How does the vagina change during pregnancy?

Today we will talk about how the vagina changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. In addition, the article will describe how to restore the previous dimensions of the genital organ and recognize the inflammatory process during pregnancy.

All expectant mothers are very carefully monitoring their health, which can easily be explained by concern for the well-being of the future crumbs. During pregnancy, a lot of changes occur in a woman’s body, but not all of them are pathologies requiring treatment. Discomfort in the lower back, abdomen and chest, which women experience in an interesting position, can speak of an adaptation period to a change in hormonal levels. That is, these feelings do not represent absolutely no danger to mom or child.

But it is worth noting that severe discomfort (pain, burning, itching, and so on) can be a sign of a disease that occurs in any female genital organ (the vagina also applies). A pregnant woman without any shame should describe her feelings to her gynecologist. This is necessary to identify the problem and its timely treatment.

Vagina during pregnancy

vagina during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the entire female body changes absolutely, and the vagina is no exception. In the early stages of pregnancy, these changes are not so striking, but over time, expectant mothers begin to pay attention to them.

The first thing to highlight is the transformation of internal and external genital organs, which is a normal process. Women should not panic about this matter and “comb through” a lot of forums where you can be very scared, which is not very useful in this situation. During pregnancy, the external genitalia become slightly swollen. Speaking correctly, it is hyperemic. They slightly increase in size, it seems that they are swollen and become more friable.

Less noticeable are internal changes. The vagina of a pregnant woman is longer and wider. Do not worry, the genitals will not always remain in this state. It's just that girls in an interesting position have a stronger blood supply to the uterus and other genital organs, thanks to which the walls of the vagina can be more stretched. This is all nature has provided for the process of childbirth to be easier.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that now the work of all body systems is aimed precisely at facilitating the birth process of a woman. For example, increased blood supply and changes taking place in the hormonal background are aimed at increasing tissue elasticity. This is necessary at the time of the birth of the baby, since the female body will do less harm. But after the birth of a child, with the normal functioning of the female body, everything gradually begins to return to its previous state.

We already noted the fact that the vagina during pregnancy becomes a little swollen and loose, but it is also worth noting that it acquires a slightly bluish tint. In some cases, varicose veins can be detected. Let's talk about this in more detail in the next section of the article.


So, why does a vagina become bluish during pregnancy? You will learn about this in this section of the article. We have already said that increased hydration and blood supply makes the vaginal mucosa swollen, loose and soft. It is also worth noting that during this period, the mucosa is more prone to ruptures, which are accompanied by heavy bleeding. There were cases when even minimal friction led to injury to the mucous membrane.

Please note that in women in an interesting position, the connective tissue and muscle elements of the vagina undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy. And as a result of increased blood supply to the genitals, you can notice increased impregnation of all layers of the woman's vagina. This leads to the fact that the walls become more elastic.

The blue color of the genitals is obtained as a result of venous stasis. The increase in the liquid part of the contents of the vagina contributes to the strengthening of the process of transudation. Deposition of glycogen in the squamous epithelium, which has many layers, occurs. All this is a comfortable condition for the reproduction of lactobacilli. These bacteria secrete lactic acid, supporting the acidic reaction of the pregnant woman's vagina. This is necessary in order to prevent the spread of ascending infection.

Now in more detail about varicose veins in pregnant women. Just note that there are a number of factors that adversely affect the hemodynamics of the pelvic organs:

  • number of births;
  • age;
  • working conditions.

Varicose veins of the vagina are very often combined with varicose veins of other genital organs. Most often it is:

  • pubis;
  • labia.

Treating this problem yourself is highly discouraged. As a rule, drug treatment of varicose veins is prescribed only by a phlebologist after the birth of a child.


vagina during pregnancy

All mothers are very worried about their baby, who will soon be born, and very carefully listen to the alarming signals of their body. This is especially true of pain in the vagina during pregnancy of a different nature and degree.

Some pain does not pose any danger to either mom or baby. But if they are intense and combined with other unpleasant symptoms (for example, itching, burning, unpleasant strong discharge, and so on), then it is urgent to notify your doctor.

Try to observe a little and identify the pattern - under what circumstances do you begin to be bothered by discomfort? For example, aching pains appear after performing any physical exertion. This will help to give the gynecologist a more accurate diagnosis and immediately take measures to eliminate this problem.

Causes of pain

A vagina can hurt during pregnancy for several reasons. Very often there are slight pain in the early stages of pregnancy, talking about the adaptation of the body to a new position. It is worth paying attention to the fact that these pains are not accompanied by any other unpleasant symptoms that extend to the genitals of a woman (including the vagina). The 37th week of pregnancy can also be exciting for the expectant mother, because now there may be pains that indicate preparation for the birth process. Also, short-term, slightly painful training fights are now noted.

But severe pain, accompanied by spasms and spotting, can indicate an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. In this case, it is urgent to call emergency care.

Other reasons:

  • infection (itching, burning, unpleasant discharge possible; often the following genital infections are observed in pregnant women - thrush, herpes, chlamydia, and so on);
  • sexual contact;
  • fears of the future mother (the cause of these pains is the experience and unbalanced psyche).

Stitching pains

Now we will talk in more detail about the causes of stitching pain in the vagina during pregnancy.

  1. Modification of the uterus. Tingling can occur at about 5 weeks, and sometimes a little later. At this point, the muscles that support the uterus are stretched. This is especially noticeable when sneezing or coughing. If these tingles are not strong and go away within 30 minutes - 1 hour, then the expectant mother does not have cause for concern.
  2. Profuse gas and constipation. These phenomena are quite common in pregnant women. All that needs to be done in this case is dietary adjustment. Exclude foods that cause gas and constipation. Include more fruits, berries and dairy products in your diet.
  3. Stitching and pulling pains of the vagina during pregnancy (in the later stages) may indicate the approach of childbirth. Now mother needs to calm down as much as possible, drive all fears and doubts out of her head, it is better to concentrate on the soon meeting with the long-awaited baby.
  4. Hypertonicity of the uterus can be manifested by stitching and pulling pains, accompanied by profuse discharge (including bloody). You need to urgently go to your doctor.

Drawing pains

If pulling pains are felt in the vagina during pregnancy, then this may indicate any problem with the genitals, for example, about:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • adnexitis;
  • uterine inflammation;
  • ovarian cyst.

If during pregnancy you feel pulling, but mild pain, and there are no secretions from the vagina, then you can tell your gynecologist about this. Perhaps he will prescribe an antispasmodic. But if we are talking about increasing cramping pains, then urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary, because this is a sign of the onset of childbirth, and if the time for the birth of the baby has not yet come - premature termination of pregnancy.

Cutting pain

Cutting pains in the vagina during pregnancy can be signs of complications or a normal occurrence in this position. It all depends on the intensity and accompanying symptoms. So, for example, cutting pain, which has an erratic and non-intense nature, may indicate the growth of the uterus and its muscle layer. Also, cutting pain can indicate the presence of a disease called cystitis. Then it is necessary to pass all the tests and undergo a course of antibacterial treatment.

In addition, pay attention to the selection. Cutting pain and spotting in early pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. At a later date, these symptoms may indicate placental abruption and premature birth.

Itching and burning

vagina after pregnancy

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy, as well as pain and burning, is not the norm. With these unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to urgently look for the cause and begin its treatment.

There are many reasons:

  • obstetric and gynecological (colpitis);
  • helminthic infestations;
  • diabetes;
  • wearing synthetic underwear;
  • an allergic reaction to medications;
  • food allergy;
  • mental disorders.

Treatment for itching and burning

vagina 37 week of pregnancy

The choice of treatment for these unpleasant symptoms depends on the cause. Now we will analyze each of them separately.

  1. Let's start with a mental disorder. If this is the cause of genital discomfort during pregnancy, then the doctor prescribes sedatives. For example, valerian or motherwort. Also, calcium and magnesium are not superfluous. Often used sedentary baths with decoctions of chamomile or sage.
  2. If the cause is common diseases that tend to worsen during pregnancy and have a more aggressive course, then it is necessary to treat them. Be sure to do this under the supervision of an appropriate specialist.
  3. Itching with an allergic reaction is treated with ointments made on the basis of glucocorticoids. These substances have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. In addition, a woman is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet, which necessarily excludes the contact of the future mother with an allergen.
  4. If the cause of itching is wearing synthetic underwear, then the only way to eliminate an unpleasant symptom is to purchase underwear made from natural fabrics. As a rule, expectant mothers prefer cotton panties.
  5. An infectious inflammatory process can also cause itching, burning and unpleasant discharge. To begin with, it is necessary to identify the pathogen, after which antibacterial treatment is prescribed.


why during pregnancy the vagina

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is a normal occurrence. But, despite this, it is necessary to monitor their quantity, color and smell. Some of them should be an occasion to immediately go to the hospital. Now we will talk about which discharge is the norm.

So, let's start with the fact that the vagina acts as a kind of channel to other organs of the woman’s reproductive system. The natural environment of the vagina is acidic, as it prevents the spread of bacteria. Allocations perform several functions:

  • natural lubrication;
  • genital tract cleansing;
  • preventing the development of infections.

If the acid balance is impaired, then the discharge changes the texture, smell and color.

There should not be many secretions, sometimes increased secretion (pregnancy, the postpartum period, sexual contact) is observed. But this is quite normal and is not cause for concern if they:

  • have no smell;
  • the consistency of the mucous membranes;
  • whitish or transparent in color;
  • not a source of irritation;
  • almost invisible on underwear.

Reasons for changing the consistency of secretions:

  • stress;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • sexual arousal;
  • malnutrition;
  • diabetes;
  • infection;
  • improperly selected means for intimate hygiene;
  • taking antibiotics.


vaginal discharge during pregnancy

As previously mentioned, it is necessary to monitor the consistency, color and smell of secretions. Deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of sexual infection. By what signs can it be recognized?

  1. Change the consistency, color, smell and amount of secretions.
  2. The presence of constant and rather abundant vaginal discharge.
  3. Irritation, itching, discomfort in the intimate area.
  4. Burning sensation during urination.
  5. Discharges with an admixture of blood.
  6. Highlighting a curdled consistency.
  7. The highlight color is yellow, gray, or green.

If you find at least one of the above symptoms in your home, you need an urgent consultation of a specialist.

During pregnancy, the discharge is more profuse, mucous, milky white or slightly yellowish. This is due to the action of progesterone. But these secretions are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and a strong odor. At a later date, abundant transparent discharge can be amniotic fluid. You must urgently tell your doctor about this. Bloody discharge can be a sign of a miscarriage and threaten the life and health of the mother and baby.

Vaginal recovery after childbirth

vaginal pain during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the vagina becomes slightly larger after pregnancy. Nature has thought everything through, over time, everything will return to its place. If you want to speed up this process, then pay attention to the Kegel exercises, which are quite common among women.

If the approach is conscientious, and the classes are regular, then the result will be 100%. Do not neglect this simple, free, but very effective method.

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