of 3 months.
However, if the owner does not have confidence in the good immunity of the mother, then it is better not to risk it, and until the puppy is fully vaccinated, you need to walk with him, not letting the baby go.
What vaccinations do puppies need?
Having found out at what age you can walk with a puppy, you need to decide on vaccinations, which must be given in accordance with the age of the small pet.
A week before vaccinating the puppy, it is necessary to deworm it, i.e., treat it against worms. Mostly veterinarians adhere to approximately the following schedule:
- At 1.5 - 2 months, the first Nobivac Pappi DHP + Lepto vaccination should be given against plague and parvovirus enteritis.
- Two weeks after the first, a second Nobivac DHPPi + RL vaccination is needed.
- The third is placed after the change of milk teeth to the permanent for 6-7 months Nobivac DHPPi + RL with the addition of rabies vaccination.
- Nobivac DHPPi + RL is given a year or 12 months after the third vaccination.
- Further annually throughout the life of the dog, the dog is inoculated with Nobivac DHPPi + RL.
It must be remembered that only a healthy, not weakened animal with timely deworming is vaccinated. It is important that after the first vaccination, the puppy cannot be walked, after the second and subsequent vaccinations, they walk after 10-14 days of quarantine.
How to walk a puppy without vaccination?
At what age can I walk with a puppy without vaccinations? Two-month-old puppies can be walked, but not allowed to lift objects from the ground and forbid contact with other people's dogs, especially homeless dogs.
It is good if the baby grows out of town, where he can run around the territory without fear to grab other people's feces. However, when keeping outside the city, the territory of the walking area should be freed from debris and carrion, as well as from traumatic objects.
You can already train a monthly puppy of large breeds on a leash and walk with him for longer distances, making sure that he does not grab anything from the ground.
At what age can you walk with a puppy without vaccination in the city? In the city, it is better to carry a two-month-old baby in his arms and let him go only in checked and safe places, without letting him go off the leash. A walk should not exceed one hour per day, provided the weather is warm. In uncomfortable conditions (rain, wind, cold), as soon as the puppy has relieved, he should be taken home.
Puppy walking rules
To prevent troubles from walking, there are several rules:
- in the early days, the walking route should not be changed so that the puppy can quickly get used to the street;
- do not feed the animal before a walk;
- the time spent on the street should be short, but you need to walk often so as not to overload the baby;
- Do not walk in bad weather;
- contact with adult foreign dogs should be minimal in order to prevent injuries and aggression from the adult dog.
A small puppy, like a small child, requires great responsibility, love, care and attention. Observing the recommendations of breeders and veterinarians, you can minimize the troubles that accompany the growing up of an animal, protecting it from injuries and diseases.