Knitting a toy terrier: what should the owner know?

The knitting of a toy terrier is a responsible and really serious event, in which every little thing matters. Experienced dog breeders know that deliveries in small breeds are more difficult than in dogs of larger breeds (according to statistics, they are more protracted, complicated, with cesarean section, with the death of a puppy or several puppies, etc.).

Knitting toy terrier

I would like to say about caesarean section separately. When giving birth to dogs of such breeds as bulldogs (English, French) and toy terriers, a cesarean section is often required, which, in turn, sometimes leads to reciprocal problems, in particular to a pyometer (inflammation, which can end even with the removal of the uterus) . The need for a cesarean section is explained by relatively large fruits, and the puppies have large heads in these breeds, and this is another additional complicating factor.

Therefore, the mating of a toy terrier should be carefully thought out and planned in advance. And you need to take into account not only expert assessments of future parents, but also the quality of litters received from their relatives (or this couple), and individual characteristics. And sometimes it’s better to refuse knitting altogether. For example, a toy girl weighing less than 1900 g almost always gives birth very hard, therefore, the risk of losing a dog due to childbirth is extremely high. If you are the owner of a mini toychik, think before viscous - is the risk justified? After all, the percentage of successful, happy outcomes, alas, is very small.

Knitting dogs of toy terriers

So, the girl of the toy terrier for knitting should weigh more than 1900 g and have a good rating from an expert. The exterior of the dog can only be characterized perfectly (with a lower rating you can not knit).

Breeding dogs of toy terriers should always begin with preparation:

1. Search for a pair. Of course, in advance. You should consider several candidates and choose the most suitable. The owner of the bitch is obliged to think about a male-understudy, not inferior in characteristics to applicant No. 1. If suddenly the mating of a toy terrier breaks, you will have a backup option. The nominations will be considered by the head of your dog department, and only then you will receive permission (referral) for mating.

2. Agree with the owner of the dog to pay for the mating. Do it in advance. Be sure to fix the result of your agreement on paper, securing it with signatures.

3. Enlist the support of a professional who really knows what the mating of a toy terrier is (usually the owner of the dog provides the instructor, therefore discuss this issue in advance too).

Girl toy terrier for knitting

Not always the male covers the bitch immediately, so after 5 (maximum - 10) minutes the male is taken away for respite. Then they fail again. The male's excitement can be increased with a joyful tone, stroking, light approving pat. It is better to knit on the table, ideally - on the territory of the dog.

If the dog is not too experienced or even mates for the first time, in no case should not show disappointment. The dog feels discontent. It is, on the contrary, to praise the dog, and to praise actively, for each attempt. A skilled instructor can put a bitch on time so that the dog quickly gets into the loop.

It is necessary to ensure that the dogs, standing in the castle, do not try to tear it apart, otherwise the genitals (both males and females) may be injured. The behavior of dogs during mating is quite diverse: some grind their teeth, others tremble, others growl or whine. The position of the dogs during the castle is unimportant. Ideally, it is better to throw only one paw of a male dog without turning it around (some bitches respond to a U-turn quite painfully), and so both dogs will be able to stand on all paws.

The successful mating of toy terriers ends with the birth of charming puppies toychiki. Litters are almost always small: a bitch leads from one to three babies.

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