Clipboard. What is it? How to open clipboard in Windows 10? Let's find out today! In this article, we will talk in more detail about the importance of the clipboard in the life of the operating system and talk about how to look into this zone, which we use so often. Fortunately, it is not so difficult to do this, as it seems at first glance, we just need to follow a few steps. This article will be of interest primarily to people who urgently need to find out the contents from the clipboard, well, or simply to inquisitive users who want to know everything about their operating system.
What is a clipboard?
In simple terms, this is a zone in which practically any information that can be copied is stored. For example, when you copy text, you save it in RAM, where the clipboard is located on the Windows 10 computer. There is a place under the clipboard in RAM that can be edited, but that's another story. When you paste this information from the clipboard, it does not disappear anywhere, so you can paste it again.
How to open clipboard in Windows 10
This is not so difficult to do. Let's look at two ways to resolve this situation and talk about each in more detail. For the first method, we do not need absolutely anything except hands and a keyboard, but for the second method we need third-party programs that have official sites, so it will be quite difficult to catch the virus.
In order to see the Windows 10 clipboard, we need to go into the system function called "Run." After that, we need to write the following in the field: clipbrd.exe. Thus, we can see what is on the clipboard, without making almost any effort. However, there is a problem. If you do not have this file, then the best option would be to move it from an older version of the operating system, or rather with Windows XP. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Download or move the clipbrd.exe file to any place on your computer.
2. Run our program and enjoy a working clipboard view.
Thus, we found out where the clipboard in Windows 10 "lives".
How to clear the clipboard
In order to just not torment yourself with unnecessary actions, we just need to copy some space that will replace all the information stored in the clipboard. Thus, we will get rid of unnecessary information that is flooding our RAM.
How to enter the clipboard in Windows 10 using programs
Everything is a little simpler here. To do this, you just need to download one of the programs presented below, install them and use as your soul desires.
List of clipboard management programs:
One of the most useful utilities, which not only allows you to open the clipboard in Windows 10, but also helps reduce your time, which you usually spend on re-copying the information you need. You can view the history of copying information and copy it first, which greatly reduces the time and does not have to worry about finding this information from the very beginning.
Although you can’t go to the Windows 10 clipboard with this utility, it’s very difficult to overestimate its usefulness. The fact is that the standard Windows file manager copies them very slowly, which is why this program exists that allows you to copy large text, a file or a photo faster than usual.
Although it does not allow you to open the clipboard in Windows 10. But this is the very program that everyone lacks. With it, you can not only synchronize notifications between multiple devices, but also make it so that the copied text on one device can be moved to another. This feature is very useful and convenient. Very often this is not enough.
CopyQ 3.7.1
A very convenient utility that allows you to control the copied text, HTML, images and many other formats that we copy so often. Of course, most of these programs memorize text, but we copy it most often, which makes these utilities very indispensable, although there is simply no sense in using them together. It remains to be noted that this software also runs on the Linux operating system, which sets it apart from the general background.
Copy contents
A small, but especially useful utility that allows you to copy the contents of any file without opening it, which saves a tremendous amount of time. For example, when you have a weak computer, and you need to quickly open the notebook, and it opens extremely slowly. What then to do? It is enough to simply download this utility, however, if you need to copy only part of a certain text, you still have to go into a text editor and copy it from there. In addition, it supports most types of images, so you certainly will not be offended. The obvious disadvantage of this program is that it will not be able to copy text from editors familiar to us, such as Microsoft Word, which is a problem for most users and an excuse for not downloading and installing this program.
What you should not do when downloading these programs
The first and most important thing, which certainly should not be done, is to download programs from sources that are unknown to you. Also, do not download programs that have the same functionality, because, in the end, you will use only one of them, and there will be more garbage on your computer.
And in the end
Now most people who have not heard about the clipboard or did not know how to open it, found out about this and can easily use this information. In this article, we also presented several programs that will facilitate your work with the clipboard and allow you to save a lot of time, making the work not only convenient, but also fast. We found out where the clipboard on your Windows 10 computer might be. If you still have any questions on this topic, practice a little, this is not a big deal.