Child Injury Prevention

One of the main aspects of the struggle for children's health is injury prevention. The leading WHO medical experts analyzing the causes of death of children, it was found that at this time in civilized countries, children are more likely to die due to accidents than from any disease. A huge number of injuries can lead to rather serious consequences that result in disability, the occurrence of various functional disorders, all kinds of anatomical and cosmetic defects, which in the future will significantly affect the quality of life of the child.

Of course, the psychological characteristics of babies contribute to the occurrence of the main number of injuries: curiosity, extreme mobility, incredible emotionality, lack of life experience and, as a result, the almost complete absence of a sense of danger. But the extreme carelessness of adults also plays a role.

Speaking about a range of activities such as injury prevention, let's look at some of the most common injuries in children.

First of all, these are burns, including steam burns. Often burns leave significant scars, but their danger lies not only in this. Particularly dangerous is the attachment of a secondary infection, pain shock, which can be fatal.

Falling is the next most common cause of serious bruises, various bone fractures, and severe head injuries. As a rule, only the parents or other adults who are currently taking care of the baby are to blame for the falls of the babies. If this happened, you should immediately consult a doctor, even if there are no visible health problems. It is also necessary to ensure that the windows are always closed or taken up by bars (babies can fall by leaning on the mosquito net).

Wounds are no less common in children. If any injury occurs, you should immediately assess the severity of possible bleeding, stop it by applying a tourniquet (if the situation requires it), contact a medical institution. Dangerous is not only the loss of blood, but also the accession of infection.

Choking from small objects is characteristic mainly for younger children. Injury prevention in this case consists in the fact that children under a certain age should not be given food with small bones and hard pieces, and also pay attention to the presence of small parts in toys.

Consider the following type of injury - poisoning with household chemicals. Toxic substances, seemingly safe medicines, bleaches, aggressive acids and fuel, for example, kerosene, cannot be stored in colorful bottles and other food bottles. Kids love beautiful packaging and may mistakenly drink the contents. Keep these substances in places completely inaccessible to children.

Children may also be injured. Serious damage can be obtained by inserting fingers or other objects into electrical outlets. From children they must be covered with special caps.

In the summer, water injuries are quite common. Children can choke in less than one and a half minutes, even in a small amount of water, therefore they should in no case be left unattended in or near water. Prevention of water injuries is also included in the following activities. It is necessary to close wells, collected baths, large buckets of water with special or improvised means. Children need to be taught the rules of safe behavior on and near water.

Road traffic injuries deserve special attention. In this case, the prevention of injuries in children consists in observing the rules of the road. Parents must certainly know and always remember that as soon as the baby learns to walk, he must be taught the rules of behavior on the road.

Kids do not think about the danger when they are on the road, so you need to closely monitor them.

Accidents during cycling are a fairly common cause of death and injuries in older children. Such cases could be avoided in most cases by teaching their children how to use protective equipment (such as a helmet).

Prevention of childhood injuries primarily consists in the need for training on examples of adult behavior in similar situations. But despite all the measures taken, childhood injuries remain extremely common.

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