Dogs have digestive problems. A similar phenomenon can cause diarrhea. Inexperienced pet owners believe that it is not worth interfering, and the ailment will pass by itself. Of course, there is a small probability of such an outcome, but still the animal needs help. In this publication, we will talk about how to give the dog Smecta with diarrhea. The dosage will be prescribed for large and small breeds.
Purpose "Smecta"
The drug is a safe and harmless remedy. But even knowing this, many dog breeders think about whether it is possible to give the dog "Smecta" with diarrhea, because it is designed for humans, and the instructions do not indicate how and when it can be given to the animal. As practice has shown, the drug can not only be an adult pet, but also a puppy, this medicine definitely will not make it worse.
Smecta is an affordable and prevalent drug, and it is used to relieve diarrhea, heartburn and bloating, not only for people but also for animals. We will talk further about how to give Smect to a dog.
Drug action
The medicine has a powder form, the color of which is beige-brown. Smecta smells nice - sweet, with hints of vanilla. The drug is packaged in convenient bags for single use.
The tool has no side effects and contraindications, but individual intolerance can be attributed to the components of Smecta.
It is worth remembering how to give the Smecta to the dog: the powder must be diluted in water, because you can choke on the dry one, and the absorbability in diluted form will be much higher.
Diarrhea occurs due to the active work of the intestinal mucosa, which occurs to protect tissues from irritation and damage. The appearance of diarrhea indicates the presence of parasites, toxins, or a foreign object in the intestine that injures the tissue with mechanical stress.
The condition of a patient with dysbacteriosis is complicated, in which diarrhea intensifies under the influence of harmful bacteria, because the microflora is simply not able to withstand them without help.
Smecta has two main actions:
- removal from the body with urine of accumulated toxins, linking them;
- enveloping the walls of the intestine with a protective film that protects the tissue from further irritation.
Dog treatment for diarrhea
Before giving the dog Smecta, one important nuance should be taken into account: do not feed the pet during treatment. Food will enter the intestines and irritate it with renewed vigor. With diarrhea, it becomes inflamed and even a small amount of food will only harm, exacerbating the situation. Give your pet more water to prevent dehydration.
It is safe to treat a dog with “Smecta”, because it prevents one more problem - violation of peristalsis. If the causes of diarrhea are unknown, then this mechanism will be optimal.
They produce drugs that stimulate peristalsis, but they can’t be used at random, it’s better to use the safe “Smecta”.
Some with diarrhea in a dog give "Loperamide", but without the appointment of a veterinarian, this should not be done, because the drug simply stops peristalsis and does not treat diarrhea, which will aggravate the condition.
Also, you can not give "Smecta" immediately after the dog was given another drug for diarrhea, because "Smecta" is absorbent, can reduce the effectiveness of other drugs and treatment in general.
Is an overdose of Smecta possible?
The drug is given to animals not only for the treatment of diarrhea, but also for prevention. Not everyone knows how much “Smecta” to give the dog, so they often overdo it.
The only side effect with an overdose is constipation. If such a problem occurs, then you need to stop taking Smecta, or reduce the dosage by half. Do not panic, because now it is more important to stop the loss of fluid by the body, and this is possible only with the cessation of diarrhea.
If the dog’s constipation does not go away 8 hours after the last dose, you can give your pet a little bit of petroleum jelly.
Causes of Dog Diarrhea
The digestive tract in dogs is more sensitive than in humans. Some breeds are prone to indigestion, that is, diarrhea may appear for no reason.
But the causes of most cases of diarrhea are still factors such as:
- poor-quality or expired food;
- poisoning;
- binge eating;
- stress;
- a sharp change in diet;
- allergies and more.
Diarrhea is not only a sharp liquefaction of feces. Diarrhea indicates that the liver, intestines, kidneys, or pancreas are not working properly. If the cause of diarrhea was food poisoning, then not only the intestines, but also many other organs suffer.
Hidden pathology can also cause diarrhea in the animal.
If a person just brought a puppy from his mother to his house, then diarrhea will be normal. The kid suffered extreme stress, and this became the cause of the condition. To prevent re-occurrence of diarrhea in the puppy, it is necessary to observe its usual diet for at least 10 days after moving.
Is a doctor's appointment mandatory?
If the cause of diarrhea is overeating or taking products of poor quality, it is necessary to give the Smectu pet, even without a veterinarian. In this case, the intestines suffers from toxins.
If the owner is confident in the quality of the products that the dog ate, then it is better to consult a doctor, because the treatment of symptoms distorts the overall clinical picture, and thereby complicates the correct diagnosis.
If traces of blood are observed in the feces, then this indicates bleeding inside the intestine. In this situation, self-medication is strictly forbidden, immediately you need to take the dog to the doctor.
In case of poisoning, you can not stop the symptoms - vomiting, diarrhea, because this condition cleanses the body of toxins. Smecta will help to bind harmful substances and remove them faster, cover the intestinal mucosa with a membrane that will reduce irritation, the animal will feel much better.
Does Smecta always help?
If poison was the cause of poisoning (and this happens often, attackers deliberately scatter fragrant pieces on the street that attract animals, but cause severe poisoning), then Smecta will not help! Comprehensive care is vital for the pet, which includes taking an antidote and cleansing the blood.
To understand that poison has become the cause of poisoning is possible. Pay attention to the following symptoms:
- the dog refuses to drink, breathing heavily;
- body temperature becomes low;
- the mucous membranes turn pale.
With such symptoms, you need to get an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Drug dosage
The first question that worries the owner is how much “Smecta” to give the dog? With diarrhea, the dosage is simple and difficult to exceed:
- 3 grams of powder (whole bag) for large breeds;
- 2 grams (2/3 sachets) for a medium-sized dog;
- 1 gram (1/3 packet) - for the smallest breeds and puppies.
Only need to be bred with water. A suspension is prepared at the rate of 40 ml of liquid per 1 gram of powder. If the dog resists, then prepare a thicker solution. The taste and smell of the drug is sweet, but for unknown reasons, most dogs refuse to take such a medicine on their own.
To easily pour fluid into the dog’s mouth, you need to take a large syringe (without a needle!), Draw a drug into it and force it to be given to the pet.
The difficulty in taking the medicine lies in the fact that with a high degree of probability the dog will spit it back into its mouth. How to give the dog "Smect" so that most of the funds reach the destination? You need to act like this:
- Open the dog’s mouth, insert a syringe with a solution into it.
- Pour Smecta into the space between the tongue and the chewing teeth.
- Hold the dog's head so that it does not lower it down.
- Stimulate swallowing by stroking the neck and lower jaw.
The number of receptions per day
We talked about how to give Smect to a dog. A single dosage is understandable, but how much can you take the drug per day?
The first improvement will come about 3 hours after taking Smecta, and you can already give it again. The drug is harmless, it is recommended to drink the dog with the product 4-5 times a day.