Renal failure in cats: signs, symptoms and treatment

Renal failure is a serious pathology of the urinary system. It is accompanied by an inability to produce urine, and if left untreated, it leads to the development of other health problems. Today’s publication will examine the causes and signs of renal failure in cats.

Provocative factors

This disease can be due to several different causes. Most often, it occurs as a result of poisoning with stale food, poor-quality drugs and other substances. It can also develop against a background of viral diseases, polycystic or nephritis.

The cause of renal failure in cats is often the incorrect giving of anesthesia during surgery. The mechanism may be triggered by the so-called auto-toxicity, or poisoning by substances synthesized by your body. In addition, the appearance of this disease is associated with vascular pathologies and impaired urinary tract patency. But, according to the observations of veterinarians, most often the disease develops under the influence of not one, but several factors at once.

renal failure

Risk groups

Most often, cats begin to show signs of kidney failure after they are eight years old. In this case, natural age-related changes resulting from aging lead to the development of the disease. Therefore, owners of elderly pets need to carefully monitor the health of their four-legged wards.

But this does not mean that this pathology cannot be detected in young pets. Since another important factor that triggers the mechanism of the development of the disease is a hereditary predisposition. Therefore, before buying an animal, you need to carefully study its pedigree and find out if there were cats among its ancestors with signs of renal failure.

Among other things, specialists were able to learn about the existence of a relationship between the breed of the animal and its predisposition to this disease. According to studies and surveys, Persian, Angora and other long-haired cats are more likely to suffer from kidney failure. Also at risk were sterilized individuals and animals suffering from diabetes mellitus, not receiving adequate nutrition, or undergoing plague.

Existing forms

Veterinarians isolate acute and chronic renal failure in cats. Symptoms and treatment at home will depend on the form of the disease and how it is started. Acute renal failure has a more rapid onset and can be completely healed. In turn, it is divided into three types:

  • Prerenal, developing due to a sharp jump in pressure in the vessels of the kidneys caused by poisoning, infection, bleeding, sunstroke or pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Renal, occurring as a result of exposure to poisons, toxins or medications, and progressing against the background of inflammatory processes.
  • Postrenal, which appears due to obstruction of the urinary ducts caused by neoplasms in the pelvic organs.

Launched by chance, the acute form quickly develops into a chronic one. This is an irreversible process, accompanied by severe kidney damage. Over time, this body decreases in size and can no longer fully perform its functions. Therefore, cats with chronic renal failure, which veterinarian should tell how to treat, require special nutrition, a special regimen and drug therapy.

CRF development stages

Chronic renal failure is accompanied by an increase in blood creatinine. Depending on the amount of this nitrogen compound, specialists distinguish several stages of the development of this pathology.

The latent (latent) stage of chronic renal failure is almost asymptomatic. It can be identified by laboratory tests showing a slight increase in creatinine. As a rule, owners skip this step and do not turn to specialists.

The initial stage of chronic renal failure is accompanied by certain symptoms, which can be noticed by any attentive host. At this point, the cat begins to lose weight and appetite. She becomes lethargic and sleepy. The animal is periodically tormented by vomiting. This stage lasts several months and is detected using laboratory blood tests.

The conservative stage of chronic renal failure, accompanied by a sharp increase in creatinine levels and the loss of the main part of kidney function. The cat has severe dehydration, a significant decrease in hemoglobin and severe vomiting.

The terminal stage of chronic renal failure, ending in the death of the animal. At this stage, it is almost impossible to save a cat, since all existing treatment is ineffective. In this case, prolonging the life of a shaggy patient is possible only with the help of a kidney transplant. This stage is characterized by a critical increase in the level of urea and creatinine in the blood. In a sick cat, convulsive seizures begin. A tangible smell of acetone emanates from the animal’s mouth, and the kidneys practically cease to cope with their functions.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of this disease are quite non-specific. It may indicate the presence of other health problems. Therefore, in the event of certain suspicions, it is better to contact a specialist. He will conduct the necessary studies, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

x-ray photograph

At home, a cat with signs of renal failure can be recognized by changing behavior. An active and cheerful animal suddenly turns into an apathetic, sleepy and sedentary creature. You should also be alerted if your shaggy ward began to give up his usual food and began to lose weight dramatically. Loss of appetite is often accompanied by repeated bouts of vomiting that do not bring relief.

The main signs of kidney failure in cats include increased thirst, abdominal pain, diarrhea, urinary retention, and a change in the color and amount of urine. In some individuals, sudden convulsive attacks are noted, leading to loss of consciousness. An unpleasant odor may emanate from the oral cavity of a fluffy patient. The appearance of one or more of the above symptoms should be an occasion to contact a veterinarian.

Diagnostic Methods

A cat with signs of renal failure should be examined by a specialist. After collecting an anamnesis, he can prescribe several additional studies, the results of which will make it possible to make the correct diagnosis. To determine the presence of toxins in the body of the animal, blood and urine should be taken from him. Based on these analyzes, you can not only determine the stage of the disease, but also calculate the concentrating function of the kidneys. Knowing the coefficient of CFP will help to find out how the disease is started and whether there is a real threat to the life of a shaggy patient.

how to treat kidney failure in cats

In addition, to clarify the diagnosis and make a prognosis, a cat with signs of renal failure can be sent for an ultrasound scan. This simple procedure will allow the veterinarian to determine which disease caused the pathology. To confirm or exclude the presence of stones in the urinary tract, the animal is prescribed an x-ray with contrast. The results of all these studies will allow the veterinarian not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to prescribe adequate treatment.


How to treat a cat with acute renal failure depends on how much the disease is started. Immediately after going to the clinic, the animal is given first aid. As a rule, it consists in the placement of a special catheter to help empty the bladder. To normalize the water-salt balance, the hairy patient is given intravenous special solutions that eliminate acid-base disturbances.

As for medicines, they are prescribed individually, based on the results of laboratory tests and personal examination of cats with signs of the disease. Renal failure, proceeding in an acute form, is accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, the animal must be prescribed analgesics whether novocaine blockade. Antispasmodics are prescribed to four-legged patients to reduce blood pressure and improve renal vascular patency. When infection is detected, cats are additionally given antibiotics. And vomiting attacks stop “Tserukalom”.

cats renal failure signs of disease

When chronic renal failure is detected that cannot be fully cured, maintenance therapy is performed. The complex of palliative measures includes conservative methods of treatment and a special diet. But the basis of maintenance therapy, which improves the prognosis for cats with renal failure occurring in a chronic form, is infusion infusion aimed at restoring the balance of electrolytes and reducing intoxication. In the last stages of the disease, the animals undergo a hemodialysis procedure. And in special cases, veterinarians recommend a kidney transplant operation. However, this is a very complex and quite expensive method of treatment, practiced in a limited number of clinics. It is shown exclusively to young cats and significantly prolongs their life.

Unconventional methods

For the treatment of cats in which chronic renal failure is detected, homeopathy is often used. But such methods have a number of contraindications. Therefore, before using them, you should always consult a veterinarian.

As an additional means aimed at combating this ailment, decoctions of birch buds, oats, rose hips, flax seeds and burdock root have proven themselves well. Pomegranate juice, linden tea with honey, tincture of Echinacea, bee venom, eel serum and herbal collection from St. John's wort, chamomile, oregano and lemon balm are considered equally effective.


Sick animals are recommended a special diet, including foods with a low content of protein and phosphorus. This diet reduces the burden on the kidneys and helps the cat recover more quickly. The energy value of the daily diet of the four-legged patient should be no more than 70-80 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. At the same time, it is important to ensure that offal, poultry fillet, natural yogurt, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, vegetable purees and cereal cereals are present on the cat's menu.

causes and signs of renal failure in cats

Especially for those who are not sure that they can provide their sick cat with proper nutrition, high-calorie industrial feeds have been developed. They take into account all the features of the body of such animals and contain a lot of water, calcium and bicarbonates. They have very little sodium, phosphorus and protein, but there is a sufficient amount of all vital vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it is extremely important to provide the animal with unhindered access to clean drinking water.

Consequences and forecast

In cats with renal failure, very little urine is produced, which leads to intoxication of the whole organism. In addition, this pathology is fraught with other, more serious consequences. It leads to inability to assimilate beneficial substances, disruption of acid-base and water-salt balance. All this worsens an already weakened health and may result in a malfunction of the endocrine system.

symptoms of renal failure and home treatment

However, not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Timely prescribed therapy leads to a complete elimination of acute renal failure. But the chronic form is practically not treatable. In this case, all the recommendations of veterinarians are aimed at stabilizing the general condition of the body and relieving severe symptoms.


In order to prevent cats from showing signs of kidney failure, their owners will have to follow a few simple recommendations. They need to monitor the safety of their shaggy wards and do everything to prevent accidental injuries. Also, in order to avoid the development of kidney pathology, it is important to timely treat your animal for various infections.

causes of kidney failure in cats

We can not allow the cat to regularly overeat and gain weight, because obesity is considered one of the main factors that provoke the onset of chronic renal failure. Animals suffering from urolithiasis or diabetes should be shown to a veterinarian periodically.

It is desirable to feed cats with high-quality industrial food or fresh dietary meat with a low fat content. Experts recommend limiting fish intake. Because it has too much phosphorus. For general body strengthening, cats can be given vitamin-mineral complexes from time to time.

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