CSS: font color, styles, background, size

Programming is like a mirror: at the beginning there was a word, but not the answer was reflected. And very quickly I had to “change”: first the mirror, then the word ... At the given time, cascading style sheets are good, but why did the developer’s consciousness go for so long? CSS is still the same array of times since the beginning of the era of computer programs, but only from a different angle. Even when arrays became associative, this did not produce a revolution.

CSS font color

A site page is an HTML markup tag that can be assigned a specific style class or style identifier. The first can be determined once and attributed to anything as many times as needed, the second belongs to a specific element.

General style description logic

, CSS-, style. JavaScript. , , , CSS , , , . , , : , , , !important. , , .

Font color

, , font color , . , . ?

, font color – . , ... , . , .

: CSS color , :

#Ele1, #Ele2, #Ele3 {

POSITION: absolute;

left : 20px;

top : 14px;

color: red;


#Ele2, #Ele3 {

left : 90px; // CSS

color: yellow; // CSS


#Ele3 {

top : 114px; // CSS

color: green; // CSS

background-color: lightgrey; // CSS , #Ele1 #Ele2; , #Ele2 ,


, - , , color, left top, .

CSS: – , – , :

  • CSS – groundColor;
  • – size15;
  • – PlaceUp.

, , , , . .

: HTML, CSS , – .

. , , CSS, color , . «» . : * {color: white;} – , .

CSS color

, CSS, :

  • – , ".";
  • – "#";
  • – -

(, , , , . .) .

, , . - CSS , , .

* { left: 124px; }

ol ol, ol ul, ul ul, ul ol { margin-bottom: 0; }

a img { border: 0; }

CSS . CSS . , , JavaScript, .

Change css font color

CSS – , link style. .

CSS, . , , . – CSS, HTML, PHP JavaScript.

- – , . CSS , , ( PHP , , , ), , , .

JavaScript-, , – . . , CSS , (hidden) (visible).

Set font color in css



function scfWelcomeOver() {

document.getElementById('scDocxNamePiP').style.visibility = 'visible';



function scfWelcomeOut() {

document.getElementById('scDocxNamePiP').style.visibility = 'hidden';


CSS : , , , , . CSS , .

, , . . . .

CSS html font color

(P), (K), (S). P PHP Perl , K . S . K , , S+.

, : «, , , "", "", - ""». S , , «», «», «», «CSS/HTML» «».

. , . : K, S, P, .


, , – . -, – .

-, , : , , .

-, , . .

. – AJAX . . , , .



, , HTML, XML, CSS . .

CSS . JavaScript, « » , , PHP, , HTML .

, . . , HTML XML, . , .

, CSS – , - .

, . HTML- CSS-, , .

CSS text highlight color

– CSS – . , , . , , «» HTML CSS, , , .

, , , , .

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