All Details: USB Debugging

Each user of a modern Android device at some point encounters discomfort when he needs to activate functions that are not available during normal operation. One such feature is USB debugging.

Instruction manual

For the procedure, we need an Android smartphone and a USB cable. Most often, Android USB debugging is used to obtain special root-rights of the device. Moreover, the first procedure is not particularly difficult, it is accessible to the ordinary user, and all actions are thought out by the manufacturer in advance.


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In some cases, the “For Developers” item may simply not be on the menu. Note that Google has a great sense of humor. So, go to "Settings", then - "System", select the item "About the tablet", after that you need to click on the item "Build number" about ten times.


Perhaps this will seem strange, since the item cannot be opened right away, but the developers have chosen just this way.

By the seventh to tenth click, the system will agree that you will become a developer for a while. If this happens in the "System" section, in the device settings menu, the "For Developers" link will appear. That's all. Follow the instructions above.

What is USB debugging for?

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Using this mode, when using the ADB utility, which is part of the Android SDK platform, you can get special superuser rights; easily copy the desired file or folder from your smartphone to a personal computer; restore the performance of a tablet or smartphone; flash gadget; Back up all applications Install Android app send the necessary file from a personal computer to a smartphone.

As for the rights of the so-called superuser, getting them is quite easy. The specialized Unlock Root program will help you. This solution is supported by devices based on Android 2.1 - 4.0.3. Download and install the specified application. Follow the instructions. If during the installation strange characters are displayed instead of the usual letters, do not pay attention - after completion, everything will be correct in the program interface.

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